A new look for Data / This is my family

By , May 29, 2015 6:13 am

Data wore his new bow tie to the vet yesterday and it was a hit!


They even asked to post a picture of him on their Facebook page! Aww, color this cat mama proud.


And… that was the extent of Data making me proud of him at the appointment*. Ha ha. Poor guy. After having to fast all day for a blood draw, he was NOT in the mood to be poked and prodded. He was a bit testy.

So much that they had to put him under to take his blood. Normally when they do this, they shave a little bit of his leg, like so:


This time, for whatever reason, they did his chest!


Oh my gosh, Data looks so goofy. He won’t be entering a beauty pageant anytime soon! Maybe I should have him wear the bow tie all the time until his fur grows back, to distract from the shaved patch?! Ha ha.

But the good thing is, he had a clean bill of health (this was his annual check-up) and I am hoping the blood results will say the same when we get them back on Monday!

*Actually, I am proud that he was doing so well at that point! He had quite the day.

Edited to add this rant, since I am already talking about Data: Someone asked me and Steven if we plan on starting a family. I gestured to myself, Steven and Data and said “This is my family.”

“You know what I mean,” they responded, “Children. There’s something to say for being able to leave something behind in this world, beyond pay stubs. To say you created something.”

I was a little annoyed so I changed the conversation flow to say I love interacting with and hearing about my friends’ kids (I do) and am amazed by gestation (I am). But, I don’t need someone I’ve just met, who is only there giving me a sales quote, to tell me why I should have children.

Or to make fun of me for having a government job.

Or to ask me how many times I’ve “given in” and eaten meat since I became vegetarian.


63 Responses to “A new look for Data / This is my family”

  1. Anne says:

    They shaved his chest???? That’s so weird! Especially after posting about how handsome he was. Was there some other bow-tied cat trying to steal his thunder there who did the shaving? Sounds like foul play to me.

    • Anne says:

      Uh, you were ranting while I was commenting, so I missed that part… I hate when people ask questions like that, about such a personal decision. I was a little amused when one nosy co-worker asked me about kids last fall and I said I was getting divorced, ha! I hope she learned not to ask personal questions like that anymore.

      We’ve talked about kids, and it’s not happening, which is fine. Sometimes I do wonder if I’ll regret that when I’m older, but I don’t think so, and I really can’t picture kids in my life. That doesn’t mean I’m unfulfilled, I just want different things. And, like you, I love my friends’ kids and kids in my family. I get to see them for the fun parts, and their parents can take them during their meltdowns ha ha!

      • kilax says:

        Ha ha, thanks for seeing it and commenting on it! 🙂

        I can totally understand people asking that question, and other things that seem a bit personal. People are curious/nosy. Even though it makes me uncomfortable, I get it. I just don’t like the weird comments and perceived (on my end) judgement, after. Just like we try to have canned responses to when people ask us if we want kids and we say no… I wonder if they have ever thought about what would be nice to say back when we say no. You know? LOL. Everyone is on a different path… we don’t all have to live the same lives. Me choosing not to procreate doesn’t mean anything about anyone else – it’s about me and my partner. Just like you said – we want different things 🙂 And to hand off kids when they are having meltdowns. Ha!

        • Anne says:

          Yeah, but I feel like there’s ALWAYS an annoying question to be asked, and an associated judgement on the answer. When are you going to find a boyfriend? When are you going to get married? When are you going to move to the suburbs? When are you going to have kids? When are you going to have another baby? And so on… But then I just think people are trying to make conversation, even if it’s not always appropriate.

          I’m guessing those people don’t think about how to respond to people not having kids, because it’s not the response they expect. Just like how no one knows quite what to say when you’re getting divorced, etc.

          • kilax says:

            Yeah, it sounds like people are not being very appropriate around you! Those are horrible ways to ask those questions! WTF! And if you have to ask cause you don’t know, well, you probably aren’t close enough in the first place to be asking at all 😉

            Yeah, we probably all need some tips on how to respond kindly to hard conversations like no kids, divorce, major sickness, etc.

