Wednesdays are my Mondays

By , May 30, 2018 12:23 pm

I love it when I wake up in the morning and smell a stink bomb, then go to Data’s litter box to cover it up, and realize it’s NOT in his litter box. It’s all over the welcome mat. And door threshold. And door.


I love it when I get to work THEN realize the back of my shirt is see-through. Dammit. I had a funny feeling when I was getting dressed this morning, and should have checked at home. (Whiny side note: I wanted to wear a dress today, but elected to wear pants and a shirt because I have fifty+ mosquito bites and thought pants would deter me from scratching more than a dress. Ugh.)

I love it when the main program I use at for my job won’t work, week after week, despite help from IT.

I love it when I’ve been waiting for a month for info and I get it and it says “let’s discuss further” instead of answering ANYTHING.

I love it when I leave my desk for a few minutes and the same person calls me over and over.

Wednesdays seem to be my Mondays lately. Thanks for letting me vent, that’s all I wanted to do! (I realize none of these things are a big deal, except the first one since it means Data is still not feeling well.)

(What’s funny to me is that I woke up feeling achy (from a strength workout) and tired (from going to bed late after seeing Solo), and thought about this post (below) I saw and how I was going to do the things listed to start the day out right… and it was working!!!!! Until I found the sh*t on the floor and saw all the mosquitoes inside the house and immediately felt irritated. Ha. I’ll keep at it!)

And I will end with a few positive small things from my week/day:

  • It was AWESOME to have Monday off
  • It was fun to go to the movies last night with Steven
  • I found a birthday gift for a friend
  • I got to have a “coffee” (really, chai) break with my work bestie today

10 Responses to “Wednesdays are my Mondays”

  1. Kathy says:

    I laughed so hard when I saw the insta post at the end!1 Really someone set out to f%$K up your day knowing your good intentions. Hope it gets better.

  2. Denise Fleener says:

    Oh dear…….we know all about the sh** thing. Check his back feet too. Simon usually manages to stand in it. Ugh. We got several doses of Diagel from the vet and also gave him 0.2ml of Tylosin twice a day. It has helped him go from puddle to soft formed and clean feet. The vet never figured out why he was having issues. He is still gassy when he goes but at least it’s not running downhill anymore. Good luck! Hopefully Mr. Data feels better soon! Poor boy, it must just hit him and he can’t make it to the box. Ugh! Not fun for mom!!

    • kilax says:

      Yep, every time I see him, he gets the tail and feet check! And we get lots of growling when we clean him off.

      Oh gosh! I feel bad you had to go through it too but that gives me hope that drugs will help Data! For how long did Simon have to take all that?

      I am hoping that is what happened and it was not a spiteful poop. Ha! We’ve been keeping the boxes as clean as possible!

  3. Shelley B says:

    Aw man, poor Data. And poor YOU – yuck. Paco has had stomach issues off and on, and he happened to have them when we were boarding him at the vet a couple months ago. They started him on FortiFlora, which is a probiotic that we sprinkle over his food, and he hasn’t had any trouble since. Although they said I could stop using it once he felt better, I’ve kept it up because it can’t be hurting, right? Anyway, hope you figure out what is wrong with Data, and soon!

    • kilax says:

      That is funny you mention that – Steven had the idea to give Data a probiotic, so we just started that. We are giving him one for vegan humans though, lol. I see there is a FortiFlora for cats; I may order it! Thanks for the rec!!!! I am glad it helped Paco.

      And I hope we do too, thank you!

  4. Yikes, what a day! I hope Thursday has been significantly less Monday-y for you.

    What’d you think of Solo? I went to see it last night with a bunch of Star Wars fans, and they were all about it, but I wasn’t into it at all. Then again, my lone criterion for being into an action movie is, “How many times did it make me laugh?” and Solo made me laugh, like, twice, so I’m really probably not a good person to consult for opinions on something like this, haha.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks, so far, it’s decent!

      I thought it was mostly entertaining, and a bit cheesy. Definitely not very many funny moments! Another friend was saying that – there was no obvious comedic relief. Chewie, a bit! I wish there was a bit more story for Qi’ra, for sure!

  5. Mica says:

    I forgot to ask you about SOLO and what you thought! (I’m not going to see it, but I am definitely curious about your review, so you can spoil it all you want.) I think because I know how much you like SW, I want to know what you thought of it and liked/disliked.

    Sorry about your crappy Wednesdays! Was this the first time you wore the shirt and noticed it had a see-through part? I’ve told you about that French advice book that told you to wear a black bra under a white silk shirt, and I’m just like NO I REFUSE. So maybe you were just being French. Oooh là-là!

    • kilax says:

      So, I was entertained, mostly (like 75% of the time) but definitely thought it was cheesy. Some of the origin stuff felt forced, but some of it was fun. So, entertaining. Not my fave SW movie, but didn’t hate it!

      Sigh, I think I had noticed before and forgot cause that am I was thinking I should wear a different bra and couldn’t remember why! DUH KIM. Oh wow! Black! I should have! I wore white and was wishing I wore cream colored lol!

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