Early conditioning

By , December 21, 2016 12:08 pm

Ha, today is officially the first day of winter*, but because of the brutal (weather-wise) end we had to fall, I am already conditioned to be excited about temperatures in the 20s and 30s. Today’s run felt amazing at 30°F!!!


And if last week was a preview of the winter we’re going to have, I need to change things up a bit. It’s not safe (because of road speeds) to run outside at dark in the winter where I live. It’s also not safe to run outside during the daylight if there’s a ton of snow in the shoulders. So, I see more driving to safe places to run, indoor track runs, and even (gasp!) treadmill runs this winter. Gotta do it for my sanity!

*Happy Winter Solstice! The guy at the front desk at the gym this am excitedly greeted me with “I have good news! As of 4:44 am this morning, the days are getting longer!” Ha.

10 Responses to “Early conditioning”

  1. Kiersten says:

    I’m on the same boat! Especially being pregnant, I don’t feel safe running in the dark or when icy/snowy. The indoor track near me is just so small and crowded and hot! So I did what I thought I’d never do: I asked for a treadmill for Christmas.

  2. Kathy says:

    those temps are cold. I’d manage in 30 but I’m not sure you’d get me out the door in anything less than that! Just be careful!

  3. Amy says:

    Wow, I can’t even imagine running on the roads where you live, when it’s that cold and with snow! Treadmills are really a lifesaver in the winter, and not so bad for short runs. Just tough for long ones. I think the longest I ever ran on a treadmill was 12 km and it felt like I was there forever…

    • kilax says:

      What’s crazy is that Steven and I trained for our first half marathon almost entirely on our treadmill and I can’t imagine being on it for that long, now!!!

  4. Xaarlin says:

    Yesterday’s temperature felt amazing! I mean, it was like 40 degrees warmer than when it was super cold at -5 a few days ago. Heatwave! Lol. It stinks you don’t have a good place to go run closeby. At least you have options. And super double YAY to the days starting to get longer. That is something to be celebrated!

    • kilax says:

      That is what I was saying to Steven – “today is 40 degrees warmer than Monday!” I was outside with just a sweatshirt on, ha ha.

      Yeah, it’s the downside to living in the middle of nowhere! It should get better if some of the snow melts off the shoulders though!

  5. Karen says:

    I feel your snow pain…that always keeps me inside. I hope we don’t get as much this year and that I can run again soon :/

  6. Mica says:

    Oh wow, that is a pretty brutal situation for winter running. I hope you can find a good way to run safely when it’s really snowy outside that doesn’t drive you crazy!

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