Fresh out of f*cks

By , March 24, 2018 3:35 am

Gawd, I’ve been training for this 5K f-o-r-e-v-e-r (and you’ve been hearing about it F-O-R-E-V-E-R). “Focused”* training started in the middle of December.

The race is two weeks from today, and I’m at the point where I just want to be running the damn thing. I usually don’t focus on a race for this long, and don’t have the mental energy for it anymore. I’m fresh out of f*cks to give about training.

In this “focused” training cycle (since December 18th) I have:

  • Run 581.7 miles, including:
    • 13 speed workouts
    • 13 hill workouts
    • 6 tempo workouts (including one race)
  • Done strength: 36 times
  • Cycled: 28 times
  • Swam: 14 times
  • Gotten a massage: 4 times

And how close I am to my previous 5K PR weight? A few pounds over! Do I think I will get there before my race in two weeks? Not really. Ha. But I have lost 20% of my weight since November, so that’s cool. I need to keep going in that direction, and stay there (I am a chronic yo-yoer).

I know some people are anti-scale, but daily weigh-ins keep me on track!

I’m not going to get any faster in these next two weeks. I’m tempted to stop with the focused work now, and run junk miles until the race. I probably won’t. Winky face.

What I do need to make sure I do though, is focus on my eating, and getting enough sleep!

Two more weeks, I can do this!!!

*Focused as in, specific 5K speedwork. I had been doing speedwork once a week for a few years, and hills once a week for about a month+. And I do strength, cycling, and swimming every week anyway.

A bad thing that happened this week. I have this janky 6-port USB charging tower on my desktop, and on Thursday afternoon, I had three things plugged in to it (phone, watch, headphones), and I said to Steven, “I have three things plugged in, let’s see what happens!”

Um, foreshadowing…

Not five minutes later, I look over and my headphones are SMOKING. Smoke is coming out of where the charging cord connects to the headphones.


The connection in the headphones and the end of the charging cord both fried.

The good news is, the headphones were over two years old, and they were on their way out anyway. And they were on sale on Amazon Thursday, so I ordered a new pair. And put that charging tower in the garbage.

But gah – that could have been BAD!!!

12 Responses to “Fresh out of f*cks”

  1. DeAnne says:

    You are going to run a good race. You have done all that you can to prepare your body to run a good race. I hope that two weeks from now when you run your good race you are able to enjoy what you have trained your body to do so that you can look back on a great moment in your life, don’t forget to smile 🙂

  2. Kathy says:

    Hang in there!! Keep up with your sepecific training and if you don’t PR then you know it was just the day. Eating is the nemesis of my running 😋

  3. Mica says:

    Ahhh, when electronics smoke or melt, it really freaks me out (says I, sitting next to a soldering iron). I’m glad it didn’t start a fire!

    Why do you think you’re less able to do long periods of focus for races now? Do you think it’s age related or just a shift in priorities/life circumstances?

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha, as you solder. Ha! I am glad too. Glad I only used that thing when I am at my desk.

      I’ve actually always been this way. I realized it right away when I tried to train for my first marathon in 2009 (never happened) and had some four month plan. Those are just hard for me, for some reason. I stop caring. I don’t think I can focus for more than 12 weeks. Which I know about myself, and need to remember for the future! Did you like the long training cycles for marathons?

  4. Amy says:

    Jeez – thank God you were home when things started smoking!

    And hang in there for the last two weeks of prep for your 5K! I know you are sick of it, but hopefully that’ll lead to you being super pumped on the day!

    • kilax says:

      Right? Luckily, I never used that charging station when I was not at my desk!

      Thanks for your encouragement! I will be pumped race day (but sooooooooooo nervous)!

  5. Kristina says:

    I am so impressed that you’ve tracked the workouts and can specifically say what you’ve done. Mind you, I could go back through Training Peaks and look at the data, but shew…. I’m supposed to be gearing up for my first triathlon of the season at the beginning of May, and I seriously feel like “Well, this is going to be a sh*t show with the lack of training”. And… It hasn’t been a total lack of training, just not quite as consistent as I’d like.
    Okay, enough about ME. Good luck with the final push. I’d say that you’ve done the work at this point – focus on those little things (as you pointed out, eating and sleeping right).

    • kilax says:

      Thanks – I have a few spreadsheets I track everything on. I just love tracking 😉

      What’s up with your consistency? Super busy or is it not your top priority? I bet it won’t be a 100% sh*t show – you’re talented 🙂

      And thank you! I am just going to focus on the little stuff!!!

  6. Man, I’m almost positive that’s more miles than I’ve ever run in the entirety of a MARATHON training cycle! I’d be over training if I were in your shoes, too!

    That is TERRIFYING about your charger!! Obviously things could’ve been much worse, but man, so scary!

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Thanks for understanding! I still love to run just don’t want to focus so much!

      It is! I don’t know why I kept using that thing when it seemed so janky to being with <--- dumb.

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