Random Thoughts Thursday 85

By , February 4, 2016 6:04 am
  • We actually have a close date – tomorrow! FINALLY! We have movers set up for Saturday! THIS SHIZ IS GETTING REAL, YO!


Why yes, this creepy room is in our basement!

  • Work has been nuts for a few months, but it’s reassuring to know that I can always let my boss know when I’m overwhelmed – and that she’ll get it and help me out. She’s been so understanding about the house and health stuff. I hope she’s my boss for as long as possible (people move around a lot at my office).
  • I haven’t run with anyone yet this year! But I have cycled six times with Steven and twice with Tina (and once with class). I think the run stat will change soon – my parents are visiting this weekend to help with the move, and it should be warm enough for my dad to cycle with me while I run. Yay! (Other than that though… I really enjoy my solo runs.)
  • Since I know you guys are super interested in my first no chip manicure (ha), I have to report it is no more. By Sunday five of the nails had peeled off, so I picked the rest off (which you are NOT supposed to do!!!). So it lasted two weeks and a few days. Even though it didn’t last a long time, I would think about getting it again, because it was nice not to have to worry about my nails chipping (just peeling off).
  • Do any other iPhone users have issues receiving texts from Android phones? Every few days I won’t receive an Android text, and I’ll know because a group convo won’t make sense, and because the messages show up a day later. Restarting my phone helps, so I need to remember to do that each day. But… wtf. It’s annoying.
  • Did you guys hear about that college that requires all the students to wear a Fitbit (article here, pdf here)? The students that go there have always been required to track their exercise via a point system each week, and now the mandatory Fitbit makes it easier to track. Interesting!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 84

22 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 85”

  1. Erin says:

    Ahhhh!! So excited you have a close date!!

    That’s so interesting about the no-chip manicure. I’ve only ever had a regular manicure and I had acrylic nails for about a year. I used to peel those off, too.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!!!

      Ha! We are so bad to our nails 😉 Let me know if you ever try no chip! I think it didn’t last as long for me as it should since I lift, you know?

      • Erin says:

        Ooh, that’s a good point about lifting doing a number on your nails. I use chalk when I deadlift and my hands are always so dry. That probably wouldn’t help, either!

  2. yay! Congrats on your close date!!!

    I did hear about the college Fitbit thing. Very interesting. This particular college has always tracked fitness but I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing more of this, with the growing fitness trend and all the stats we hear every day about how obese and unhealthy Americans are, plus the general trend of more colleges trying to cater to the “whole student”. I guess it doesn’t seem that different than when we got graded in gym class back in the day. Do kids still have to take gym??

    • kilax says:


      Oh gosh, I wonder if kids still do take gym… I think so? And it would be easy for college students to meet those requirements if they have a big campus! I bet most of them already had Fitbits anyways 🙂

  3. Anne says:

    It’s so awesome to have a boss who gets when things are overwhelming and can even offer help! That’s one of the reasons I’m SO happy to have a new manager. We got this new monster RFP in yesterday that was so big and difficult I was just about crying thinking about how I’d fit it in with everything else I’m working on, and she immediately offered me support and help. My old boss definitely wouldn’t have done that. Things like that make such a big difference!

    I’m so glad the long loan/closing nightmare is finally going to end tomorrow!

    • kilax says:

      Yay for you having an awesome manager! Wasn’t that a huge relief when you told her that and she could actually help? Gosh, it’s such a simple thing, but it makes a HUGE difference. I hope you guys get it done without too much headache!

      ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY! People keep asking if I am excited and I don’t think I will believe it until after close… and moving. Ha.

      • Anne says:

        Yes, it totally helped. But on the other hand, having an all-hands-on-deck project that’s going to take 4 of us to complete is nuts! And guess who did not offer to help at all – my old manager (even though we roped my former partner in).

        • kilax says:

          Wow! I guess it will be a good learning experience to see how you all work together. And I obviously mean the team minus your old lame manager.

  4. Lesley says:

    So happy for you that you have a closing date. Hopefully once everything is done you can relax a little bit. I’m always stressed when I need to move because there’s so much I have to do.

  5. Yay yay yay yay yay!!!! Congrats on getting a close date!! I’m super excited to hear this, so I can only imagine how excited YOU must be! Hooray!!

    My iPhone has a mind of its own when it comes to texts. There are times when it won’t send texts in a group text that doesn’t involve all iPhones (so I have to resend the message several times until it actually goes through). When I get a long message from someone with a non-iPhone, it comes through as eleventy zillion texts instead of one big, long text. My family (all iPhones) has a group text labeled “The Fam,” and when I text to and from that group message, everything works out just fine on my phone, but on everyone else’s phone it never comes through in the actual group message, but rather comes through in a different, non-labeled message. Sometimes my iMessage on my computer and my messages on my phone don’t sync, so there have been times when iMessages have only showed up on my computer and not my phone. I swear, iMessage is the buggiest app ever. And it’s not predictably buggy either, which is the biggest problem! You never know when you’re missing something! Ah, first world problems 😛

    • kilax says:

      Thank you for being excited for us!

      Total FWP fo sho! LOL! But I have all those same group text issues. I wonder if they are trying to fix it?

      How does iMessage work on the computer? Do you have to have an Apple computer?

  6. karen says:

    Yay!! closing 🙂 that is really exciting.
    That is good you are getting cycle time in with the hubby 🙂
    Booo…sad the no chip didn’t hold up longer.

  7. I’m so excited for you..congratulations!

  8. Melanie says:

    All of the jazz hands emojis! Maybe a fist one and the strong muscle arm, too. What a huge relief and exciting time! I look forward to house progress updates.

  9. Kristina says:

    Good luck with the move – that is SO exciting! Can’t wait to hear about the new place as you settle in.

  10. Shelley B says:

    So excited for your closing/move in!!! What an exciting time in your life – I hope it all goes smoothly.

  11. Mica says:

    That’s about as long as my gel manicure lasted, so maybe for us hardworkin’ women, that’s about as long as we’re gonna get! 😉

    Do you have plans to “finish” the basement in addition to making it a gym space?

    • kilax says:

      We have SUCH a long list of projects! Finish the basement is on there, I bet! I need to ask Steven what his priority order is and see if it aligns with mine. The house is livable (obviously) but there are a lot of things we want to do 🙂

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