You know you’re a runner when…

By , August 9, 2013 3:31 pm

Geesh. I have had some heavy (maybe) posts this week. Let’s start the weekend with something fun. 


I love this card* Gina sent to me to wish me good luck on my exam a few weeks ago. I just can’t believe how true it is. These all apply to me, except #7! I have an iPhone, not an iPod (ha ha, small difference) and it has strength class playlists. I haven’t listened to music on a run since November! That still kind of blows my mind. I can’t believe I am able to stand the thoughts in my head on those long runs. 


How many on that list apply to you? What are your “you know you’re a runner when…” additions?

How about:

  • When scheduling summer run dates at 5:00 in the morning seems late
  • You only have one pair of shoes for work but a zillion running shoes
  • You’ve mastered the snot rocket
  • You daydream about running

Hmm, as I write this, it makes me think that this list might be misread by someone to whom these things do not apply! Hey! If you get out there and run, at any pace, for whatever amount, you ARE a runner, imho!

*Firstly, because it is ORANGE!

14 Responses to “You know you’re a runner when…”

  1. Meghan says:

    I love this list! I, too, have stopped listening to music when I run, with the exception of races. I love the daily runs where it’s just me and the lakefront:)

  2. Perfect! This is great. Oh man on the 5 am runs! I have so far avoided this most of this summer so far. But it is nice every once in a while.

  3. Kim says:

    This is awesome!

    You get excited about new GU flavors. You wear compression socks out in public.

  4. Anne says:

    You own a foam roller
    “Negative splits” is a regular part of your vocabulary
    You spend more money on running gear than regular clothes

    To Kim’s point, you wear any running gear out in public – sometimes I feel a little strange (and smelly!) if I go grocery shopping or something on my way home from a run. Totally doesn’t bother me if I’m with other runners though.

    I have not perfected my snot rockets (very much to my dismay and embarrassment) 🙁 Am I still a runner?

  5. Michele says:

    Yes! Those are awesome!

    I usually wear my running gear out in public. Nike shorts everyday! A few weeks back the hubby and I went out on a date, and he looked at my outfit, Nike running shorts and Nike shirt, and asked if I was gonna wear that. I changed, but I just put on jeans…I kept the shirt and running shoes on!

    I also mix my Nuun tablets to create my own flavors…yum!

  6. Losinglindy says:

    I have as many running shoes as work shoes..and I trot slowly..but I do get on the dreadmill!

  7. Love this!!! I’ve definitely accumulated into 3 dresser drawers (+ 2 underbed boxes) of workout clothes. Maybe it’s time for some spring cleaning!

  8. These all apply to me too!! And I’m burnt out on those super early morning meetups this week. Two 5:15 alarms made me unable to do it for a 3rd time this morning and now I’m left figure out when to run! Fun post. I definitely have more running outfits than normal outfits.

  9. Declan says:

    2 and 3 are more! and add- you know you are a runner when – you wish you ran a different route for your recovery runs so your normal running crew don’t think that is your normal speed!

  10. baaahahaha. i gladly haven’t had a black toenail in quite sometime, so i’d consider myself blessed i suppose.

    how about you know you’re a runner when…you have more gels, gus, chews, chomps, etc. than regular snacks in your house.

  11. Erin says:

    Number 8 is my favorite. I’ve definitely run more of Chicago than I’ve driven! And when I need to go somewhere I always think of how to get there in terms of how I would run there!

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