Training Week 45

By , August 29, 2010 1:38 pm

My next race is the Chicago Half Marathon on September 12. I am also training for the Chicago Marathon on October 10.

Don’t forget to enter my ViewSPORT shirt and watch giveaway!

Day 309 | August 23, 2010: 3 m run + strength

Steven and I ran 3 miles around our neighborhood. I thought this would be an easy run, but I felt out of shape during it! I guess I’m still getting back in to the running grove. Frustrating.

Notice our twin-sy shoes in the picture above? Steven got a pair of Brooks Adrenaline 10s! I hope they work – he’s had some serious blister issues with past shoes!

Distance: 3.0 | Temp: 76° | Time: 30:31 | Avg Pace: 10:10 | 1: 10:21 | 2: 10:10 | 3: 9:57

Strength + Stretch (done during my lunch break):

Pectoral Fly: 2 x 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
Arm Curl: 3 x 15 @ 25 lb Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Rope Pushdowns: 3 x 15 @ 30 lb Shoulder Press: 3 x 15 @ 20 lb
Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 90 lb, 15 @ 110 lb, 15 @ 130 lb
Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 2 x 15 @ 50 lb

Day 310 | August 24, 2010: cross + yoga

During lunch I rode the recumbent bike. Late in the evening, I did the YogaWorks 45-min Beginners DVD… while making Chex Mix for Christina’s party. Hmm, is that why the Chex Mix got kind of burnt? I thought it still tasted good!

Funny thing – I did this same yoga workout on Sunday but my neck was so sore I could barely move it. On Tuesday though, I felt fine. I wonder if I was tense in my neck during my long run on Saturday. Do you tense up in your neck and shoulders during runs?

Recumbent Bike Time: 40:00 | Distance: 6.34 | Average Speed: 9.51 mph | Set on “Random Hills”

Day 311 | August 25, 2010: 5 m run + strength

These lower temperature (71°) runs are so easy and fun. It’s crazy what a difference the temperature makes! I wish every run felt this invigorating.

We went to the Rollins Savanna. Steven ran 4 miles and I ran 5. The run was really great, except for all of the bugs flying into our faces – that is what you get though, running so close to dusk. Pretty soon, I won’t even be able to make it to these forest preserves in the evenings anymore. They “close” at sunset.

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 71° | End Temp: 66° | Time: 49:48 | Avg Pace: 9:57 | 1: 10:00 | 2: 10:18 | 3: 10:21 | 4: 9:51 | 5: 9:15

Strength + Stretch (done during my lunch break):

Rope Pushdowns: 3 x 15 @ 30 lb Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 2 x 15 @ 50 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb
Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 90 lb, 15 @ 110 lb, 15 @ 130 lb Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Shoulder Press: 3 x 15 @ 20 lb Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb

Day 312 | August 26, 2010: yoga

I did the YogaWorks 45-min Beginners DVD. I wasn’t multi-tasking this time, but I was distracted.

Day 313 | August 27, 2010: 13 m run

What an interesting run. I originally had plans to hit up the trails at 6:30 am, but my plans changed… and I needed to be out the door at 5:00 am! So I started running in my neighborhood until the sun came up, then made my way to the nearby Nippersink Forest Preserve (two miles away). However, on the way there (mile 7) I started having very strong pain in my left knee. So I only ran one loop there, then came back home, in case the pain worsened. I was able to run all 13 miles, but I immediately took an ice bath and need to keep watch on that knee. It ached the rest of the day.

Run stats: I walked one-minute at mile 3, 7, and 10. I took a vanilla gingerbread GU at 7, and drank less than 32 ounces of water throughout the run. Quite a bit less than last week, but there was about a 15-degree temperature difference. Woo hoo!

Other than the knee pain, this was a great run. Although, I am NOT listening to a podcast about someone having to euthanize their cat again during a run. I started crying at mile 11!

Some of the pretty views on the way back to our house:

Distance: 13.0 | Start Temp: 58° | End Temp: 61° | Time: 2:26:33 | Avg Pace: 11:16 | 1: 11:00 | 2: 11:08 | 3: 11:05 | 4: 11:25 | 5: 11:14 | 6: 10:54 | 7: 11:03 | 8: 11:42 | 9: 11:37 | 10: 11:23 | 11: 12:02 | 12: 11:09 | 13: 10:44

Day 314 | August 28, 2010: rest

Day 315 | August 29, 2010: 8 m run

Steven and I went to bed just before 5:00 AM so I had two choices for this run – sleep for an hour or so and run at sunrise, in the 70-degree temps, or wait until later in the morning/afternoon, when it would get in to the 90s.  So, which would you choose – 9 cooler miles on little sleep, or 9 hotter miles with a bit more sleep?

I had my alarm going off every few hours, but I couldn’t get up for the cooler temps. My run ended up starting just before 11:00. I ran back and forth on a one-mile concrete trail that is just behind Steven’s parent’s home in Kansas City. About half of the trail is shaded, but the open sun parts were very intense, even with a slight breeze. My knee held out great though and I enjoyed the run. Well, until mile 6.5 when I ran out of water and the woman on the podcast was talking about when she was in the hospital and no one would give her any water. That was making me crazy.

Run stats: I walked one-minute at mile 3 and 6. I drank 32 oz of water by mile 6.5 – a sign I need more water when it’s in the high 80s/low 90s. I wore my Brooks Adrenaline 10s without the inserts. I took a cool bath (with a bit of ice) when I got back to the house.

