Training Week 239

By , May 19, 2014 6:23 am

Highlight of the Week: Participating in a really well run (by the race organizers, not me – ha!) half marathon. And two softball practices! And! A run with Steven!


Monday | May 12, 2014: teaching strength class
Strength: Circuit, Difficulty: easy (mostly observing), Felt: good
Tuesday | May 13, 2014: softball practice
Wednesday | May 14, 2014: 3 m run
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 53°/53°, Time: 29:30, Pace: 9:49 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Thursday | May 15, 2014: rest
Friday | May 16, 2014: teaching strength class + 6 m run (w/Bobbi)
Strength: Cicruit, Difficulty: medium, Felt: tired
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 42°/45°, Time: 1:01:20, Pace: 10:14, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: happy to chat with my bestie
Saturday | May 17, 2014: 13.3 m ride (w/Efit)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 45°/51°, Time: 1:05:04, Pace: 12.3 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Sunday | May 18, 2014:  Chicago Spring Half Marathon (w/Bobbi) + 1.5 m run (w/Steven) + softball practice
Loc: Chicago Lakeftont Trail, Temp: 52°/59°, Time: 2:23:39, Pace: 10:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: mostly good!


  • I was incredibly disappointed when our first softball game was canceled on Thursday (due to “excessive rain”). It was odd to feel so crushed. Typically, when something is canceled or someone cancels on me, I really don’t mind – I am happy for more time at home. But  I had been looking forward to our first game so damn much. Hopefully this week!
  • Do any of you other runners have to keep your toenails fairly short to keep your toes happy from all your running? I do, otherwise I get a blister on the ends of my long toes, and the toenails cut in to the toes (TMI!). Only, I am trying to grow them long so I can have a nice pedicure for my snister’s wedding. It’s been… interesting. I am also trying not to have too ridiculous of tan lines, but the sock and watch tan are kind of unavoidable… unless I run inside (or naked, as Christina suggested). 
  • Ha! Speaking of toes (and completely unrelated to training), I need to start practicing walking in the heels I will wear for the ceremony!
  • This is the two hundred and thirty-ninth week I have tracked my “training.” That’s 1,673 days… which is over four and a half years. Nutso! It’s really funny to me, when I think about my early training recaps and what a n00b I was. I wish someone reading would have pointed out all the silly mistakes I was making, but, I didn’t read a lot of running bloggers then. And, most people would probably only think about the mistakes to themselves, and not comment on it. 
  • Gah! I have really been missing running with Kelly since our half is over! Spoiler alert! I ran with her this morning. Hee hee. 

Link to Training Week 238

31 Responses to “Training Week 239”

  1. bobbi says:

    My toenails are super short too – they have to be.

    The forecast looks good! Softball MUST happen 🙂

  2. Anne says:

    Aw, bummer about softball getting canceled! I’m always kind of relieved when Bob’s game gets canceled because it means we don’t have to rush out to the ‘burbs, but that’s probably a little selfish of me.

    My toe nails are always fairly short, unrelated to running though – long toe nails just kind of weird me out.

  3. Kiersten says:

    My toenails are so short- the nail ladies make fun of mini toe-nails when I get a pedicure. I am attempting to mix up my running/biking clothes more than usual this summer, so I don’t get such obvious tan lines. Why did I choose a strapless wedding dress for an August wedding?

  4. Kelly E says:

    I also keep my toenails short, with some white showing. I can’t go super short b/c I’m susceptible to ingrown toenails ;( That is a painful procedure to have them removed!! If I want to get a pedi I will let them grow just a tad longer 😉
    What a mix of activities this week!! Awesome!!!
    Missed running with you last week too!! The weather is looking great this week for runs and your softball game!

    • kilax says:

      To have the ingrown toenail completely removed? My younger bro had to have that done a few years back! Poor guy!

      Yes! Cool morning runs… and warm evening games! Hee hee!

  5. my toenails are a hot mess. i’m lucky when i have all 10 of them at the same time….

  6. Wait — you were at the Spring Half yesterday??? I can’t believe I missed you! I wasn’t running but I was there. Bummer!

    Honestly, I think I’m more terrified of losing a toenail due to long distance running than I am of getting injured due to long distance running (which is ridiculous…injuries knock you out of the game entirely, while lost toenails can be easily hidden. I’ve just always thought I had lovely feet [I know, so weird], and I don’t want to throw off the aesthetics by only having nine [or less] toenails.). I keep my toenails super duper short to try to prevent that!

