How my mother made my day from 250 miles away

By , December 1, 2009 5:26 am

When we were done painting the guest bedroom, we decided not to put the dresser back in there because it takes up too much space. Instead, we put some shelves up where the dresser was, and are temporarily storing the dresser in our room. We now have three dressers in our room that are not being used – and this new one which doesn’t even match the others! Ha ha. Our long term plan is to re-finish the dresser we just brought into our room and its match in the guest bedroom, and get rid of the two in our room now. Anyway.

The Lone Dresser. Data likes to run across the room and jump onto it, then on to the treadmill.

On Saturday night, Steven and I were discussing the design of the dresser, and how it’s silly that it looks like it has small drawers on the top, but it really doesn’t. We started to open the drawers to look at how it is built and…

… we found a drawer full of STUFF!!! Holiday stuff!* Stockings filled with goodies and other treats! My mother must have hid them in there when she visited two weekends ago!**

The loot!

Of course, we went through everything right away. I am not sure when we were supposed to find the stockings, but it was so exciting to find a holiday gifts so early!

My mother is so thoughtful. She is constantly thinking of how other people feel, and how her actions affect other people. I think this is a wonderful characteristic, and wish I knew more people like her.

Do you know anyone who is super caring, thoughtful and considerate? How do they inspire you?

I like to think a bit of this rubbed off on me, because I do seem to be hyper-aware of how other people are feeling, and I try to do thoughtful “out-of-the-blue” things for them. Of course, my budget doesn’t always allow it!

Besides this drawer full of goodies, my mom sends me cards throughout the year, and even surprise gifts! Two Decembers ago, I was telling Steven how I really wanted the game Apples to Apples, and it just appeared on my doorstep the next night – from my mother! She also sent me the book Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life this past October, as a surprise, just because she knew I wanted it (watch for an upcoming review of the book).

And I really shouldn’t leave my dad out – I’m sure he was a part of all that. I know he was in charge of sending me my care packages (scroll down to 2/23 post) when I lived in Rome!

I know some people don’t like surprises, but to me, it always feels good when I know someone went above and beyond because they were thinking about me.

Here’s a better question, how do you plan on being thoughtful this holiday season?

Side Note: Don’t forget to enter my Eating Animals Giveaway!

*Because I am crazy, I thought I had hid all of this stuff in there for a split second.
**Ha ha ha. I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to my mom about this until yesterday. But I tricked her and told her we had Salvation Army come up and pick up all the dressers. Ha ha! She freaked out for a minute. “I thought you were going to keep them!” “You said you were going to paint them!” “You said you were going to get rid of the other one.” I’m SO MEAN. She told me she hid the stockings there when I was running the Friday night they visited. Everyone told her not to hide them there (that we would find them) but she said, “Kim said she doesn’t use her dressers!” I don’t use them – it was completely by chance that we opened them. My poor mom. I ruined her surprise! She was going to call us Christmas morning and tell us to look in the dresser. What a thoughtful idea. She said on the phone “Did Data see them too?!” He did. “No one will be surprised!” But I let her know she made my day!

32 Responses to “How my mother made my day from 250 miles away”

  1. Teamarcia says:

    Excellent post–especially in this season of giving. Wow your mom is wonderful and what a great role model! I have a friend who is uber thoughtful like that..truly a fantastic character trait and one I need to cultivate more in myself!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Turkey Trot 5k Race Report =-.

  2. Mica says:

    That’s so great! Your mom is really a sweetie. Finding a box of Christmas goodies from my parents definitely would make my day too.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Waffles make things better. =-.

  3. Awww…what a sweet surprise!!

    That’s so funny that you tricker her into thinking you had gotten rid of the dresser– I totally would have done the same thing. My mom is so sweet, and my sister and I find ways to trick her all the time…we are bad children 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Clean Machine =-.

  4. Susan says:

    That’s so awesome…my mom does stuff like that too. If she knew I was having a bad day at school, she would leave my favorite candy on my dresser. Even now she sends me random stuff in the mail. It’s even better since I loooove getting mail! I’m still working out a budget, but I would love to do random things/get random surprises for people. It makes people feel good to know that someone was thinking about them for no reason other than that they care about them!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… just another manic monday… =-.

  5. Your mom sounds like exactly the kind of mom I am trying to be. I love that she is so thoughtful and makes you feel so loved even when she is far away!

  6. Oh! And P.S., you are pretty thoughtful yourself! I hope you know how much I appreciate the things you have done for me.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Happy Thanksgiving =-.

  7. AWWWWW!!!!!! Kim, your momma is so sweet!!!!! That is SO cool!!!! Your mom just rocks!!! And I think you are a lot like her, trying to think of others- you know, sending smiles, thoughts, cards, goodies!!!! You are freaking awesome!!! And that inspires me!!!!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Happy Thanksgiving =-.

  8. Kim your blog is so cute! I love it. 😀

    I adore surprises and your mom sounds like a rockstar!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… November 30th, 2009: Not Stirred =-.

