Things I’m excited about in April!

By , April 1, 2016 4:11 am
  1. My mom being in Chicagoland for a conference (this weekend)! I’m hoping to see her once or twice.
  2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming out on DVD on April 5!
  3. Teaching fitness boxing, and teaching an outdoor cycling interval class with a fellow Efit instructor.
  4. Using my “dump cart” to do some yard work! (I really enjoy picking up sticks… and we have A LOT in our yard.)
  5. Dates with friends.
  6. A visit to Dallas to see Gina, Steve and Luca, and to celebrate Luca’s fifth birthday!
  7. A visit from my snister and her husband at the end of the month!
  8. Contracted housework being done… maybe? Hopefully?!
  9. Maybe hanging some artwork/photos up around the house!
  10. That as of April 1st… I still have five weeks left to train for the Wisconsin Half Marathon. Phew!

What are you excited about in April?

6 Responses to “Things I’m excited about in April!”

  1. Lesley says:

    I’m also looking forward to Star Wars, though it looks like I have to buy the Blu-Ray package to get the DVD. I only want the DVD and nothing else.

    • kilax says:

      I haven’t looked to see what is in the package, but I am excited about seeing the deleted scenes and any “making of” features!

  2. Rachel says:

    #10!!!!!!! Eeek!

    I hope you get to take lots of dumps. (Yes, I’m reusing a joke…I can’t get enough!)

  3. Xaarlin says:

    Ahhhh sounds like a nice April for you 🙂 so happy you get to see your mom and everyone too 🙂

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