The safety pin code

By , October 19, 2015 11:43 am

And other tracking methods…

I keep a safety pin in the band of some of my black shorts and capris, and it’s not to hold them up*…


It’s so I know how old they are!

Since a lot of the items in my running uniform look the same (because they ARE the same), I’ve tried to come up with ways to keep track of how old items are getting (beyond sight and smell), and when they need to be replaced.

I’ve been tracking the mileage on my running shoes in my blog sidebar for a few years. Garmin Connect added gear tracking in the last year, so I use that as well. Knowing when to ditch a pair of shoes is mostly a feel and visual thing for me, but it’s nice to track shoe mileage, because sometimes, that is what clues me in that it’s time to retire the shoes.


Bras. Ha. I used to only wear the black ones to teach class, and the colored ones to run in – the running ones get more use, and get smellier, so I didn’t want to wear those to class by accident! Now I just keep them in two separate bins (although they get washed together, so I still have to sort them), instead of using the color method, and mark the date (month/year) I started using it, so if I see anything too ancient, I know to get rid of it. I know you’re supposed to replace bras pretty often, but the brand I buy seems to last a long time – I just ditch them when they’re too stinky.


And it’s the same with my shorts and capris – they last a long time, but get too schmelly, so they get tossed after awhile. I keep a safety pin in the newer ones – which I wear when I am going to be around other people. Ha – save the schmelly ones for solo runs.

The only other thing I have that is all the same, but don’t have a good way to keep track of the age of, is my socks. I just try to pay attention to if they are worn through on the bottom, then throw those out, and order new ones, if need be!

What do you do to keep track of the shelf life of your exercise items?

It seems I replace A LOT of my stuff because it gets too stinky – I just replaced my weight lifting and cycling gloves for that very reason! And throwing out a pair of gross shorts was what prompted me to write this!

*Ha, although, I have several pair of patterned ones that got too big, and I keep a big safety pin in them to use for that reason.

22 Responses to “The safety pin code”

  1. Jen2 says:

    I noticed the safety pin in your class on Saturday. Funny that you explained before I even needed to ask!

    I haven’t had to throw anything away for being to stinky yet, but I have had some items get too stretched out. I think I just go by feel. I track my shoes on my Nike+ app and I can usually tell when the mileage has gotten to high because my legs can feel it.

  2. Michelle says:

    I may or may not have the same sports bras I had when I ran my first half in 2007…BAHAHAHAHA.

  3. Other than shoes I really don’t track the use of any of my gear. Mostly cause I only had one pair of capris. I tend to stock up on workout clothes in batches..recently bought 3 pairs of capris at once must get rid of the old ones 🙂

    • kilax says:

      That’s another way to do it! 🙂 I like to have several pairs of shorts in case I don’t wash them in time to use them for my next run (although, maybe I need to wash them more quickly? ha!).

  4. Ha! You are such a MacGyver!

    I don’t really track the use of my gear. I kind of go by feel/sight for when it’s time. I also haven’t been running that long (relatively), so most of my gear hasn’t really had a chance to get too old. Honestly I am just way too scatterbrained for this type of thing.

    However, I really hate clutter and I am quick to get rid of something once I realize I never wear it – this applies mostly to race tees!

  5. Erin says:

    I am SO BAD about tracking the mileage on my shoes. I know I need new ones right now but I’m waiting until the next version of my shoes comes out so I can get the current version for cheaper.

    As for workout clothes, I typically get rid of stuff when I decide it no longer fits my style. For example, I’m slowly ditching all the tops with built-in bras. I’ve decided I don’t like those anymore. I think I’ve only ever gotten rid of one top because I couldn’t get the smell out. And I still have some sports bras that I got years and years ago. The joy of not having much to hold in with the bra is that you don’t notice if they start to wear out 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Don’t wait so long to get those shoes that you hurt your legs! 🙂 Are you going to start tracking on the new ones?

      I think I’ve gotten rid of my tops with built-in bras, too. Did anyone ever like those?

  6. Kiersten says:

    I track mileage on my shoes and everything else goes by wear and tear and stink. Shorts and tights usually rip on the inseam, bras stop giving any support, and shirts get stinky. I am very guilty of wearing my socks well past the point when they should be replaced.

  7. Alice says:

    I don’t run regularly so I def don’t track mileage on my shoes, but I probably SHOULD. When my shoes get old / run down it always leads to problems with my ankles and knees!

    My gear usually just gets old / stretched out.. pants / shorts I will typically wear until the elastic starts to fail or gets holes; shirts are usually loose so I don’t care how they’re fitting or aging 🙂 But BRAS, man, I kept a bunch of those WAY TOO LONG and I have no idea why. I was running @ the gym one day and realized I was mesmerized by the sight of MY OWN CHEST in the mirror because it was bouncing around so much – and I do NOT have a lot of boob!! I was like holy shit, it is WELL PAST TIME for some new bras that will strap the girls DOWN!!

  8. Melissa says:

    I bet Matt wished I would rotate/toss my stuff more often—i have such a hard time parting with ($$$) stuff (or any really) that is still good but is stank (especially for solo work outs)! I LOLed at the code for wearing stuff around other people…thats such a good idea though!

  9. I haven’t had the smelly issue for too many items– usually it was something packed away when dirty, but not my normal stuff. But I was recently thinking about when to get rid of certain items- there’s function, there’s style/preference. I should get back into tracking mileage on my shoes; it wasn’t quite as big of a deal when you’re not running as much (and I always alternate two pairs at a time anyway)- some times I’d only wear a pair once or twice that week!

  10. jan says:

    Wow, I have never even considered the shelf life of my non-shoe gear. I’ve had one bra since college (and I’m 40). I haven’t really noticed things getting stinky. Maybe I have a bad nose. LOL!

  11. Mica says:

    Ohmygod, I just realized I’ve had a handful of my sports bras since college! I’m pretty #blessed (heeheeeeeee) that I don’t smell (Thank you, Korean genes!), so I guess I could wear them ad infinitum or until they fall apart.

    The safety pin system is clever! It’s also really considerate of you to “save” your newer clothes for when other people are around. I’d probably just be like “Screw it. YOU HAVE TO LIKE ALL OF ME, INCLUDING MY SMELL.” (No, actually that’s not true. One of my greatest fears in life is smelling bad and not realizing it.)

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