The house guest who doesn’t know when to leave

By , January 1, 2018 9:17 am

Steven and I had a productive New Year’s Eve planned out – exercise, house projects, put away Christmas decorations, and work. Then we were going to treat ourselves out to dinner!

But our dinner plans went awry! We had a visitor over mid afternoon and THEY NEVER LEFT. And they didn’t want to go out to dinner with us, sigh. So we stayed in.

Ha ha ha. That guest was Snow.

I brought Snow in around 2:00 pm so Steven could work on insulating the sliding glass door around Snow’s house. Snow was doing okay, sitting with me and being petted, but then he started to get antsy about going back outside. But Steven had to close the door to Snow’s house to work on it, and we didn’t want Snow out there, unable to go inside his house, so we kept him in.

Snow, Khali, and Data watching Steven work

Snow waited by the door to go out (rather patiently, actually), but eventually tired of that and went upstairs to hide under our bed.

When Snow’s house was ready for him to go back outside, we called for Snow and he didn’t come. So we shook the dry food container, and Data and Khali came running downstairs immediately. Snow slowly came out of the bedroom, came downstairs, and walked right by where Steven was holding the door open for him to go outside… then turned around and ran back up the stairs. He’s usually super eager to go back outside!

I think Snow may be done with winter! And done with his surprise visitors outside.

Photo from Christmas Eve. We were all watching a movie inside when Andrew saw this coyote running around in our yard! I took this photo of him right by the patio that Snow’s house is on.

Snow then camped out under the bed, FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT! At first I thought he was scared, but then I realized he’d let me pet him and get all purry, he’d eat food, and he played with a mouse I put under there for him.

Yeah, totally done with winter.

He picked a good time to spend the night – it’s -8°F outside as I write this (the first floor of his house is 40°F, second floor is 75°F).

We don’t mind if he’s inside, but we would like to be inside when he is (to monitor what he’s up to), since he’s not fixed, doesn’t have shots, and has all his claws (we’d never remove them – just mentioning that because he could hurt Data or Khali during play, accidentally). So… we may be home for a while. But again, it is -8°F out!

In other news, I stayed up until midnight! Woo hoo! We watched a movie until 9:30, then Steven worked, and I did some computer stuff, then tidied up and cleaned to stay up. Ha!

And one last cute cat pic from the day:

21 Responses to “The house guest who doesn’t know when to leave”

  1. Poor kitty! I am over this cold weather too!!

  2. Kathy says:

    Happy New Year! I’m glad he stayed in that’s soo cold.

    • kilax says:

      Happy New Year! Ditto! I wonder how long he will stay inside before he gets cabin fever 😉 This cold is supposed to last until Saturday!

  3. ChezJulie says:

    Congratulations, you have an indoor cat! 🙂 Seriously he may be well on his way to staying in. Although it’s almost a shame when he has that beautiful house. But great that he chose last night to stay inside. (And I liked your calling him the guest who wouldn’t leave).

    What a cute picture of Khali. Does she allow belly rubs?

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha, thanks! I think he may be. I just brought him out to remind him where the litter box is, and he went by the door, and cried, but then went back under the bed. Ha ha. I am glad you liked my joke title 😉 And I bet some other cat would use the house if he stayed inside!

      Thanks! She allows belly snorgles and rubs when she is in the right mood – usually at bed time 🙂

  4. Karen says:

    I am glad Snow is inside! That is an intimidating visitor…yikes!
    Happy New Year 🙂 I stayed up but I kinds wish I had gone to bed lol I slept this day away.

  5. Kiersten says:

    Good job making it to midnight. I did not! I understand Snow- I am so over the cold too!

    • kilax says:

      I couldn’t believe I did!!!

      Are you guys having lows in the negatives? Or highs in the negatives?!

      • Kiersten says:

        We’ve been having highs of about 3 degrees. Positive numbers but not by much! The cold is nasty enough, but the roads are still all covered with thick ice and then a little snow on top of that, so running outside stinks. I feel like a wimp, but I’ve been on the treadmill a lot!

        • kilax says:

          Very similar to here, then! And do you have the nasty wind as well?

          Ugh, that sounds bad for running AND driving!!! You are NOT a wimp. AT ALL. You are being safe. I have been doing the same. I will go outside for a short run, but I can’t do speed, hills, or long in the cold/on the snow!

  6. Maggie says:

    Can you close the door to your bedroom while you’re out? We just started fostering a cat for a friend, and Olive is not pleased, so we’re keeping him in our bedroom with the door closed when we’re sleeping or out. He’s got food/water/litter box in there. (I just love having a litter box in my bedroom closet LOL.) He is super cuddly and playful though so he has quickly won us over.

    • kilax says:

      I don’t think so – I think he’d lose his sh*t and destroy things. He’s gone now though, so we can go out if we want 🙂 We’ve had that set up for Data and Khali before! It’s funny to have that stuff in your room.

      That is awesome you are helping out by fostering!!!

      • Maggie says:

        If it were up to me I’d be fostering so many more cats. It just took this long to get Robert to agree to it. He does really seem to like Chance though. It’s more the litter boxes and cat smell that Robert is opposed to, and the fact that our place is less than 900 sq ft.

  7. Mica says:

    I’m glad Snow (ha ha I just realized you have a lot of snow on the ground in these pictures) finally came to his senses and stuck around for awhile.

    Do you worry about him bringing in fleas from being outside? (I mean, not now, obviously.) Maybe he’ll be 100% converted by the time the warm weather comes back.

    Have you named the coyote yet?

    • kilax says:

      The whole Snow/snow thing makes us laugh too. Especially when I take pics of him in the snow.

      I was so glad he came in too! I don’t worry about fleas cause we give him treatments and I comb him with a flea brush (which he loves) and have never found one.

      We named the coyote Tywin 🙂

  8. Yikes! That is quite the backyard visitor you had! (Though I have to admit the picture of him/her is really pretty, especially with all that snow on his/her face.) And I don’t blame Snow for being done with winter – I’m done with winter, too!

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