Training Week 13

By , January 17, 2010 7:32 am

We’re actually training for something now – the Wisconsin Half Marathon on May 1st! I used some of my bonus money to sign us up this week. We ran the inaugural half marathon last year, and thought it would be cool to run it again.

Day 85 | January 11, 2010: 6 m run

Another 6 miler before work. While reading last week’s recap, Steven asked why I don’t run during lunch, since I told my coworker “I have nothing better to do.”

The answer is that I do not have enough time during lunch, and am not guaranteed a treadmill. If I get to work at 6:30, I have 10 minutes to get ready and warm-up, an hour to run, and 20 minutes to shower and get ready for work. There is no one there, so I get to use a treadmill for as long as I want.

If I go during lunch, I only have an hour – that’s 10 minutes to get ready and warm-up, 30 minutes to run, and 20 minutes to shower and get back to work. That just isn’t a fun run. It’s a stressful run. And I am not guaranteed to get a treadmill.

I told all of this to Steven, but thought some of you may be wondering why I am killing myself getting up at 4:00 am to run. This is why!

Distance: 6.0 | Time: 59:34 | 1: 10:21 | 2: 10:11 | 3: 10:00 | 4: 9:50 | 5: 9:41 | 6: 9:31

Day 86 | January 12, 2010: strength

Do you listen to music or podcasts while you are strength training, or do you find it too distracting? I usually don’t listen to anything, but I listened to a podcast for this workout and I felt like it helped me slow down.

Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 65 lb, 15 @ 65 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb
Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 50 lb, 15 @ 50 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Arm Curl: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb
Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 90 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
Woodchop: 10 each side at 30 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Day 87 | January 13, 2010: 3 m run + cross

I decided to give my body a bit of a break and run 3 miles before work instead of 6. The run felt so good, it was really hard to stop at 3! But I did. I know my body will thank me for it in the long run.

However, when my lunch time meeting was canceled, I was very happy to go down to the office gym and fit in 45 minutes on the bike! Muah ha ha.

Distance: 3.0 | Time: 30:32 | 1: 10:21 | 2: 10:11 | 3: 10:00
Bike Time: 45:00 | Distance: 8.22 (Set on “Ozark Trails”)

Day 88 | January 14, 2010: strength

I did a very abbreviated upper body strength workout during lunch. I had to struggle to get through it. I woke up with a headache on Thursday at 3:30 and never went back to sleep. I was POOPED!

Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 65 lb, 15 @ 65 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb
Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 50 lb, 15 @ 50 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Day 89 | January 15, 2010: yoga

I tried the YogaWorks Beginners DVD for the first time (they sent me 3 DVDs and I will be doing a full review in the next month – they are linked up with ExerciseTV). I think it was just what I needed for my tight body! The DVD went through the basic yoga moves at a pace I felt was right for me. I was definitely warmed up, and even felt a bit shaky (in a good way) at the end. I want to keep working at it until I get better. I think this would be perfect to incorporate with running.

I like this pose!

Day 90 | January 16, 2010: 8 m run

I thought I would have super fresh legs and an easy run after two days off… nope. Of course, it didn’t help that the sidewalks looked like this:

I ended up running a path that was half on sidewalks and half on streets. My legs felt like lead. I didn’t think it was too cold (about 20°F), but my tiny water bottle froze in my pocket.

The highlight of the run was seeing this boy riding his bike and pulling his sister on a sled. That made me laugh. I wanted to be his sister.

Even though this wasn’t an easy run, I am happy I got such a long run in while visiting family. That never happens. It requires me being very selfish and ditching Steven early in the morning to go run. Not so nice, am I?

We went sledding in the afternoon. Does that count as exercise?

Distance: 8.0 | Time: 1:21:23 | 1: 10:27 | 2: 10:23 | 3: 10:10 | 4: 10:17 | 5: 10:08 | 6: 9:47 | 7: 10:14 | 8: 9:51

Day 91 | January 17, 2010: snowshoeing + rock climbing…

More to come on this later!

Week Summary: 17.00 miles

I feel like I kind of skimped out on my strength workouts this week. I’ve actually met a nice trainer in our gym . Maybe I will ask him to help me develop a better routine, and spice things up a bit!

Head over to Katye’s blog and check out her Giveaway/Raffle to Benefit Ulman Cancer Fund! She has a ton of great prizes in the giveaway, and the donation goes towards a good cause.

12 Responses to “Training Week 13”

  1. tra says:

    hmm. re music: i tried to listen to music during my lifting but it’s hard because sometimes i’m doing a lot of stuff that is really fast (power cleans) and the head phones cord gets caught. or i just keep skipping songs. so usually i just go no music, just the music the gym plays. and most of the time i am concentrating that i just can’t hear it anyways!

  2. Kristie says:

    Oooh snowshoeing! I went yesterday for the first time and LOVED it – hope you have a fun time today!

  3. Shannon says:

    My hat is off to you for running in that snow! Good job! You sure got in a lot of activity this week…and fun activity too! Sledding and snowshoeing!!

  4. diane says:

    Hooray for finding a yoga routine you enjoyed! 🙂
    I listen to my mp3 player during strength training usually, but that’s mostly because I can’t stand the music at Bally’s. In the past I could take or leave it, but I NEED it to keep me motivated on my cardio!
    Also, sledding looks like fun!!

  5. Vicki says:

    I love that picture of you two in the snow! So cute.

    That’s awesome that you don’t let that (massive amount of) snow stop you, Kim!

  6. Amanda says:

    That snow is crazy! Congrats on signing up for the half marathon!!

  7. Teamarcia says:

    Heck yes! Sledding is definitely exercise! Looks like you had a great week!

  8. Lacey says:

    yay for a half to train for! sounds like a great training week. i only got strength in once last week, so i went today to kick off hopefully 2-3 sessions this week. if you get a spicy new strength routine def share it with us!!! hehehe. also- way to get the 8 miler in. snow!!! i heard we’re supposed to get a storm tonght/tomorrow. i’ve been enjoying a couple of days of mild weather and i sure will miss it if it gets freezing/snowy again.

    can’t wait to hear your review of yoga works! i’ve got a dvd i like now– kristin mcgee power yoga. elliot does it, too! more than me now! lol.

  9. daintyvegan says:

    That picture of the brother and sister made me sad for a moment.. I miss my big brother! That’s something that he would’ve done when we were little. 🙂

    This is going to sound crazy but.. I’ve.. never.. done strength workouts unless it’s on a dvd. 😮 I know! What the hell is wrong with me? Haha. But I plan to start and I think I’ll most likely have music going, just to keep things from getting boring.

  10. lifestudent says:

    My water froze up a couple of times out on long runs. Isnt that crazy? I cant believe you are up at 4 to run. I have given up my 5 am runs pretty much till summer comes. I can do cold. I can do dark. I can to tired. But I cant do cold, dark AND tired 😉 You are a trooper!

  11. Ali says:

    ice, snow, slush turn my legs to lead as well. I say if I ran 8 miles in those conditions it’s equal to 10+ regular miles.

  12. Lindsay says:

    Good luck on the half marathon!!

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