Things I’m excited about in September!

By , September 2, 2016 6:53 am
  1. Moving back upstairs! Getting our new mattresses! Hanging up artwork!
  2. Both of my grandmas turning 80! And maybe (hopefully!) seeing them this month.
    Grandma Pete (Mom’s mom), me and Grandma Tiger (Dad’s mom)
  3. Skamp!
    Skamp 2015!
  4. Teaching fitness boxing again.
  5. Getting hot chai lattes at Starbucks.
  6. Socktember – it’s the month to start learning to knit socks! Actually, I have two other projects that kind of got bumped in front of the socks. Maybe I will still have time to try socks though! It’s really time to start knitting holiday gifts… is it bad I’ve been listening to some holiday music already?! And that it started in late August?!
  7. Whatever house project Steven and I start next.
  8. Having our final house inspection (for the FHA 203k streamlined work) and getting that off our shoulders!
  9. Double dates with friends!
  10. Eating healthier than we did in August.

What’s on your list?

19 Responses to “Things I’m excited about in September!”

  1. Anne says:

    Oh, it sounds like we may need a coffee date sometime soon! 🙂

    September is my favorite month, since it’s the transition to fall (my favorite season!). We’re going to see Sammy Hagar tonight, which I’m pretty excited about. And my mom is visiting next week. And boxing returns!!!!

  2. Pete B says:

    Happy birthday to both of your grandmas! I’m sure your also excited about cooler weather in September, but that goes without saying! 🙂

  3. Jen2 says:

    How do the McSherrys get onto the double-date list?

  4. Shelley B says:

    Socktember – love it!! This is sounding like a great month ahead for you…and your grandmas!

  5. New mattresses are the best!

  6. Amy says:

    Your grandmas both look awesome for almost 80!

    And mmmmmm….hot chai lattes!

  7. Your grandmas look GREAT! Happy Birthday to them!!!

  8. Karen says:

    Serious!! The grandmas look awesome.
    I look forward to cool air and hopefully some late afternoon runs.
    A new bed will feel so good 🙂

  9. Mica says:

    (What is Skamp? Did I miss this? Is it in a previous post?)

    Socktember! I love knitting socks (but have none on slate for November). I hope you like it too!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, it’s the first two letters of my last name with the last three letters of “camp.” Gina coined it when she came out last year!

      I can’t wait to begin!!!! I am going to make the baby blanket and little rabbits first though!

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