Look who I saw:

I also saw a baby deer, but he passed two quickly for me to snap a picture! (When I told Steven I saw a turtle and a deer, he asked if they were traveling together. I told him yes, that the turtle was riding on the deer. Steven then asked if they were on their way to a car show. I think Steven needs more sleep! Ha ha. He cracks me up.)

Distance: 8.0 | Start Temp: 83° | End Temp: 92° | Time: 1:32:49 | Avg Pace: 11:35 | 1: 10:57 | 2: 11:06 | 3: 10:57 | 4: 11:43 | 5: 11:20 | 6: 11:46 | 7: 12:31 | 8: 12:24

Week Summary: 29.00 miles

I was really happy with the workouts I got in this week – I did everything I wanted to except maybe a long bike ride. However, to fit that all in, I did a few two-a-days. I am not sure if that is something I can stick with, so I will just have to do it when I can!

The knee pain on Friday morning really worried me. But then, I realized it’s not that important. Me being able to run anyway. It feels really important to me, but there are more important things in life, so I can only do the best to take care of myself and see where that gets me!

23 Responses to “Training Week 45”

  1. Kristie says:

    Holy mileage this week – nice work! Did you feel like you were going crazy on the 1 mile out and back loops you were doing today? Haha.

  2. Jamie says:

    nice job on the week!

  3. Kandi says:

    Wow! You had a fantastic week!
    Funny you should mention the shoulder/neck pain during long runs. I did 11 miles today and about 5 miles into it I got a stabbing pain where my neck meets me shoulders on the left side. It sucked. Hoping it doesn’t appear for the Half coming up.
    I like the pic of your matching shoes.
    And seriously, podcasts should warn about sad content before you try to listen to them in public.. and during workouts!

    • kilax says:

      I always try to shake out my arms and not tense up my neck, but I think sometimes it just happens naturally!

      Thanks about the pic 🙂

  4. Amazing training week! And good job on the 13 miles. I’m glad that the knee pain seems to have disappeared, that was weird.

    As for your question – yes, my shoulders DO tense up for quite a few of my runs! I’m not sure why but it seems to just happen randomly.. or perhaps when I’m feeling particularily stressed out about something.

  5. Erin says:

    I will swear to anyone who asks that the secret to not tensing your shoulders and neck during a run is doing Pilates for a few years. “Shoulders down and back!” I swear I heard that at least 10 times every session and I keep reminding myself to do it when I’m running.

    Did your knee act up on your 8 mile run? I’ve been having some weird knee pain, too, but it seems to go away once I’m warmed up.

    And what podcasts are you listening to??

    • kilax says:

      So maybe yoga will help me? My neck was tense again this am.

      My knee was mostly fine during the 8-miler. It took about 1/2 mile to warm up, then I felt good. Where is your knee pain? Mine is right behind my knee cap, toward the outside of the knee.

      I like to listen to the Two Fit Chicks and a Microphone and Vegetarian Food for Thought (that was the one that mentioned that cat). I saw you liked The Story and This American Life on FB, so I downloaded a few of those. The one about the dehydrated woman was from The Story (the Bionic Woman one). Did you find any new ones?

      I seem to do better listening to podcasts than music for longer runs.

  6. RunningLaur says:

    Your matching shoes are too darn cute 🙂

  7. RunningLaur says:

    and I’m darn excited for later this week!

    • kilax says:

      Me too! I am hoping everything will work out! 🙂 I may have to take you up on the meeting at the hospital offer, but we’ll see 🙂

  8. Melissa says:

    Love the shoes picture!

    You are a rock star for getting out there today in that heat!

  9. Ali says:

    Awesome training week.

    I used to get really tight across my shoulders and neck in the second half of my long runs. I would shake it out. But it would eventually (2 minutes later) come back. Last year when I went to the ‘sports guy’ about my leg, he told me that when my legs (in my case quads) get tired I start using my upper body to lift my legs, hold my core up instead of quads. He recommended when my shoulders/neck started to tighten, concentrate on my form. If they don’t relax, stop and stretch your legs.

    It’s worked, I rarely get tight anymore.

  10. The 9s that you are wearing are the same ones I have! 😀 I love them! I wore my 10s today because I did a short run and damnit they gave me a blister. Stupid shoes.

    Great workouts last week K! I loved the cooler temps and am missing them greatly this week.

  11. two a days seem to be the only way I am fitting everything in right now!

    i am working really hard to keep my shoulders down all the time. I keep pulling them up as I get tense

  12. Liz says:

    Great workout week! Glad your knee only bothered didn’t bother you on your next run. And soon we’ll have cool weather every day!

  13. Mica says:

    I’d definitely pick the cooler miles on little sleep. Sleep deprivation makes me grumpy, but not as grumpy as coming back from a miserable, hot run. I love that turtle picture. He’s so cute!

  14. k8 says:

    You kept running while someone talked about theri dead cat?! My goodness, girl!

  15. For the first time in what seems like forever it was actually cool when I went running this morning. The run itself felt really good and even though I stopped at 5 miles, I felt like I could have gone on for a while. And I wasn’t completely soaked by the time I got home. Bonus! 😉

  16. Adam says:

    Those before and after temps were crazy!!! Hopefully the cooler temps DOES mean fall is on its way

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