    • kilax says:

      Aww man! I am bummed I missed you! Where were you?

      LOL! You are too funny! You know.. if you lose one, you can always paint the skin to make it look like there is one there. I’ve done that before 😉

  7. Chaitali says:

    Wow, that’s awesome that you’ve kept track of your training for so long! I’d love to hear about what you thought some of your early mistakes were. Blog post idea for newbies? And I do have to keep my toenails pretty short too or they start to hurt my feet.

    • kilax says:

      That is a good idea! Mostly, it was the classic, too much, too soon, and too fast. I was over training, never strength trained, and knew so little about running! No wonder I had stress fractures in 2009 and 2010!

  8. Nina Beana says:

    Yep, I keep my toenails super short – whenever I get a pedicure they always comment on it. I actually tend to cut them myself before I go since they never make them short enough.

    I put on a lot of sun screen to avoid getting major running tan. Maybe you can wear a chunky bracelet on your wrist to cover the watch tan?

    • kilax says:

      That is a good idea for the watch tan! I try to wear sun screen, but it makes it so my sweat won’t evaporate! GAH! Any recs for a really good brand?

      • Nina Beana says:

        I use a spray on sport one…in a blue can…I think maybe coppertone? I haven’t felt like it stops me from being able to sweat.

  9. Tiina says:

    I keep my toenails super short when training. Otherwise they get blisters and are painful. Plus, if I keep them short, they generally won’t turn black and fall off!

  10. Heather says:

    I have to keep mine super short or my toes get /sore/! Not blistered or anything – but sore? Weird toes!

    I can’t even imagine getting a pedi since I’ve started running. *hides her feet*

    Bummer the game was canceled – I’ll be thinking good softball thoughts for you this week!

    • kilax says:

      LOL! I bet they aren’t THAT bad!

      Thanks for the good thoughts! 🙂

      • Heather says:

        Ooooooh I dunno about that haha!

        So will we get a softball game recap!?

        • kilax says:

          Should we have everyone on the blogosphere post their toes so we can all see how they are all as “bad” as one another? Hee hee, jk. Toe pics freak people out.

          Maybe! If people are interested! I bet a play by play would make people zzzzzzz. But I do want a pic of the whole team in uniform. The okay thing about it being canceled is that now the entire team will be at the first game (two people were going to miss last week).

  11. Erin says:

    I’d also love to see a list of the mistakes you noticed from your earlier training posts. Not enough rest days? Running too fast too soon? No strength training?

    I keep my toenails super short, too. Long toe nails look kind of freakish to me, anyway. My mom was painting my toenails on vacation a few years ago and commented that mine were really short. I tried for like two weeks to let them grow out, couldn’t stand it, and cut them way down 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, exactly all those things 🙂 Except the rest days. Just not enough variety and running too fast after my first half. I did most of my long runs after that at my half marathon race pace – 9:00mm. I didn’t know not to. Derrrrrr.

      Yeah! Mine feel so weird now, even without shoes on!

  12. Kristina says:

    I love getting a pedi, but I definitely keep my toenails short!
    The other issue with the pedicure process – they always want to get rid of my calluses, and I have to tell them to leave the calluses alone!
    Another runner was talking about how she wanted to ask for a discount for her pedi since she was missing 2-3 toenails.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That part about the discount totally cracks me up!

      I already told my sister I don’t want the technician to mess with my calluses on my feet or my cuticles on my hands. I am just getting a polish remove and fresh coat 🙂

  13. What a great week! Sorry to hear softball was cancelled…can’t wait to hear about the first game! And I’m the same about short toenails- that’s the way to go! Good luck breaking in your shoes for the wedding- SO smart!

  14. Di says:

    I’ve given up on having “pretty” feet anymore – though I still paint my toenails in the spring/summer. As for the tan lines… I’ve seen some pretty funny ones since I’ve started hanging out with runners. =) Whatcha gonna do, right? =)

  15. Michelle says:

    Sounds like an awesome week despite softball being cancelled…I keep my toe nails short as well, and am terrible in heels, LOL!

  16. Alyssa says:

    Dang rain, ruining the softball game!

    I thought it would be a good idea to wear more bike jerseys this year instead of tank tops to avoid back tan lines, but now I have a farmer’s tan (because I forgot to wear sunscreen, so dumb!) Then I made a joke that I should just ride topless! My family thought that was ridiculous! But I wouldn’t have any tan lines!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha ha! I would rather have funky back tans than the awful farmer’s tan… but like we discussed, I like to have some sort of sleeve for riding!

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