More than once

By , October 20, 2015 6:00 am

Have you ever seen a movie multiple times in the theater, during its original release?

The first movie I did this with was Titanic. I saw it three times in the theater. And cried, every single time. Ha ha ha.

Then I saw the prequel Star Wars films (I-III) a couple times each… and that’s it! I haven’t seen a movie multiple times in the theater since then.


That time Dad let us skip school to see Episode II (my parents also let me skip to buy tickets for Episode I!)

But I am betting I will with the new Star Wars! And we bought tickets for our first viewing last night! Yay, I’m getting stoked! I showed the new trailer to Steven yesterday and asked if he was getting pumped to see the film. He said yes and asked when we were going. I responded “In two months!” He said, “Two months? I thought you were getting tickets for next week or something.” Ha ha, nope! I wish!

20 Responses to “More than once”

  1. Kristina says:

    Have I mentioned that the original Star Wars was the first movie that a. I *really* remember loving as a kid and b. the first movie that I ever saw twice in the theaters.
    Now, I don’t think I’ll ever see another movie twice in the theater, which is kind of pathetic, although I think that Michael saw “Mad Max” (the recent one) twice this summer. He just LOVED that movie.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the new one is good. Please, please, please…

    • kilax says:

      Aww, cool!!! I would have seen Mad Max twice, too. It was so good in the theater! Not as much fun at home… maybe someday, when we have a home theater!

      It will at least be entertaining! 🙂

  2. Lesley says:

    I did with the Man from Uncle. I saw it on a date then some friends wanted to see it too. It’s a fun movie so I went with them as well. I think the last time I did that was the first Lord of the Rings movie.

  3. Anne says:

    I wasn’t able to see Titanic when it was in the theater because I was recovering from surgery at the time. I looked forward to its release for months, I was so bummed! Then I apparently forgot about it and didn’t end up watching it until about 10 years after it came out, when it happened to be on TV.

    I think I saw The Matrix in the theater twice – once was for an extra credit assignment for my philosophy class, and then I think I saw it again with friends.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha – so I guess you weren’t too bummed, after all! I bet it lost its luster after all that time!

      Funny thing about The Matrix – it opened the weekend before or same weekend as Star Wars Episode I, and they let the people who waited at our theater overnight, for tickets, watch it for free at midnight when they were waiting (I wasn’t there, just heard about it).

      • Anne says:

        Well, I was, but it was out of theaters once I could go so yeah, I guess I lost interest. And it had been parodied so much by the time I did see it, I pretty much knew what was coming (spoiler: it sinks).

        I still haven’t seen the prequels, so I didn’t even realize Episode I came out at the same time.

  4. Christina says:

    I’m sure this will surprise you, but I saw the 2nd through 5th Twilight movies multiple times in theaters. 😉 I think that’s they are the only ones I’ve seen multiple times. (Aside from when we saw About Time and it cut out mid-way through the movie.)

    Will and I need to start watching the old Star Wars movies to prepare for the new one! Are you going to one of the SEVEN movie marathons?! Holy shit.

    • kilax says:

      No way! You did not, snis!!! 😛 Hee hee. 🙂

      It will be fun to watch the old movies on your big screen! I won’t go to one of the marathons! But maybe I will have one at home. Maybe watch one a week?! 🙂

  5. Chaitali says:

    I think I saw the first Avengers movie in the theater twice. I’m betting I’m going to see Star Wars multiple times as well. We bought our opening night tickets yesterday too 🙂

  6. Michelle says:

    If I remember right-hopefully Bobbi knows-Star Wars was the first movie we saw at the drive in theater? I also saw Titanic in the theater twice, and sobbed both times! LOL!

  7. Kandi says:

    Back when movies were cheap ($3.50 ticket?!) and I was in high school, we used to see movies more than once if we didn’t want to see anything else playing. I saw Titanic a few times but I think that was because it was in theater so long. We used to see movies almost every week back then. Now I make it maybe twice a year. I’ve never seen a movie at a midnight showing before.

    • kilax says:

      You are making me miss the “dollar” theater in our college town! Gosh, that was fun – you were way more likely to see something random if it was cheaper! 🙂

  8. jan says:

    Not in the theater, I’m too cheap! 😀

  9. Mica says:

    This is embarrassing to admit now, but in high school, I saw the movie “Amélie” 22 times in theaters. (And “Titanic” three times.) I guess I was just one of those dorky teens who was “OBSESSED” with it.

    I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a movie in theaters multiple times, but I have seen “Pitch Perfect” like…five times now because I keep finding people who haven’t seen it and encouraging them to watch it with me!

  10. martymankins says:

    I saw all 3 of the first Star Wars movies multiple times. I lost count but I would have to say it was at least 5 times for each film. And of course, Back To The Future – the first movie. I think I saw that a good 10 times in the theater.

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