      • Maggie says:

        Honestly, I’d rather regret not having kids than regret having them.

    • kilax says:

      It is so weird!!!! Ha! I wonder! Or maybe that was the only part of him they could get to to shave since he was so pissed off at them? LOL. I am curious to see how long it takes to grow back!

  2. Chaitali says:

    Aww…Data looks so dapper 🙂 Shelby is horrible at the vet. I caught a glimpse of her file once and they’ve red flagged her as a difficult patient. I feel like a bad cat mama! And the judgements about choosing not to have children sucks. Mike and I aren’t planning on kids, we love our friends kids as well as our nieces and nephews but just don’t want any of our own.

    • kilax says:


      Oh, Shelby! LOL! She’s like, “If I am going to be difficult, I better make it noteworthy!” 😀 You aren’t a bad cat mama – why would they be happy at the vet?!

      I hope no one is saying stupid crap like this to you guys! 😀

  3. Lesley says:

    My girl had her check up too, and she doesn’t react well to the shots 🙁 At least it’s just for a little bit, and the next day she was ornery.

    I hate it when people stick their nose into business they don’t have a clue about. If you’re happy with your family then that’s all that matters. My cousin and her husband are starting to get the kids question and people just need to butt out.

    • kilax says:

      We had a note this time with the vaccinations that there could be side reactions as well! Or did she just get pissy when she was getting them? 🙂 I hate putting him through it! I can’t even watch! LOL

      It’s just so rude! And from a complete stranger?! I get he was trying to make convo, but he was NOT good at it. Are you cousin and her husband getting pretty annoyed?

      • Lesley says:

        She’s not happy with the shots but it’s the reaction that knocks her back. This year she had food in her stomach and threw it up. Then she was scrunched up in her “don’t touch me” pose until the effects wore off.

        My cousin and her husband just plan trips when the pressure gets high so they have excuses to not start yet. They have two trips this summer.

        • kilax says:

          Aww, poor thing!

          Ha, that is a fun method! I wonder how long that will last before people figure it out 🙂 Or they run out of money! LOL

  4. People really do ask the most personal questions. Sometimes I’ve been asked things by people I barely know that have made me so uncomfortable because I don’t know what to say, and as rude as their question is, it seems worst to just say I’m not answering that! Besides no baby could live up to the handsomeness that is Data 🙂

    • kilax says:

      It’s like, no matter what you do… you’re gonna be annoyed by it then, and probably later! LOL
      Aww, thanks, ha ha! Even with shaved chest? 😛

      • I just get really embarrassed, awkward and then wonder why and begin to think I’m the one with the problem….overthinking much ha, ha!

        Even with the shaved chest. I’m not much of a cat person (I take them on a case by case basis cause some really are crazy) but he really is a beauty.

  5. ChezJulie says:

    Data looks so handsome in the picture that the vet’s office shared! No one likes to be poked and prodded especially when they’re all dressed up. He’s a good boy anyway. 🙂 I’m glad he had a good vet visit and hope his bloodwork is good, too.

    What a jerky question and comment about having kids. Actually, the notion of having kids just to “leave something behind in this world” is pretty selfish. I’m fuming so I can’t even think of what to say!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! 😀 And thanks for your faith that he is good. Ha!

      Yeah, I was wondering what this person was going to say after my response and I was kind of shocked. I was expecting the reasoning of having someone to take care of you.

      • ChezJulie says:

        Yeah, it is kind of shocking that they said that. Plus there are lots of ways you can leave something behind – write a book, build a building, adopt a tortoise or parrot! And you put plenty of good stuff out into the world, Kim.

        • kilax says:

          NO! ALL I HAVE IS PAY STUBS!!!!!!

          Ha ha, jk.

          Thank you 🙂

          When they said thought, I thought it was such a narrow sad perspective – it’s either work or children?

