Random Wednesday: Office Biggest Loser, Weigh-ins, Evil Cookies, Thanks, and that Bruise

By , March 4, 2009 5:16 am

It looks like I am having another random Wednesday. Maybe I should copy Kevin and start doing “Snippet Wednesdays” if this turns into a habit – I just don’t know if I can promise snippets though!

My Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge Update: Week 6

It’s week 6 of the Biggest Loser Challenge, and I’ve lost 6.56% of my starting weight. I’ve been taking it nice and slow. So even though I am trying to lose weight, I don’t feel like I am living the lifestyle of someone who is trying to lose weight. Does that make any sense? What I am saying is, I DON’T feel like I am on a diet!

Weigh-ins Don’t Work for Everyone

Every Tuesday, the Sun-Times has a Q&A column by Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Michael Roizen, M.D. Apparently we are supposed to be impressed because the first guy is associated with Oprah, and the second guy worked at a prestigious hospital.

Anyway. Today’s first question was about programs that require weekly weigh-ins, and whether they are more successful than programs that don’t.

I found their response interesting – basically, you get out of it what you put into it. If a weekly weigh-in causes you to rethink your efforts and put new vigor into your eating and exercise, that’s good. If a weekly weigh-in causes you to “drown your disappointment in a pint of dark-chocolate ice cream,” that’s bad.

Overall, they said you should be measuring inches, not pounds. I wish I would have measured myself before I started my Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge!

Do you think weekly, private, weigh-ins would work for you?

MyPlate Doesn’t Work for Me

One week on my Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge, I decided I was frustrated (because of a very small gain!) and I signed up for the food diary site, MyPlate. I used it for three days. That was enough. I ate very well those three days, but the headache and constant stress of thinking about food was too much for me. I know that so many people recommend keeping a food diary, but I just can’t do it. It makes me want to rebel.

It was a silly three days, but it helped me get to the point of realizing that my body weight naturally fluctuates and it’s not a big deal.

The Sweet Portion of Lent and Guilt-Ridden Dreams

The Girl Scout Cookies have landed. And they’re everywhere in my office. Let me repeat: I feel relieved to walk by these and not feel tempted by them. Because. They. Are. Everywhere. I. Turn.

My first week of not eating sugary treats went very well. I shared a blueberry muffin with Steven on Sunday and that was it. I think I could have gone the whole day without that muffin, but I could tell he really wanted it.

On Monday night, I had a nightmare that I was gorging on sweets. This tells me I must be serious about it. Sometimes, I have nightmares that I am eating meat and feel very guilty in the dream. Steven has these dreams too. Maybe all vegetarians do? I’ve never craved meat the 8 years I’ve been a vegetarian, but I will have this dream every once in awhile. Well, the sugar dream made me feel the same way – guilty.

I wonder if my sister Christina, who is also a used to be a vegetarian, has had those dreams. Christina, if you are reading this, I also had a dream Monday night that you and Steven and I were at Grandma’s Pete’s old house with the whole fam. The three of us were upset because they were making huge egg mcmuffins, but wouldn’t make them without canadian bacon on them for us. Aunt Linda was making them (of course…). I took one from her and threw a egg on the ceiling and it stuck. I thought dad was going to yell at me, but he laughed. Then we got mad and left!

Thanks Tori!

Tori, thank you for sending me the awesome Thyroid Cancer Awareness wristband. I am going to wear it and tell everyone who asks about it your story and how awesome you are!

(P.S. Data is jealous)

image:Data with wristband

That Nasty Bruise

Thought you’d go a whole week without a fencing post? HA! Not so fast! I was sad not to have fencing class Monday night. Although, it may have hurt if someone hit me in my bruised spot.

The first week of the bruise I thought it was cool. Now I just want it to go away so I can wear a short sleeved shirt and not have to explain to people that I am taking a fencing class (although, it is a good conversation starter!).

image:My nasty fencing bruise

Bonus (if you made it this far!)

Has anyone else seen the Terminator Salvation trailer (at bottom of link)? SWEET! Can’t wait for May 21st! I love your potty-mouth Christian Bale!

