Random Thoughts Thursday 181

By , May 31, 2018 11:58 am
  • We got some news back on Data and he definitely has a malabsorption issue and will be needing treatment. I’m feeling worried and sad that he is not well, and will share more details when I am up to it! P.S. He pooped in the foyer two more times since yesterday. Sigh. But once in the box today. P.P.S. His behavior is normal beyond the poop issues. And playing with his sister less.

  • Steven had this visitor yesterday morning! I am sad I missed her!

  • I finished Station Eleven last week. I was sad when it was over! What a great read! Definitely one of my favorites of this year (and maybe all time?).
  • I was excited to start Endure, a non-fiction book about the “limits” of human endurance (spoiler: it’s mostly mental), but so far, it really feels like How Bad Do You Want It? Part II. I loved How Bad Do You Want It? (so much that I’ve read it several times), but I don’t see myself doing that with this book – so far it’s a bit too, hmm, “study” based for me. Maybe it’ll get better!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 180

16 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 181”

  1. kathy says:

    Poor Data! I hope its not too serious and something that can be taken care of quickly….give him a nice head scratch from me

  2. ChezJulie says:

    Poor little Data. He does look thinner than usual. I hope he responds well to the treatment! Sending a hug.

  3. Shelley B says:

    Well dang, I’m sorry for Data (and again, you guys) and I hope the vet can get him cured soon!

    Love that deer, just relaxing in your yard like she owns the place. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! Us too. And I think it’s gonna be more treatment and making him comfortable, hopefully for a long time to come!

      Right?! I wish I would have seen her!

  4. Anne says:

    Poor Data! I hope the treatment helps! Heidi says to tell him to feel better soon, but in the meantime milk being sick for all it’s worth. She says you’re probably not giving him enough treats 😉

    Wow, what a beautiful visitor! Do you get deer often? Yesterday on my run (same route we did) I saw a doe with it’s baby. So cute!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks, I hope so too! Ha, and tell Heidi he is ON IT. Whining for food all the time, blaming us for him being sick, etc etc. 😉

      We actually don’t! Sigh, I have thought about having a salt lick to lure them in, but it’s a bad idea. AWWW! I love seeing deer but especially the cute little does!!!

  5. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Data has a malabsorption issue 🙁 I hope the treatment works well and that he’s back to his normal self soon! Sending you lots of internet hugs in the mean time, though (and…whatever cats like for comfort, for Data.)

    My parents had a mama deer and baby come visit last Saturday. My mom said she had never seen a doe so small – she thinks it might’ve been born that day, or only a couple days earlier. She even saw it nursing! I always loved watching deer in our backyard. I miss seeing them! I don’t miss driving and having to watch out for them though 😛

    • kilax says:

      Thank you, I hope so too! We ended up starting treatment on Friday so I hope it’s already helping. And thanks for the hugs 🙂

      Oh wow! What a treat for her to see that! Did she send you a pic?

  6. Mica says:

    I’m sorry to hear about Data’s stomach (digestion?) issues, but I’m also glad that you know a little bit more. Maybe that’s a relief instead of wondering what’s going on. I’m glad he’s still acting normally (minus the pooping). The picture you sent of him relaxing in the sun the other day made me happy. I bet if I were staying over, I’d still wake up and find him STARING AT ME WHILE I SLEPT. (C’mon, Data!)

    I hadn’t heard of “How Bad do you want it?” (Cake? So bad!) I’ll add it to my queue!

    • kilax says:

      I am glad too. And glad we noticed something was up with his weight (the poop was pretty obvious). Seeing him basking in the sun makes ME happy too! Ha, he would STILL do that. He still has a crush on you and talks about you a lot.

      LOL, cake, yessssssssssss. Let me know what you think of the book if you want it! I wonder if there is a book like that geared toward lifting gains and mindset. That would be interesting to read too.

  7. Kandi says:

    I’m so sorry Data isn’t feeling well. It’s so hard to see our pets be sick. Nova (my younger pup) has a liver disease that we’ve been dealing with the past year. Like Data she’s been acting pretty normal but she’s pretty sick. It was detected during blood work. She’s been on a lot of medicine and a new diet and has had mild improvement so far. I hope they are able to treat Data’s problem! Hugs, friend.

    • kilax says:

      Aww man, I am sorry Nova has liver disease. I hope the improvements increase and she continues to be comfortable. And I am glad you guys caught it and can help her!!!! Thanks for the hugs 🙂 🙂 🙂

  8. Stephany says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about Data! I hope the treatment helps him out; I know that’s got to be taxing on you AND him. <3 It's always worrisome when our little ones get sick like that.

    I need to read Station Eleven! I pitched it to my book club a few years ago and it got shot down, so then I took it off my TBR list. But now every person I know who has read it has loved it, so I may need to just read it on my own!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! I really hope it does too! I just want him to be happy and comfortable… and have normal poop. Ha.

      Oh gosh! Yes! Tell me what you think! When I saw your note on Insta about reading more sci fi I thought of recommending it, even though the author says it’s not sci fi (it really isn’t, not sure why it’s categorized that way!). I LOVED IT.

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