Five months in

By , June 2, 2018 7:00 am

I passed 1,000 miles run for the year (with 1,008.2) during my Thursday, May 31st long run! Yay!

That’s the earliest I’ve ever hit that arbitrary number, by about fourteen days. I wasn’t planning on passing it in May, but I signed up to run Grandma’s Marathon in two weeks, so I’ve been running a freaking lot. My 6 weeks to a Marathon plan* has looked like:

Inception: Gina suggests I run Grandma’s Marathon when I see her in April. Hmm, that could be fun.
Week 0: Run Half Marathon, and PR. Get excited about maybe running full.
Week 1: Test out legs on 18 miler. Feeling good, should I do it?
Week 2: Eh, better try a marathon pace tempo. That felt great! So did a 20-miler! I’m signing up!
Week 3: 10 mile marathon pace tempo, yasssssssss. And a 19 mile long run too!
Week 4: 12 mile marathon pace tempo and I didn’t want to die, winning! 22-miler in the books!
Week 5: Week one of taper, wah. 12 mile long run, separate short marathon pace tempo.
Week 6: Race week! Just have to get through taper boredom!

I don’t foresee maintaining this running load. I am registered for a 70-mile bike ride at the end of July that I need to train for! Expect to see a huge increase in cycling, at least in the end of June and in July.

But I will miss running all these miles… until the horribly hot humid days are here to stay. Ha!

*Note, I was trained up to 16 mile long runs and had been running 50 mile weeks already.

12 Responses to “Five months in”

  1. Kathy says:

    So many miles 🙂 Hopefully the marathon will go well.

  2. Mica says:

    Wow, 1000 already? Do you think you’ll try for 2000 in the second half? Well, with less mileage, maybe 1500? Although knowing you, you’ll do whatever makes you happiest and is the most rewarding, whether that’s miles run or not. Anyway, congratulations on the record!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! I bet I will end up at 2000 for the year, but maybe not much more. Running this much does make me very happy and feel very good. But I wonder if I will want to keep getting up so early to run when we don’t have the early sunrises anymore!

  3. Shelley B says:

    Holy moly, you have REALLY been running all the miles! That is incredible. I usually end my year at 500 miles, so you’ve done something I can’t even fathom doing!

  4. Joanna says:

    WOW! that’s awesome! I hope you do really well in the marathon!

  5. Holy cow, 1000 miles by the end of May?! That’s so impressive! I’ve never hit that many in a year, haha. No wonder you were able to make a last minute decision about a marathon, with all the training you’ve logged already this year!

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