19 Responses to “Random Wednesday: Office Biggest Loser, Weigh-ins, Evil Cookies, Thanks, and that Bruise”

  1. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Ha – we are totally on the same page re. Girl Scout Cookies. Only you win and I lose (I’ve eaten my fair share!). But, I’m thinking about taking on a challenge a month. This month is my commitment to working out 3x per week plus my long run on the weekends. I have a list of other monthly challenges, one of which is to give up sweets! You’re a great role model, y’know?!?

  2. Damn, that is one serious bad ass bruise you got going on. That one developed nicely, hasn’t it. Ok, I’m going to harrass my co-worker for my girl scout cookie order now. Thanks for the reminder. : ) Oh dammit, I gave up desserts (and second helpings) for lent. Sh!t!

  3. sizzle says:

    That is such a cute picture of Data. πŸ™‚

  4. diane says:

    I love that photo of Data! Kitties are so cute when you just see their little heads peeking over stuff. Hee hee.
    I was told by my trainer early on to forget food diaries and focus on portion sizes instead. It was hard (and still is) to get used to, but definitely made the whole matter of watching what I eat much less stressful. Plus I quickly learned that the calorie allotment the food diary I was using gave me per day was pretty far off (aka, TOO HIGH)
    I’m also supposed to be relying on measurements vs. lbs…which I have not been so good about, but I figure concentrating on how my pants fit is close enough. :p

  5. Sarah says:

    *GASP* Oh!! Thank you for posting the link to the Terminator preview! I am SOOOO psyched! I love end-of-the-world Doomsday movies. And I LOVE me some Christian Bale! Hmmm…our anniversary is May 22. this will probably be our anniversary date night! *haha* How romantic. πŸ˜‰

  6. Christina says:

    That is a techno-color bruise!

    I don’t like weekly weigh ins. I feel that if you are making the effort to eat properly and to exercise then you know how you feel. Clothes look different, you feel better and the weight may not overly express that sort of change.

  7. weekly weigh-ins worked for me when i was doing weight watchers… lately i just haven’t been able to get back on the bandwagon… that’s awesome that you don’t “feel” like you are on a diet though!!! i think that’s how it’s supposed to be although i have a hard time fathoming that!!! lol
    Data is adorable!!!! i can so see how jealous he is of your new wristband!!! better watch out mom- more leg nips, lol!!!
    i must say i am super impressed by your bruise!!! it looks like you’ve been kicking some major ass!!! you rock Kim!!!!

  8. kilax says:

    SoMi’s Nilsa – You can do it! It’s much easier than I thought it would be. Before, I felt deprived that I was making the personal choice to try not to eat sweets, but now, since I made a promise, and kind of feel like I am doing it outside of myself (if that makes sense), it is easier.

    Gina (Mannyed) – LOL! Your cookies are going to be hiding in your desk drawer, like mine, until April 12th too?

    sizzle – Thanks πŸ˜€

    diane – I love the “peering over” poses too! You know, so many people use those diaries… I wonder if those people have a good grasp on serving size. I feel like I can eat more intuitively when I don’t log it. You get used to it then too… I mean, even if you aren’t measuring, you still have a rough idea, right?

    Sarah – I love Doomsday movies too! Have you seen the preview for “Know1ng”? Looks good, but Nicholas Cage is the main actor (bleh). I think Terminator is perfect for an anniversary!

    Christina – That’s true – the clothes and the way you feel will let you know. I usually start my healthy lifestyle without exercise though, so knowing I am losing weight first, before inches, helps push me along. I should really pay closer attention to my clothes fitting now though. I feel like I am losing touch.

    CourtneyInControl – It took me a long time to get to this “no diet” feeling. But – I think it is achievable for everyone πŸ™‚ Data has been chasing me around! He got yelled at twice this morning and put in time out. Arg. He is so worked up!

  9. Felicia says:

    Weekly weigh-ins are a big NO for me. I weigh in once a month to make sure I am not gaining but it is all about listening to the body not the scale.

