Training Week 219

By , December 29, 2013 11:53 am

Highlight of the Week: Um, managing to get some workouts in, despite being pathetically sick? Ha ha. 


Monday | December 23, 2013: 4 m run + teaching strength class x2
Loc: hood, Temp: 18°/15°, Time: 38:33, Pace: 9:38 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: barfy (from having cereal for breakfast)
Strength: Plates and One Dumbbell Mixed Mode, Difficulty: easy, Felt: festive
Tuesday | December 24, 2013: rest 
Wednesday | December 25, 2013: sick
Thursday | December 26, 2013: sick
Friday | December 27, 2013: teaching strength class + 4.4 m run (w/Andrew, Bobbi & Kelly)
Strength: Plates and One Dumbbell Mixed Mode, Difficulty: easy, Felt: too hot!
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 21°/19°, Time: 48:35, Pace: 11:03, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good!
Saturday | December 28, 2013: sick
Sunday | December 29, 2013: sick


  • Note to self – when in doubt, run. I decided to take Tuesday as my rest day, since I woke up with a sore throat. Then I had a nasty cough and accompanying upset stomach Wednesday and Thursday… so I rested then too. I didn’t realize it until after my run on Friday am, but all that rest was making me CRANKY! The chest discomfort during the run was so worth it for how I felt after the run! And I am happy I did that run… because the cold got worse Saturday night and any more exercise for the week was out of the question. GAH!!!!! I hope I am better tomorrow. I have back-to-back classes to teach, again! And I should be training for the half marathon I have on February 2nd!
  • Monday’s nights classes were so fun. Well, for me. Ha ha. I wore a goofy Santa outfit and played some holiday tunes. I was feeling really festive!


  • Anne came to my second class on Monday night! She’s so supportive of me! For living so far away, she has come to a lot of classes this year!
  • My brother-in-law, Andrew, came with me to my 5:00 am class on Friday and ran after! Woo hoo! We signed Andrew up for the Wisconsin Half as part of his holiday gifts – it will be his third year running it! Who else is doing the Wisconsin Half or Full? Use coupon code KIMSCODE for $5 off! Prices go up on Janary 9! Full disclosure – I get a free entry to this race if 10 people use my code. Since I paid for my BIL to do this race… it kind of all evens out. Ha ha. 
  • The next training recap post will be mostly 2014 days! Woo hoo! Let’s hope that includes a long run and less coughing and sneezing!

Link to Training Week 218

8 Responses to “Training Week 219”

  1. Heather says:

    Eww sick 🙁 Feel better Kim!

    I think my husband is probably going to do the HM, he wanted to do it last year but we did the Cinco de Miler which I’m not doing this year. I just have to make sure it doesn’t conflict with the MM I Heart Momma 5k since I have a 2014 pass and I intend to not miss a race to make that cost effective (haha) but I think based on past years they’ll be about a week apart. I’ll make sure he uses your code!

    • kilax says:

      That is cool that you got the Muddy Monk pass! That will be a lot of fun! Thanks for using my code! 🙂

      • Heather says:

        It wasn’t my idea, lol! I had been eyeing it but decided with how sporadic running has been forced to be with the baby that it wasn’t a good idea. I guess my husband disagreed so he got it for me for Christmas – he said we’re going to spend the money on races anyway so it’s actually cheaper this way. He’s right, but the double down makes me a little nervous because I want to do the 20k..I don’t think I’d be satisfied with just the 10k! 🙂

  2. Anne says:

    That sucks you were sick all week! And for Christmas 🙁 Katy gave me the rule of still working out if my symptoms are from the neck up, so sore throat, head congestion, etc. So I would have felt bad about taking Tuesday off too. But next week is another week! 🙂

    And rawr, who is that sexy bearded lady in your class? I’m glad you guys offered classes this week, since my gym didn’t! And it’s always fun to work out with you!

  3. Bean says:

    Boo. No good for being sick. Hope you are feeling better! I wish I had gotten to take a class from you before I moved. I bet you are the best instructor and I love that you dressed up!

  4. Hope you feel better! I have heard of so many people who were sick over the holidays this past week! I even have the day off tomorrow because one of “my” kids is sick.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, I think something nasty must have been going around. I still don’t feel well. UGH. I hope you are feeling better!

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