Basketweave baby blanket

By , September 14, 2015 6:22 am

36,750 stitches later… and the basketweave baby blanket for James is done!


I started knitting this blanket on August 8th, then took a week off from it to make this blanket, then traveled three weekends in a row (and didn’t work on it much) so… I guess it didn’t take me THAT long to make it (I finished it yesterday morning, September 13th). But the next time I knit a baby blanket, I’ll have the goal of having it done for the baby shower. Not AFTER the baby arrives. Oops!

I chose this basketweave pattern from a baby blanket book my mom gave me. The book has other cool and (way) more complicated patterns I’ll have to try when I’m a better knitter. I’m happy I chose this simple, timeless pattern that was easy to knit and fix mistakes in. Gotta get it right for baby James!

The color of this blanket is hard to capture. I used a stitch counter and would take a picture of it with the blanket each time I stopped work (to keep track of where I was in case the counter got bumped, which happened a few times) and the variance in color of the pictures is bizarro – some look super light green, some are true to color, and some look like day old guac (ha). But the color is closest to this:


I used two and a quarter skeins of Baby Bee Sweet Delight Yarn in 94 Pea Pod for the blanket. I actually returned the two extra skeins I bought (but then bought a bunch of other yarn… oops?).

The blanket is about 32″ x 32″. Ha – I would measure it as I was getting close to the end and tell Steven “I think I only have 24 rows left!” Then knit 16 rows and tell him, again “I think I only have 24 rows left!” I swear, this thing was shrinking as I worked on it (twss?).


But I am happy with how it turned out, and hope my brother and his wife find it useful! And I hope they send me a photo of James using it, hee hee.



29 Responses to “Basketweave baby blanket”

  1. Heather says:

    Oh pretty – I like it, and I like the pattern!

  2. Christina says:

    It’s beautiful snister!! Great job! James will adore it!

  3. Lesley says:

    That’s gorgeous!

  4. Xaarlin says:

    Amazing! Looks great and I’m sure baby James will love it 🙂

  5. Jen2 says:

    It’s gorgeous and I love the color! You’re nephew is a lucky little guy to receive such a thoughtful gift.

  6. Kandi says:

    Gorgeous! I’m sure they’ll get a ton of use out of it!

  7. Shelley B says:

    The blanket is really beautiful – you did a great job with it!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! And I meant to ask if you could please send me that pumpkin hat pattern? Apologies if you already did, before! I can’t recall if I asked you for it!

  8. Looks great! What book do you use?

  9. The blanket is gorgeous! What a masterpiece! James is going to be so comfortable cuddling in it. =)

  10. Joanna says:

    that is gorgeous!! I love it! i have a similar crochet pattern but i don’t think it comes out as nice as the knitted pattern!

  11. Sara says:

    Wow, it’s beautiful. I love the color!

  12. Mica says:

    It looks totally amazing! I’m so impressed — a baby blanket is no joke. Even if you can get the hang of the pattern, it’s just SO MUCH knitting. Congratulations on killin’ it with such a big project.

    Also, I love that color!! I’ve been really conflicted about gendered baby gifts, and I think that blue (old guac, ha!) color is perfect for any baby. I’m sure it will be a keepsake for your nephew.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! It WAS so much knitting! I felt like I would never be done. Ha ha.

      I am happy the color turned out! It was hard to pick out!

  13. That is so cute and super super thoughtful! I’m sure it was totally worth the wait!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! I was irrationally worried I wouldn’t get it done before the baby grew too big. LOL, like he was going to grow in to a one year old over night! 😛

  14. Wow, that is such a pretty blanket!

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