Theater upgrades

By , March 28, 2016 12:47 pm

I wonder what’s going on in the movie theater industry. I was (pleasantly) surprised when Marcus Theaters started having $5 Tuesdays* – where you can see any movie for $5 and popcorn is free and snack prices are reduced. Steven and I appreciated it – we enjoy going to the movies but couldn’t justify the high cost of tickets. $5 sounds good to us!

Of course, then Tuesdays became a mad house at the theater (which is probably what they wanted), so we stopped going as much because the crowds stressed me out. Until Regal Cinemas started the same offer**… so we went there… until word got out about that theater and it was too crowded. Ha ha.

So we haven’t been going as much. If we do, we try to go after the movie we want to see has been out awhile, so it’s not as crowded. Or, go any day, and pay full price for something we really want to see, like Star Wars. That’s rare for us though.

Or, go when we have giftcards, which is what we did last night!

So we were waiting in line and heard the cashier tell the person in front of us to select the seats on the keypad. Steven asked me what theater that was for. “It must be for the new, big theater that they just renovated,” I said. “They must have added those nice seats!”

Nope, I was wrong. We were asked the same question. Apparently, they’ve renovated almost ALL the theaters to have the nice, plush, recliner seats.


Which was an awesome surprise!

But man, they must fit a third (or less?) of the amount of people they could fit in there before? So how is that going to increase revenue? Unless they plan to jack all ticket prices up, except on Tuesdays?

Me so confused.


But I was really comfy during the movie.

(Unfortunately, as you can imagine, nice seats don’t prevent people from playing on their phone during movies and making phone calls… sigh. But it does prevent them from kicking the back of your chair!)

*The theater had previously been doing select movies on Wednesdays and Thursdays for $5 admission.
**Plus some other deals, like cheaper drinks and snacks on other days, and so on.

12 Responses to “Theater upgrades”

  1. Anne says:

    Oh funny, we were thinking of seeing if you guys wanted to see a movie last night! But I guess the answer would have been yes 🙂 Then T looked at the ticket prices for non-Tuesdays and decided there wasn’t anything worth paying full-price for.

  2. Shelley B says:

    Wow, nice seats! I have no complaints about our movie theater prices – we’ve been behind the times in our town for years in terms of ticket prices – matinees were $3.50 when we moved here in 2000, and they’ve only recently increased to $4.75. I think a nighttime movie is $6, but obviously we never go then, haha.

  3. amy says:

    We only go to the movies for things we are really dying to see, like Star Wars. Otherwise it’s just too expensive and the audience is indeed noisy and annoying. And our couch at home is more comfortable!

    • kilax says:

      We were the exact same way until the $5 movie night started! Even then, at first we’d only see certain movies deemed big screen worthy! LOL!

  4. Chaitali says:

    I love the movie theaters with the comfy recliner seats! I’ve gotten spoiled and am so uncomfortable in normal movie theater seats now. But we do try to choose only movies we really want to see and wait for everything else on netflix or tv or something.

  5. Staci says:

    Movies are expensive!! I do suck it up and take my kids when something they want to see is in but I try to stay local. It is a little cheaper in our hometown crap theater. I am not a big movie person to begin with so I can really take it or leave it but the popcorn is addictive. 🙂

  6. Karen says:

    Nice! We have an older movie theater that renovated like that and it has matinee prices early still, but it has been busier each time we go. Oh, they have a bar too 🙂 Drafts at the movies – woot!

  7. Mica says:

    $5 tickets sounds like such a deal, but definitely not worth being in an overcrowded theater where inevitably, someone is going to have bad movie-going etiquette.

    Do you have the same schweet media setup that you did at your old house? I think I’d have more fun watching a movie at home if I had your setup. (Except, like you said, special movies that are best enjoyed in theaters.)

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