  9. You’re mom = awesome. How fun is it to find a treasure of holiday funness! That made me smile! I agree with Courtney, you are totally like your mom in that sense. I can barely count the amount of times you have made my day with a card or package for me. I try to be aware of doing that stuff for other people, but I could use a few lessons from your mom. The draw full of goodies is top notch!

    I love APPLES TO APPLES!!! Wanan play??

  10. Kristie Lynn says:

    Your mom sounds like such a sweetheart! I love surprising people with stuff – in fact, I’ve got a BIG surprise coming up for my hubby. His friend from back home is flying out to visit! As of right now hubby thinks the next time he will be able to see any of his friends from back home is next summer at the earliest so I know he’ll be psyched. There’s something so great about surprising the people you love 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Hearts are won, empires fall in love with love =-.

  11. Etta says:

    How sweet of your mother! My mom used to send me little packages and cards when I was in college. It always made my day.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The Graduate =-.

  12. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    I love it when people think more of others than they think of themselves. That’s really awesome your mom left that surprise for the two of you to enjoy!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Yang =-.

  13. That is too cool. I WANT to be like that, then I get all ehh…and lazy….

    I did order my kids some advent calendars and will go get some other holiday stuff and am going to leave it outside their door…

    I tend to hand it to them though because I love to see how excited and happy they get over the surprises!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… SEVEN! =-.

  14. Erin says:

    I LOVE it! That is so sweet of your mom (and dad) to surprise you like that. I love it when people surprise me with fun little gifts. I try to do it for people, too, but I’m never that creative!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The Boys of Lunch =-.

  15. What a sweet surprise. Your mom rocks!

  16. Vicki says:

    Awww! What a sweet mom you have! 🙂 She sounds awesome.

    My mom has a big mouth (I do, too) so nothing ever ends up being a surprise, but she does so many nice things for me. I try to surprise my kids but the older they get, the less likely I am to have success in my attempts. I’m going to have to get sneakier.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Eating Animals Giveaway =-.

  17. Tricia says:

    Such a sweet mom!

  18. Holly says:

    Wow…what an amazing mom you have!! My mom is thoughtful, too – but not NOT thoughtful. hahaha j/k.

    My dad is very inspirational to me. The man will give to anyone, no questions asked (well, within reason). He does so much for so many, and never complains about it one bit. I would love to say I’m a lot like him, but I have a ways to go to reach his level! Still, it’s something to strive for. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… And the Winner is…. =-.

  19. That is very sweet of her. What a great surprise! When I think thoughtful both my mom and my husband come mind. My mom has always considered everyone and goes above and beyond to make sure everyone is happy. My husband because he knows how to surprise me the best ALL the time. I can think it and somehow he knows it 🙂

    I look forward to your review of Thrive. I am considering buying the book as I will be training for a 180 mile bike ride starting January.

  20. Christina says:

    I just checked all my dresser drawers and found nothing…… 🙁

    :'( Thanks MOM!

    😉 😉


  21. Caroline says:

    Hey Kim! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Your mom sounds so wonderful, the surprise gifts was such a great idea! Thoughtful people like that definitely inspire me!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! =-.

  22. Okay that is seriously the cutest thing EVER!!! You have a really great Mom! 🙂

  23. jamie says:

    Your mom sounds like a pretty awesome mom! What a fun surprise!

  24. Yum Yucky says:

    Your momma’s suprise gifts to you make me smile.

    My co-worker is especially thoughtful. She’s an older lady. Get goes on work errands and sometimes comes back with a surprise for me from the bakery. 😀
    .-= Author’s last blog post… "Tasting!" V-8 Spicy Hot Veggie Juice =-.

  25. Paige says:

    How sweet of your mom to do that! Girl, your momma is amazing!

    I looove apples to apples! Such a fun group game 🙂
    have a great day, chica!

  26. ChezJulie says:

    Hmmmn, it looks like most of those gifts are for Data! 😉

    That was a great story for the start of the holidays.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Fancy Gym =-.

  27. Penny says:

    I love suprises, but no one is my family is very good at them because we get too excited and tell.

    I tend to be pretty sensitive to other people’s feelings but the downside to that is I can get very upset when people don’t respect my feelings the same way I try to respect theirs…
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Second Annual Advent Calenderlooza =-.

  28. sizzle says:

    I definitely think you are following in your mom’s thoughtful footsteps. 🙂

    I try to be thoughtful all year round.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Dance In My Step =-.

  29. mom says:

    Kimberly it’s easy to be nice to you because you’re so sweet, Christina’s comment was really funny, she will get her stocking on Christmas day. Everyone has said such nice things, thanks.

  30. Kate says:

    My MIL is one of the nicest, most caring people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. She honestly feels more like a real mother than an in-law. My husband has been touring with a band since mid-September and my MIL calls me regularly, invites me to hang out all the time and really just makes me feel like one of her kids. It’s THE BEST and I love her to bits.

  31. Jenny says:

    Aren’t moms just the best?? What a great package! I will be interested to hear your review on the book!

  32. Christina says:

    Mom is so cute. I like how she is able to get online and check but still can’t master Facebook!! Come on mom!!!! 😛

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