Someone has a better inside joke than me

By , June 6, 2012 4:34 pm

Or lost a bet?


Sadly, I will never know the story behind Beer Man. I told him I liked his costume. I wanted to ask him more, but he disappeared. How do you disappear in that costume? When you are by the “Willis” Tower and surrounded by tourists (and when I have to catch my train and not waste time looking for Beer Man).

Whatever your purpose Beer Man, thank you for making my Wednesday a bit better.

13 Responses to “Someone has a better inside joke than me”

  1. Erin says:

    Only in the city. Only in the city.

  2. Cary says:

    I love this. This is the very reason I never leave home without a camera. (Although, camera phones help these days). One day as I was walking around the Loop on my lunch break I ran into a man in a lobster costume. Another time, it was a guy in a chicken suit.

    • kilax says:

      I almost always have my phone out on the walk to and from the office in case I see something crazy like this! You must take pics of these people next time 🙂

  3. That is amazing. I’m so glad you managed to get a picture of it!

  4. Emily says:

    WOW! You sure don’t see outfits like that on a daily basis, that’s for sure! Was Beer Man literally just parading around nonchalantly? And/or did he look like he has some purpose to the direction of his struts? =D

    • kilax says:

      He seemed very confident. Someone was taking pictures of him as he walked. I really do wish I knew the back story!

  5. Gingerfoxxx says:

    that is not an inside joke – that is a life choice.

  6. gina says:

    Captain Beer Man! Saving Kim and the rest of Chicago from boring Wednesdays.

  7. Kelsey says:

    I so wish that were me.

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