Guess my 5K finish time GIVEAWAY

By , April 4, 2018 5:37 am

To thank you all for reading my 5K training posts for months on end, I’d like to reward the person who guesses closest to my 5K finish time (over or under) with a gift card or donation of their choice!

Here’s what you need to know!

  • I am shooting for a finish time of faster than 21:45 (6:59 minute miles or faster). If you guess slower than that I will NOT be offended – seriously – no worries!
  • I weigh four pounds more than when I ran my 21:45 5K PR, and am two years older.
  • The race is this Saturday, the 7th. The course is flat, with a few turns (including two 180s). You can check the weather here. (I won’t check until Friday, but I did get an email last night from the race saying they’re predicting high winds, yay.)
  • I ran my last 5K in 23:08.
  • You can see all my training here. Hint: click on the links for workouts that included speed or tempo to get a better idea of the paces I’ve been training at.
  • There is obviously some strategy to how you guess, compared to what other people are guessing… I will leave that up to you.

The Prize:

A $20 gift card to either Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, or Starbucks, or a donation to the charity of your choice.

IF you guess the time exactly right, I will add $5 to the $20, for a total of $25!

IF no one guesses correctly, but two people are the same amount of seconds off (over and under), I will split the gift card between the two people (each will get $10).

Guess my 5K finish time GIVEAWAY RULES:

  1. One OR two reader(s) will receive a prize (see above) for guessing the closest time to my 5K finish time, over OR under.
  2. REQUIRED to enter the giveaway: leave a comment telling me what you think my 5K finish time will be. Read the comments above yours so you don’t guess the exact same time as someone else. One vote is allowed per person.
  3. Updated to add: only guesses submitted on this post in the comments will be entered.
  4. Guessing is open until 9:00 PM CST on Friday April 6. I will announce the winner(s) on either Saturday April 7 or Sunday April 8. GUESSING IS CLOSED.
  5. This giveaway is open to all readers, in all locations.
  6. This is not sponsored.

45 Responses to “Guess my 5K finish time GIVEAWAY”

  1. Xaarlin says:

    So high winds. Does that mean strong tail winds?! (One can only dream, right?)

    I’ll go with 21:25. I’d go lower of it wasn’t for the High winds.

  2. Kiersten says:

    Because of the wind (and because I like fun numbers) I’m going with 22:22

  3. Jen McSherry says:

    I’m guessing 21:00 even. Winds are no match for you!! I know how hard you’ve been working. Have a great race!!

  4. Eric Smith says:

    Eric predicts 22:37…don’t let me down!

  5. Carolyn says:

    I’m going with 22:08 – good luck!!

  6. Joanna says:

    Ugg high winds. I hate that. I am hoping that maybe the winds wont be that bad….my guess is 21:44

  7. Anne says:

    I’m going to say 21:17 (my two lucky numbers) 🙂

    Good luck!!! Enjoy the fact that you no longer have to do focused speed workouts (you know, unless you want to)!

  8. Christina says:

    21:37 is my guess!!!!!

  9. Shelley B says:

    You are going to kill it with 21:10.

  10. Kathy says:

    I’m going to guess 21 even. Have a great race x

  11. Troy says:

    21 minutes 1 second!

  12. Pete B says:

    19:59. Give it your all that last 1.1!

    • kilax says:

      Aww yeah! Some day, Pete 🙂 I wish I had control in 5Ks like you do. (Ha, I say that like it’s not something you work at and is just some magical thing 😉 )

  13. Julie says:

    20:45 may the wind be at your back 😊🏆

  14. Debbie D says:


  15. Mica says:

    Hmm, I’ll say 21:38. I hope you have a great race!!!

  16. kapgar says:

    I’m in a Rush mood, so 21:12.

  17. Amy says:

    20:25! Because you are fast and that’s a lucky number for me!

  18. bobbi says:

    Damn the wind! But you have been training in it (every. single. run. lol!!) so I am going with 21:29! Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!

  19. Rachel says:

    Let’s go with 21:39 (Though, I really think you’ll do better than that – this is my strategic, win-a-prize guess.)

    Good luck and KILL IT!

  20. Julie says:


  21. Will Miller says:


  22. Todd says:


  23. Steven says:


  24. Matt Damon says:

    Mmaaaaatt Daaamonnn….

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