Training Week 237

By , May 5, 2014 6:06 am

Highlight of the Week: Helping Kelly meet her goal at the Wisconsin Half Marathon!


Monday | April 28, 2014: teaching strength class + 4.25 m run (w/Bobbi, Dawn & Kelly)
Strength: Circuit, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 44°/45°, Time: 45:10, Pace: 10:38 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, nice to run after class!
Tuesday | April 29, 2014: rest
Wednesday | April 30, 2014: rest
Thursday | May 1, 2014: 3.7 m run (w/xaarlin & CB) 
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 43°/43°, Time: 35:51, Pace: 9:41 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Friday | May 2, 2014: teaching strength class
Strength: Circuit, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay
Saturday | May 3, 2014: Wisconsin Half Marathon + softball practice
Loc: Kenosha, Temp: 47°/47°, Time: 2:06:53, Difficulty: medium, Felt: strong at the beginning…
Sunday | May 4, 2014: rest


  • Well, I really thought softball practice would be a gentle form of active recovery from Saturday morning’s half, and keep me from feeling too awful Sunday… nope. I woke up feeling completely wrecked. Not so much my muscles, but weird spots along my body from where I fell. Yay. I have a scab on my knee that feels uncomfortable when I walk. I keep thinking, how the heck did I run around covered in scabby knees when I was a kid? Ha ha. 
  • Softball practice was really fun, again. My brother-in-law, Andrew, was able to join us. I wish he lived here so he could be on our team! Maybe next year!
  • Even though my training recap is probably (hopefully?) the most boring thing you will read from me all week, it’s the post I have the most fun putting together, since I get to do a little collage and add links and stats and other fun (to me) stuff. It’s the only place I track all my training, and I actually reference it, a lot. Ha ha – this past week, I was looking back to last year see how I tapered for the 2013 Wisconsin Half and I couldn’t find the post! It was a draft I never posted (moody week), but I at least had the data! Do you go back and reference your training posts?
  • Xaarlin let me run with CB for a bit during our run! So fun! I have always wanted to see what it was like to run with a dog (where I am holding the leash).


Link to Training Week 236

14 Responses to “Training Week 237”

  1. Valerie says:

    Hope you are recovering from the race! What hurts worse- the softball bruise or the injuries from the half? You are a beast– those are “character building” scars, bumps and bruises for sure! 🙂 Way to go this weekend!!!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. Me and all my injuries. The bruise only hurt when I would bump in to it or a cat would step on it (not naming any names) where the knee is swollen so it’s kind of worse. But! I like scrapes and bruises, they make me laugh. And yes, build character!

  2. Heather says:

    Surprsingly, since I went so long without doing them before realizing how really useful they are…I do reference mine a lot! I don’t make cool collages like you though, so mine are even more boring!

  3. Maggie says:

    I go back and read my old training posts all the time. I have “Related Posts” appear at the bottom of all my posts, so naturally the “Related Posts” on my training posts are other training posts. It’s fun (for me) to read old posts, although right now, being a bit out of a routine and not in my best shape, I’m annoyed with myself.

  4. bobbi says:

    Softball WAS really fun – glad I sucked it up and went!

    Love that you got to run with CB 🙂 I’ve never run with a dog before…

  5. Anne says:

    Jude would be happy to run with you anytime! He helped me out with a recovery walk today, he’s a pro 🙂

    Damn, I’m impressed that you were out at softball on Saturday night – I could barely make the walk from our hotel over to the Brat Stop to meet Rachel & friends (but, like a champ, I persevered).

  6. Pete B says:

    Great pic of you running with CB along the Lakefront. My dog is only good for about 10 feet of running until he needs to sniff something!

  7. Di says:

    I can’t believe you played softball after running a half marathon. I am completely of the “I ran a race today so I get to be a slug now!” line of thinking. =) I hope your bruises and scrapes are feeling better!

  8. You are a powerhouse! You have SO MUCH ENERGY. How awesome that you got to run with Xaar and CB!

    I wish you a speedy recovery from your bumps and bruises!!!

  9. I always think it hurts more when you fall when running, i think its cause you fall and slide….hope its feeling better

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