There’s always that one thing 

By , October 5, 2016 10:25 am

Every time I travel (or even bring my gym bag to work) I forget one thing, despite making lists and keeping my travel stuff together. The game is “what will it be this time?!” Ha.

This trip? A lint roller!

Eek! I didn’t even think of it! 

I look like this because I’m knitting in the car.

The lint is worth it. I haven’t had time to work on the baby blanket at all and can get a lot done during the drive!

13 Responses to “There’s always that one thing ”

  1. Christina says:

    Oh my god! It looks amazing and is totally worth the linty pants – in my opinion. 😉 Love it snista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Shelley B says:

    Yarn lint is good lint. 🙂

    That blanket is just gorgeous!!! Love the colors and love the pattern so much! P.S. I can see your lifelines in it – you are turning into a seasoned knitter!

  3. Joanna says:

    nice!! Im just getting back into my crochet since it is getting colder out.

  4. I like the color combos on the blanket 🙂

  5. Mica says:

    The blanket looks great! I love knitting in the car, but sometimes, it makes my lap rather hot. It’s also a little hard to fix mistakes, so I try not to work on anything too complicated!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! And yes, my lap was getting hot until we figured out we didn’t have the AC on (it was in the high 70s here today, blah). And I made sure to stop knitting if I was talking – I can’t do that at the same time! I can listen though!

  6. Karen says:

    That is a beautiful color scheme.
    I just find tape when I get cat hairs on me lol

  7. Zenaida says:

    Love the colors!

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