It’s healthy cause FRUIT

By , April 25, 2016 6:09 pm

A special dessert


to celebrate a special fifth birthday!


We’ve had such a fun trip in Texas with our otra familia! More to come… when I am not eating fruit pizza, nom nom nom.

9 Responses to “It’s healthy cause FRUIT”

  1. Karen says:

    Is that fruit pizza with a cookie bottom? I had that one, it was delightful 🙂
    What a little cutie!

  2. Rachel says:

    Can I just have the sugar cookie part? Haha

    Happy birthday to Luca!

  3. Staci says:

    That looks really yummy!! I am a sucker for fruit and veggie pizzas. I like the idea of the fresh fruit/veggies!! Plus they make a really yummy snack that I usually eat too much of so having the fruit makes me more able to convince myself it is “healthy” lol

    • kilax says:

      A veggie one would be good, too. That would have a sour cream base? Or no, cream cheese?

      Ha ha, it’s better than some other snacks… right?!

  4. Chaitali says:

    That fruit pizza looks amazing! And of course, completely healthy 🙂

  5. Mica says:

    Ahhh, I love fruit tarts (though you said this is “pizza” I guess). My mom used to get it for me for special occasions and then let me eat the leftovers for breakfast sometimes. And it was okay because it was fruit. 😉

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