Training Week 209

By , October 20, 2013 11:19 am

Highlight of the Week: An easy, stress & pain-free long run that made me feel (more) confident about my upcoming marathon.


Monday | October 14, 2013: 4.1 m run (w/Adam) + teaching strength class
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 38°/39°, Time: 36:36, Pace: 8:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: cautious of the ankle/knee, but good!
Strength: Kettlebell & Step + Boxing, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Tuesday | October 15, 2013: 5 m run (w/Bobbi)
Loc: hood, Temp: 58°/58°, Time: 49:29, Pace: 9:54 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | October 16, 2013: rest
Thursday | October 17, 2013: 7.1 m run (5 miles w/Adam)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 48°/48°, Time: 1:04:53, Pace: 9:09 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, a bit of heartburn or something
Friday | October 18, 2013: teaching strength class + 5 m run
Strength: Kettlebell & Step + Boxing, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 48°/49°, Time: 44:22, Pace: 8:52, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Saturday | October 19, 2013: 2.5 m run (Efit Social Walk/Run)
Loc: Independence Grove, Temp: 39°/41°, Time: 24:40, Pace: 9:53 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: not in the mood
Sunday | October 20, 2013: 20 m run (incl. 11 w/Bobbi)
Loc: Around Grayslake, incl. Rollins Savanna & Millennium Trail, Temp: 37°/43°, Time: 3:24:52, Pace: 10:15 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: energetic


  • So, I seem to have conditioned my body to think it wants to go #2 during my morning run. Okay, okay. This is my own fault. I normally go awhile after I wake up, and if I wake up and just go run… what do I expect? It’s just sooooo annoying. To me. And probably the people I am running with, too!
  • UGH. Wednesday was my last day of furlough and taking it as a rest day made me soooo antsy, but my body needed it. I think Wednesdays will be my new rest days, anyway.
  • My last ankle roll (10/12) immediately caused a kinetic chain reaction of pain up to my left knee. So I really had to take it easy this week, and ice the knee and let it rest. I even went out for one run, ran a tenth of a mile, and stopped, since it was being so weird. UGH! STUPID ACORNS AND APPLES AND OTHER CRAP FALLING FROM TREES!!!! Ha ha. I was super happy that my run on Sunday felt great. 
  •  I passed last year’s running mileage this week. Woo hoo! Where are you at with your yearly goals?

13 Responses to “Training Week 209”

  1. Losinglindy says:

    I always have to go #2 in the morning, so on mornings of a race, I get up super early and make it happen before I leave.

    • kilax says:

      Maybe that will work for me since I will be up early to drive to the race. Typically I get up at 4:15 and run at 4:45, and I just don’t want to wake up any earlier, lol.

  2. I can commiserate with the #2 woes. Nice job with the yearly mileage! I set an unrealistic goal and am not going to reach mine this year. I am 100% ok with that though since my focus has slowly been changing the last couple of months. Will your coupon code for the Wisconsin Marathon last a while? I want to run the full but can’t commit until closer to race day.

    • kilax says:

      That is good that your focus has changed and you realize it’s unrealistic! Nothing wrong with altering goals throughout the year 🙂

      Yeah, the code is good until registration closes! 🙂

  3. Michelle says:

    GREAT miles this week! I am a little, ok, a lot behind due to injury but I’ll keep Movin’ regardless! <3

  4. Mica says:

    Ha, yearly goals? What yearly goals?!? I’m just waiting for 2013 to end so I can make up some goals for 2014. Are you going to make some new ones for the rest of this year or just go easy ’til the end?

    Also, I’m in such a temperature bubble here! I’m surprised some of your runs were so chilly!!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. I don’t have any yearly goals, either. Well. That is not true. I wanted to pass last year’s mileage, come in first in my ag at my local 5K (didn’t happen) and do well on the relay team in NYC. I will mostly take it easy the rest of the year. The marathon will be a PR effort and I might try to PR in a 10K.

      OMG I LOVE the cold weather! LOVE IT! The high is only in the 40s today!!!

  5. Great job on beating 2012 mileage! You are a beast (and a beauty).

    For my early a.m. runs, I get up and sit on the toilet until it happens. I do not get dressed or drink my water or even think about exercise until then. It’s why I can’t run 8 miles by 6:30 a.m.

    I love your use of the kinetic chain and hate those dang fall fallers. I was riding my bike yesterday and was dodging walnuts and crap, which was not cools since I’m not used to riding a road bike.

    Question: Do you plan to taper down weekday mileage for the marathon or just long runs or nothing?

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. Thanks!

      Ahh! I wished that worked for me! I know some people sit on the toilet until it happens, but I have to wait until my body tells me it has to go, then I rush to the bathroom … whether I am running, or not! 😉

      I have been meaning to ask you if you’ve been out on the road bike! Do you love it!

      My weekday mileage will go down, now that I am back to work. I probably won’t do anything over 10 during the week – probably more like 5s. I plan another 20 on Friday, then running a little less until the race. No real plan though! LOL. What is your plan?

      • I do like my road bike! I haven’t been out on it as much as I’d like … aka, only twice … but I’m enjoying it. I feel fast!

        I’m torn with following plan for last couple weeks or doing my own thing … so I’ll be doing whatever. I want to do another double this week and stay above 5 on weekday runs. Sunday will be 12 miles + a 5K with Girls on the Run.

        • kilax says:

          Yeah! I am happy you enjoy it! I feel so fast on mine too! Scary fast! Scary FUN fast!

          Heh. Do your own thang, girl! The 5K sounds fun! Are you running as a coach, or whatever they call it? 🙂

  6. Erin says:

    Glad your long run went well! We need those good runs to keep us feeling confident.

    My body is conditioned to go to the bathroom after I eat. So, I don’t eat anything I’m fine. But as soon as I eat I have to go within an hour. Works out well on race mornings, though, because I usually eat at least an hour before race time.

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