          • ChezJulie says:

            LOL! You’re right… all you have is pay stubs. Me, too. It’s really sad. 😉

  6. diane says:

    That kind of stuff drives me nuts. I get asked all the time when Paul and I are going to get married (funny enough, not from my family, but mostly from people at work!) and my standard answer now is, “Did you SEE how many months it took us just to decide on a couch?” Hee hee hee.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That is a funny answer! And a good way to make it light-hearted. I am happy the people that matter (family!) aren’t bugging you! Isn’t it crazy to find out people we hardly know have an idea of how they think we should live our lives?!

  7. Erin says:

    That is a weird place to shave him! Hopefully he wasn’t too out of it after they had to sedate him for the blood draw. Pretty sure Chewie would have to be sedated, too. He already has to wear a muzzle to keep from biting the vet. Such a bad boy.

    Did the same person say all those things to you???

    • kilax says:

      He wasn’t that out of it, which is a good thing (I feel so bad when he is) and a bad thing (thought it might make the car ride home better, ha). LOL, Chewie! Hey, at least the vet knows what’s up! I am sure lots of animals are that way.

      Yep! They also insulted how my house looks. Fun night!

      • Erin says:

        Ugh! Not a very good sales tactic. I wouldn’t want to work with that person at all!

        • kilax says:

          Yeah, I don’t think we will be! I was pretty frustrated to start with – they had a 4-6 window, called us near 6 that they overbooked and asked to come later… showed up at 7:30 and left at 9:30?! When I have to get up at 4:00 am to teach? GFY, lol 🙂 (and I had a headache the whole time, which probably kept me from snapping at the stupid comments, ha)

  8. Karen says:

    Awww Data, look at that sweet face. Caption…”Why did they steal my hair”
    You should have looked at him and said we are brother and sister lol, you need a comment that will jab back a little lol, I am not always good on the spot, I usually think of something good to say after I walk away.
    What a freaking odd thing to say…leave something behind?? that’s just strange.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That would have been a funny comeback! I wanted to keep going about how I feel like this IS my family, but the person obviously wanted to tell us why we should have kids. So odd indeed!

  9. Kiersten says:

    Poor Data. When Dixie was sick last summer, they had to completely shave both of her front legs. She looked pretty silly. I think Data should just always wear a bow tie- he looks so handsome.

  10. Pete B says:

    By not having kids you not only get the pay-stubs, but you also get to keep more of what’s in your paycheck because you don’t have to pay for things like braces, piano lessons, birthday parties, college tuition etc! Does it make me selfish that early retirement sounds slightly better than having to work as a store greeter when I’m 75 years old just so I can payoff the debts I’ve incurred because I wanted to “leave something behind”? 🙂 As far as creating things, apparently he/she doesn’t realize that you are a wizard with yarn! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Buah ha ha! And I even had a knitting project out!!!

      That would have been a good comeback about the paystub mention! How many less paystubs there might have been. LOL!

  11. Xaarlin says:

    Poor Dates!! CB says chest fur regenerates quickly(speaking from experience) sigh. I’m sending you some virtual scratches Data!! Xoxo

    So sorry you had that awful interaction last night. I don’t know why people think it’s acceptable to comment on women’s bodies and personal choices like that. You handled it well.. Better than I would. I’ve gotten snarky with people about that stuff and probably hurt their feelings. (I don’t care!)But seriously they shouldn’t ask stuff like that when they don’t know you- and could potentially offend or hurt you because they don’t know if you’re trying/infertile/miscarried etx. People have no class. But cmon, do it to be more than a pay stub, yo. Smh.

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Thanks for the insight, CB! And the scratches for Dates!

      Yeah, I was talking with my snister about it this am and she brought of the concept of someone wanting to have kids and not be able to… and that totally could have been me. Thankfully not, but still, it’s just such a dumb thing to ask. Be snarky. They’re probably too dumb to realize you hurt their feelings, lol. Okay, that was just mean, but, eh, I mean it 🙂

    • Maggie says:

      Oddly enough, I’ve had a friend who miscarried ask me when we’re having kids. I would think of all people she would understand that can be a sensitive subject.