    I haven’t seen a single girl scout cookie this year (knock on wood). We made a pact not to buy any for the house and since I work with all guys, I think their wives are the ones who sold the cookies for the kiddos.

    Terminator Salvation looks awesome πŸ™‚

  10. suze says:

    That is a big bruise! I’m glad you’re loving fencing though πŸ™‚

  11. Alice says:

    nice bruise!! i love getting war wounds from my sports. makes me feel bad ass πŸ™‚

  12. kaylen says:

    I rarely weigh myself – my weight can go up and down 3-4 lbs a week no matter what I do – like when I ate a ton of cookies (not girl scout) one week and lost three pounds and then the next week I gained 4 so I really gained one over two weeks….and that’s just too much math!!!

    I use the “do the pants fit” method now, I think it’s more accurate and it’s exciting to have jeans that were really tight fit you just right even straight from the dryer. Or a button-down shirt that was a little snug on the hips last year but fits perfectly now.

    I agree with the comment above—pics of cats popping their head up are great!

  13. Sister Christina says:

    Yes I had those dreams!! I love egg mcmuffins, but ew no bacon please haha. Sounds like something that would happen πŸ˜› I wish Gma still had her old house.. πŸ™

  14. Denise says:

    The weekly weigh-ins help me. Because if I know I’m going to have to weigh-in, I will think twice about overeating. However, I hate to keep a food diary. WW always required that and it was always such a pain. They say that it helps you stay on track. I found it frustrating.

    YIKES!!! That’s a nasty bruise! Ouchy.

    I love the picture of Data! He’s in love with your new band and is trying to think of ways he can steal it to play with. He has the “look”. He’s such a cute boy!! πŸ˜€

  15. Sister Christina says:

    PS That bruise looks gnarly. Reminds me of a gummy bear *nom nom*

  16. omg!! i can’t believe Data got yelled at AND put in time out!!! he is worked up!!!! maybe he knows that Mannyed mentioned something about a v-e-t visit… lol… poor little Data!!! lmao!!!

  17. martymankins says:

    Nice job on the weight loss percentage. Slow is the best way (of course, I’m taking it even slower… some would call it “lazy”) I will be back to my workout after Hawaii.

    And hope your bruise heals quick. That’s pretty nasty.

  18. VENTL8R says:

    Alas, I don’t have any pretty bruises to sport from my fencing class. I’m pretty sure you’re taking full-contact fencing. I’m taking the beginner class again starting the 17th – maybe it will make more sense!

  19. kilax says:

    Felicia – Does the weekly weigh-in make you go crazy? I am still seeing the cookies. This morning, the girl scouts had invaded Union Station and were sellling them there!

    suze – I know! It looks awful, but I think the class is a lot of fun πŸ˜‰

    Alice – Me too πŸ˜‰

    kaylen – Oh gosh. I wish all of my jeans fit me just right out of the dryer! It seems like when they do, then they are too loose later in the day! Ugh, that makes me SO CRAZY!!!

    Sister Christina – I thought you might! I wonder if it is common for vegetarians. We like to make meatless egg mcmuffins at home!

    Denise – I am getting to be the same way – a little more conscious of what I eat, since I know I have to weigh-in. I think that’s good AND bad. You know? I think the journal is frustrating too. EXTREMELY frustrating. Data did steal the band a few times! I didn’t post that pic – I didn’t want Tori to think I was just using it as a cat toy!

    Sister Christina – LOL. Your comment totally reminds me of something mom would write. πŸ˜›

    CourtneyInControl – He has just been so naughty. Last night he jumped up on the couch and attacked me! Now I have more scratches above my bruise. I wonder if his weird attitude has anything to do with the weather (looking for an excuse for him…), or maybe he did just hear what Manny said! Ha!

    martymankins – Thanks πŸ™‚ I think slow is better too. A few years ago, I lost at a rate of 5 lbs. a week, but couldn’t keep it off! We will see more fitness posts when you return from Hawaii?

    VENTL8R – We are doing full-body epee fencing… so you can only hit with the end of the sword. Maybe that has something to do with it? That’s so cool that you signed up for another class!

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