
By , December 23, 2013 1:32 pm

A fashion blogger gave these to me, therefore… they are fashionable!


I had to order tights for someone from Kohl’s, therefore… I must order myself a pair, too! Anyone else buying themselves a holiday gift?


I am teaching a bonus strength class (after my regular class) tonight to accommodate classes not being held due to the holidays, therefore… I must have a rockin’ holiday playlist! And wear something festive to teach. 


There is snow all over the sidewalks here, therefore… I must run the same routes in the streets of my neighborhood over and over, and lose my mind due to the monotony of it. Sooooo booooooooooored. 


It’s a gift giving time of year, therefore…  I am getting a little overexcited about giving gifts to people. I am looking forward to Steven’s dad and brother arriving tomorrow!


Also, it’s a busy time of year, and I know I don’t do well if I have something going on every day, therefore… I have been scheduling downtime for me and Steven. And I kind of feel like an ass, but I need it. 

And! It’s the end of the calendar year, therefore… I am looking at my running mileage and wondering where it will end up, and feeling so happy with my 2013 running adventures!


Gina left here last Tuesday, therefore… I am missing her like CRAZY! Even more than normal! Ha ha. But feeling so happy that blogging has helped me make so many amazing, close friendships. 


It’s December, therefore… all posts are/will be mostly fluff. Ha! So true!


34 Responses to “Therefore…”

  1. J says:

    Great job on your 2013 mileage! You are rocking it!

  2. Xaarlin says:

    Yay I love fluff!

    Those tights are awesome! I need to find a kohls soon 🙂

    Yes to downtime. I’m happy I don’t live close to my family for that reason. We hang with some friends and keep it chill.

    I’m so excited for L and CB to open their prezzies! Bursting at the seams!!!!! And I can’t wait for you and Dates to open your prezzies too!! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      We don’t live close to family either (and their visit here will be super chill)! It’s actually all the friends I want to see that I am saying no to and pushing some things back so I am not busy every damn day. I am sad I have a pile of friend presents under my tree that won’t get opened until after Christmas. LOL.

      What did you get the boys?!

  3. Anne says:

    I’m so jealous of your downtime. My downtime for this whole week is today, being at work. Like, the hour between when I finished all my work for the year (YAY!) and when I leave to go shopping before I come to your awesome holiday-themed class.

    I’m glad the schweet new tights worked out! I’m totes going to buy the matching jacket later this week (waiting for the post-holiday sales, obvi).

    Hehe, I’m excited that my mileage is over 500. Because that’s pretty sweet for a part-time runner. But wow, impressive numbers this year! Thanks, gov’t shutdown 😉

    • kilax says:

      Geesh! You have something going on every day this week? When do you go back to work? I hope you find some downtime in there… somehow 😉 We have guests until Saturday afternoon, but they are pretty chill. And we have NOTHING on Sunday (downtime day).

      Yes! Which version of the jacket? It seemed there were a few with that design!

      That is great that you got over 500!!!!!! And yeah. You know what mine is all credited to 😉

  4. Valerie says:

    Hahaha Data looks good with those slippers- very cuddly! Clearly, you should take some outfit photos with those shoes- they are definitely a statement piece 🙂

    So sorry I didn’t run with you today…perhaps we can shoot for this Thursday or Friday during lunch (or whichever day is warmer?!)

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I totally will! 🙂 I have been wearing them non-stop!

      No worries about yesterday! Unfortunately I have guests this week and can’t escape. LOL. But maybe next week? When do you go back to work? And! I will let you know when we go see Anchorman 😉

  5. Amy says:

    Love the slippers AND the tights. Woot! I made David buy me some tights while we were shopping the other day. I get them on Christmas 🙂 All December posts are fluff?!! Ha! I have certainly been slacking on the blog front lately. It kind of makes me sad, but I know it will pick back up again soon!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, what kind of tights did you get?

      All of my December posts have been fluff. 😉 They seem to be either running or Christmas related. LOL. And every idea I come up with fits in to one of those categories. I start posting more again in Jan, too 🙂

      • Amy says:

        I just had to quote you in my post today because this is so incredibly true 🙂

        I got black Under Armour tights with bright blue highlights. I think he got me a blue shirt to wear as well. All of my winter running gear is either black or blue so that is cool. Gone are the days of plain black running tights, I think!

  6. Losing Lindy says:

    I completely ordered some things for Santa to deliver

  7. I feel your pain on the subdivision loops… I was supposed to do 9 miles over the weekend for my long run and was like, nope, too icy, too boring for quarter mile loops. Winter sucks sometimes.

    • kilax says:

      Exactly! I think the only thing that helps is running with friends! And most of the time when I run, my husband has the car so I am stuck here, by myself. LOL. We’ll keep going 😉

      How is marathon training going? 🙂

  8. Mica says:

    I was thinking about buying myself an Irish tin whistle and various other hobby-related items. I stopped myself though. Christmas makes me hobby-crazy!

    I want to put my feet in your slippers. Is that weird?

  9. Lauren says:

    Fluff is appreciated! Happy holidays!

  10. Kristina says:

    Wow – pretty impressive numbers for running! Enjoy the season and the fluff!

  11. So impressed with your mileage this year. You should sign up for a challenge to run 2,014 miles next year. Information is at:

    • kilax says:

      Thanks. I doubt I will get to that number next year – the only reason I was able to this year is because I had a bunch of free time during the government shutdown and ran most days. lol

  12. Hehe, you’re so right- fluff this month is right!

  13. Amy says:

    You scheduled downtime for yourself…therefore you are very wise!

    Wishing you and your family very happy holidays and all the best in 2014 – can’t wait to see what you get up to next year!

  14. Linda says:

    Cute slippers and love the tights . Awesome mileage – wow!!!!!!

  15. Declan says:

    Impressive yearly miles!!! like super impressive!! Warrior!!
    I hate running a small route to get bigger miles. I’m afraid of having to do that in Michigan this week if the roads aren’t cleared.
    Downtime? Just rephrase it to…team building exercise (so it is still healthy sounding)

  16. Maggie says:

    I’m terrible about buying myself stuff while Christmas shopping.

  17. Meghan says:

    Your mileage is insanely awesome! Congrats, lady! Any tips on winter running, btw? I don’t own any fancy YakTrax, and will be running on mostly sidewalks, but now that I can run again, I am itching to get back!

    Hope you had a WONDERFUL holiday! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!!!

      Ooo! Tips! Sounds like you want tips on not slipping? Is running in the road NOT an option? I have yak trax, but find they only really grip in an inch or a few more of snow, and work like crapola on slick sheets of ice. My advice is actually to find some safe streets to run in, unless you get lucky and live around people who actually shovel their sidewalks?

      Other than that, winter is all about gear! My #1 tip is to get a neck gaiter that covers your neck (duh) and can also cover your mouth and nose. It makes running in the wind/cold SO much more bearable! I recently bought, um, 4 or so, so let me know if you need a rec!

      Hope you had a wonderful holiday too! 🙂 Hope Layla was spoiled silly. LOL!

  18. Haha! Yup on the fluffy posts! Hope you all had a great Christmas. I love giving gifts so much too! I was most excited to give my sister her gifts this year. I want her to start running, and she had asked for some lululemon running tights, so among other things I got her a pair of those.

  19. jan says:

    I love giving gifts,too. Sorry your friend had to go! Hopefully the time between now and the next visit passes quickly!

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