  12. Data looks so handsome with his bowtie! Hopefully the hair will grow back quickly. I am glad to hear that he had a clean bill of health – hopefully the blood tests will confirm that!

    UGH on that woman being so offensive. I am sorry you had to deal with her. It drives me nuts that some people can be so nosey, rude, and insensitive. Those folks need to learn to mind their own business. That woman clearly has no social graces. But you handled that awkward situation very well.

    FWIW – I get plenty of folks asking me racially insensitive questions. So I can relate to the awkwardness brought on by what I will call “curious strangers” – and it really is a horrible feeling.

    • kilax says:

      You know what’s even crazier?! This was a MAN telling me all this. Yep! I was shocked. And thanks for saying I handled it well. I felt like I did and got back to trying to focus on what he was over for (a flooring quote…) but all the dumb comments started to really sink in this am!

      Oh wow, really?! I’m sorry! 🙁 Although, knowing you, you have some polite responses 😀

      • Oh wow. Obviously I shouldn’t have made assumptions about gender (my bad!), but I am even more appalled that a man asked questions or made comments like that. What is his problem? Sheesh.

        Thanks for your confidence in me!

        • kilax says:

          Oh no, I totally understand why you did! Even crazier, right?! In the future, I will def listen to what total strangers have to say about how I live my life. HA!!!!

  13. Losing Lindy says:

    poor Data, hopefully the news on Monday will be great!

    Some people are so clueless, what if you had been trying and things weren’t working, honestly…who cares!? I would have replied with, “how is this any of your business?”

    • kilax says:

      The vet actually called Friday and said he is doing well! In the “Gray zone” (lol) for thyroid, but he has been for awhile and as long as he stays there they think he’s ok 🙂

      I know, right?! I should say that next time!!!!

  14. Pam says:

    Did the same person ask you all that stuff??? I haaate those kinds of questions. Even from people I know! They’re just downright unacceptable from a stranger, and I’d have been hard-pressed not to tell him so.

    Data is so handsome. 🙂 Even with his jacked up hair. lol That’s funny because my vet never shaves for just a blood draw. They do it when it’s an IV but not just a quick draw. They usually don’t take it from the leg either. They usually draw from the jugular. They used to do the leg but a couple of years ago, the first time I saw them going for the neck with a needle, I was like, “Uhhhhh….so whatcha doin’ there?” lol They explained that it’s just a lot easier to hit on the first try rather than having to stick them repeatedly trying to find a tiny vein in their leg. I bet that’s what they did with Data too!

    • kilax says:

      Yes, it was a salesperson giving me a flooring quote in my house! Never met them until Thursday night. So weird.

      I should ask them why they shave! You are the second person to tell me their vet doesn’t! I am not upset, but I would like to know. And thanks for telling me why it’s easier in the neck 🙂 Makes sense. I bet they couldn’t get to his leg lol.

  15. Amy says:

    Poor Data! Fingers crossed for good blood results!
    Yes – rude question. Sounds like you handled it gracefully, though!

  16. Maggie says:

    UGH I WANT TO GET SO RAGEY ABOUT THAT BS COMMENT ABOUT HAVING KIDS BUT I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE F-BOMBS IN YOUR COMMENTS. Because every baby grows up to be a great person? Um, no. We have A LOT more to offer the world than gestating a fetus. Ahem: http://nymag.com/thecut/2014/08/25-famous-women-on-childlessness.html and http://mic.com/articles/41331/mother-s-day-2013-8-famous-women-who-stayed-childless. Not to say we have to be like Oprah to still have meaningful lives, but honestly, I wish more people would put as much thought into parenthood as intentionally childfree folks do. Maybe I’m just feeling ragey.

    Also thanks for the reminder that Olive is due for her annual check up 🙂 She hates the vet too but so far her MO is to just try to hide in the corner of the exam room.

    • kilax says:

      What is funny is that during the day Thursday I read a post from a friend on FB about what to say when people give you crap about being child free. I wish I would have thought to mention one of those women from your links! His reasoning was so odd. And sad, really. The more I think about the shit he said, the more stabby I get. It’s gonna take me awhile to get over it (like, him mentioning to us that he does not approve of his 25 yo living with her bf and he knows they have relations um WTF just measure my floors you f*cko!).

