Posts tagged: dailyplate

How to survive the holidays (when family visits)

By , December 14, 2009 5:15 am

Last year, I tried to use the Livestrong dailyplate. Yeah, that didn’t work for me! But I still get the Livestrong Newsletter in my email. Last week, there was an article titled “How to Survive Holidays with the In-Laws” that I thought actually had some good advice.

Ha, don’t get me wrong. I think it had good advice for dealing with ANY family member during the holidays, whether they are blood-relatives or not. Here’s the short version of the tips (which focus on when family visit):

  1. Communicate your needs in a gentle, but confident manner.
  2. Stick Together.
  3. Find out what works and stick to it.
  4. Trade holiday traditions with your in-laws.
  5. Try not to take criticism personally.
  6. Accept or redirect offerings of help.
  7. Remember that the visit is temporary.

I suggest looking at the article for the full description!

The one I think I need to work on the most is tip #5 – try not to take criticism personally. The full tip says:

Try not to take criticism personally. As long as a mother- or father-in-law is not abusive in his comments and critiques, let his advice cause as little emotional defensiveness in you as possible. Handle his suggestions the same as you would from any other adult.

I have major issues with people telling me how to do things. Especially in the kitchen. Which is funny, because I know nothing about being in the kitchen. I just always feel so defensive when people stop me in the middle of doing something and tell me to do it another way.

Are any of these tips things you need to work on? What is your method for having a stress-free family gathering? Any crazy stories you want to share?

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