Good Samaritan

By , April 21, 2017 3:20 pm

On my train ride home this week, I was surprised to see my ticket wasn’t out when the conductor came around calling for them. I always put my ticket out after I sit down! Where did it go?

I checked in my purse and I had a brand new ticket. The ticket I used that morning had punches on it. So I must have put it out. Did someone take it? Did it fall?

I tried not to get worked up about it and just used my other ticket. And made a note to myself to keep track of my ticket in the future!

Fast forward to today when I get a random call from a local number. Of course I didn’t answer (does anyone?) and they left a message – they found my ticket on their seat and wanted to mail it to me! How kind! I will definitely have to send her a thank you note.

And remember to write my name and number on all future tickets – I am happy I had on this one!

(A picture of my ticket would be boring, so enjoy this picture of the children playing. Any guesses as to who started the fight?)

13 Responses to “Good Samaritan”

  1. Troy says:

    I would guess Kali caused the fight. Mr. Sensitive probably couldn’t take a joke and reacted poorly.

  2. Shelley B says:

    Data. Ol’ fangy mouth is giving it away. 😉

    Train tickets – what is this thing of which you speak?

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That’s what it looks like, but he was being fangy in self defense! She jumped up and attacked while he was napping!

      LOL! Do you ask because I should be using the mobile app?! Or because your town doesn’t have public transportation in the form of trains?! 😉

      • Shelley B says:

        Oh Kali – gurrrrl, you’ve got to let sleeping cats sleep!

        I asked because I’ve never ridden on a train, unless you count the Hogwarts Express, LOL. I rode BART in San Francisco as a teenager, but that was for fun, and we took the Metro in DC when we went there, but having a conductor and tickets? That sounds so old fashioned – I seriously didn’t know they still did this. Thought it was more like how you zip your ticket through the turnstile for BART.

        You brought the cold front to Texas, THANK YOU!! Although Allie had golf ball sized hail up there last night – did you get any? I’m loving this weather for our race tomorrow. 🙂

        Have a good time in Texas!

        • kilax says:

          Right? Steven said he had to break up a “fight” in the middle of the night last night! But he also caught Data licking Khali (again!) today! So cute.

          Ha! Hogwarts counts!!!! I was surprised when I first started riding Metra and you still had someone punch a ticket. Or, like you said, had to show someone. I wonder if most commuter trains are this way.

          I did! Ha! It was nicer at my house today! We got the hail but not that big! I hope you have a great race!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Zenaida says:

    That’s great that you got your ticket back but how did this person knew it belonged to you? It’s been years since I’ve been on a Metra train. My guess on who started the fight was Data but now I see that it wasn’t.

  4. Mica says:

    Ugh, that moment of panic where you are like “Where IS it?!”–that stresses me out so much. Good for you for keeping calm, and it all worked out so well in the end. Reaffirming your faith in humanity, yay!

  5. martymankins says:

    I like when people are caring like that. Good to see them out there in the wild and in the public.

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