      Ha ha ha, you’re welcome, and sorry, Olive 😉

  17. Michelle says:

    Data looks quite dapper I must say. I hope he’s feeling better.

    As far as what that person said to you? Well, my heart just sank a little…I don’t understand WHY people feel the need to judge other’s life choices. And ripping on working for the government really irks me and I’ve been known to get snarky in return. Big hugs, and way to keep your composure.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! He is doing well! It was his annual check up and everything turned out good!

      Thanks for your compassion 🙂 I hate the govt thing. It’s so freaking rude 🙁

  18. Alyssa says:

    Being able to leave something behind in this world besides pay stubs? What does that even mean? How about making someone else’s life better?

    Even though Matt and I plan on having a family, I get irritated when people ask me about kids while implying that I should have them right away. One lady I work with told me I shouldn’t wait any longer because I didn’t want to be too old when I have kids or I wouldn’t be able to be active with them? WTF.

    • kilax says:

      I have no freaking clue. Such a weird thing to say. There are so many other things to say you accomplished in your life… if having something to say is even important to you!

      Oh gosh, thanks for the input, coworker 🙁 Yeah, it NEVER works when you wait until you are older. Sigh. You do you. Coworker, you shut up. Ha.

  19. kim says:

    I think it’s silly to imply you have no life outside of pay stubs without kids. That’s ridiculous. If you’re having kids to give your life meaning, you’re having them for the wrong reason. Argh. I get frustrated when people assume you “need” kids – and I love mine!

    • kilax says:

      I think that isn’t a very good reason, either :-/ And I am relieved to see someone with kids agreeing to that. I was expecting him to say how much he enjoys their company or something… not that he can say he “left something behind.” WEIRDO! LOL

      And speaking of all that… when is your due date?!

  20. bobbi says:

    I love Data 🙂

    It baffles me that people judge other’s life choices. We are all different!! And it baffles me that someone YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW would ask such personal shit and make such judgy comments! WTF?!? I didn’t ask that until I knew you for a while, and even then, I was merely curious – not imposing my life choices on to you. Sigh. Sometimes I really hate people.

    Our tile guy is Brian Cardiff with Chain O Lakes Tile and Marble. 847.980.0360.

    • kilax says:

      I was baffled too. So much that I didn’t get super pissed until the next day! And I don’t mind discussing life choices with friends and family but what was up with this dude? Ugh.

      Thanks – Steven was talking about a backsplash and thinking abut your guy 😉

  21. Alice says:

    UGGHHHHH I hate people like that!!! My favorite response (when I have the balls for it) is to say something to make them really uncomfortable. Like, “Hey, isn’t it about time you and your husband started trying to have a baby??” me: “Actually we tried. I had a miscarriage.” (then just stare at the person to make them as uncomfortable as possible.)

    It’s not nice, but also I don’t care, and screw you, rando, how is this your business?? Want to make it your business? OK sure! Let’s make it NICE and uncomfortable in that case! 😉

    • kilax says:

      I wonder if that would even make them see how rude they are being. People who ask stuff like that and then say things like that seem to be so freaking clueless 🙁

  22. Tiina says:

    Ugh. I hate people asking the kid question. How is a personal decision like that anyone’s business? We got married in March and the kid questions have started coming up. So annoying.

  23. Mica says:

    WHAT.THE.CRAP. Who says that?????? I am so mad!!!!!! Something to leave behind on this world??? Like…a ton of non-biodegradable diapers in a landfill?!? (Obviously, that’s not the point, but if someone is going to be that rude, I think you can be snarky back.)

    I’m glad Data had a clean bill of health though. He does look very handsome in his bowtie!

    • kilax says:

      I know, I wanted to be so snarky, but a headache kept me from doing that… all I could think about was getting him out of my house!

      Thanks 🙂 Data misses you!

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