Licky McCaterson

By , December 1, 2010 8:22 pm

I think this guy may be a little bit stressed out.

It’s hard to imagine why. Despite taking him to the train station and making him wear a silly hat, he lives a pretty luxurious life. Sleeps all day, gets to go on walks, sleep some more… eat… sleep… you get the idea. He’s pampered and loved.

But Data has always had a hidden secret – he’s a licker. We’ve known this from when we got him, because he came with a big bald spot on his back leg that has never gone away (photo below).

In September of 2006, we noticed he was licking a spot to the point of baldness (photo below). We took him to the vet where he was tested for allergies and fleas, but it just turned out Data is neurotic. He stopped after awhile.

But it’s started again. In the end of October/beginning of November, he started licking bald spots on his “arms” (I apologize for the photo quality).

And Steven said today he licked part of his tail fur off! Yes, he has a weird rat-like tail right now.

All of these instances somewhat relate to absences in the house. In September 0f 2006, I was just coming back from Rome. And these last two instances relate to Steven coming home from Kansas City. Could that be it? Is Data just lonely? I feel bad that he does this – like I am a bad cat mother.

What do you think Data’s dealio is? Is he just a rebellious teenager marking his body (similar to a tattoo or piercing)? Is he trying to express himself? Or does something have him stressed?

30 Responses to “Licky McCaterson”

  1. Christina says:

    Maybe he is a cat-cannibal and just wants a taste?

    • kilax says:

      You should bring Dexter over then!

      (Steven wanted me to say “At least he is not a serial killer!”)

      • Christina says:

        Are you saying you want Data to eat Dexter? πŸ™ Dexter is not a serial killer! She doesn’t even like cereal! πŸ˜‰

  2. Kandi says:

    I don’t know anything about cats but I’m interested to see what other people think.

  3. Jamie says:

    Your cat has OCD πŸ˜‰ Data is probably stressed when the house is out of balance (i.e someone is gone) and that’s the poor kitty’s reaction.

  4. ChezJulie says:

    My Mom’s cat was chewing on her “arms” in a kind of vigorous, anxious way. I told my Mom to give her some Advantage in case she had fleas. (Sometimes the arms are just the easiest place to reach). She also started playing with her a little more.

    If you get Think Like a Cat by Pam Johnson-Bennett, she addresses a lot of behavior issues in a warm and helpful way.

  5. Kim says:

    I think all cats have OCD and I think Data’s may be a tiny bit more intense than most cats πŸ˜‰ I wouldn’t worry about it. Maybe Data isn’t a fan of the holiday season, like his mom.

  6. Tracy says:

    My dearly beloved cat, Prescott, was a licker. He ended up spending most of his life on clomipramine (sp?), an OCD med. It worked.

  7. kapgar says:

    Geez, leave the little guy alone! He’s just trying to find himself and now you go and make him feel all self conscious and stuff. Maybe he just likes how he tastes! Bad Kitty Mommy!


  8. J says:

    Oh dear that is not good! I wonder why Data does that. My cat actually has too much hair and its gets all matted and gross in the summer so we have to shave her and she loves not having hair!

  9. Erin says:

    Our dogs would like their paws like crazy but never enough to take off fur. The vet said it might be allergies or that they might be bored. Maybe when only one person is home he gets bored? Does he stop licking after both of you have been home for awhile?

    • kilax says:

      The first time it happened he stopped after awhile (in ’06). But it is hard to tell now because his fur has not grown back on his arms. I am going to keep a close eye on him!

  10. diane says:

    Poor Data Potatah! I know birds groom excessively when they are either bored or anxious…maybe kitties are the same way? Have you asked the vet for any suggestions?

    • kilax says:

      I did ask the last time we were at the vet and this was a problem (4 years ago!), so I am going to ask again if he keeps it up. πŸ™

  11. gina says:

    Dataaaaaaa! Stop licking yourself silly. I know you probably taste yummy, but you need your fur for the winter! What’s that you say? You want Mommy and Daddy to bring you to NY? Ok. That’s fine with me. What else? Oh, you want a cat brother or sister? I see. I’ll talk to the parents about that one.

  12. AWWW!!!! Poor Data!!!! Bless his heart!!! I feel bad that he is licking himself bald!!!! It makes me sad that you feel like a bad momma cat (although I can relate, I would too)!!

    I just read that “Cats also find grooming therapeutic in helping to relieve tension. Some sensitive cats use grooming as a comforting, diversionary activity when faced with some kind of challenge or perceived threat. Stress can cause your cat to lick excessively.” Now we have to find a way to help Data!!!!


  13. k8 says:

    Poor baby. Sress, for sure. When I’m gone for a week for family vacation, I have NO IDEA what Dax does to his back, but it is irreversibly matted and I always have to cut it. Ryan says that he goes down there and pets them and plays with them when he feeds them, but it must not be enough.

  14. Katie H. says:

    Aw, poor Data. I think a lot of animals lick to soothe themselves. My parents acquired my neighbors cat after they had a fire and didn’t want her anymore (evil neighbors). Anyway, ever since the fire (nine years ago) she tends to rip out tufts of fur. If my parents leave for vacation for a week they return to a house full of hair everywhere and a cat with lots of hairless spots on her body. Silly kitty.

  15. Sarah says:

    Aww. I haven’t experienced that yet with my cats… It sounds like he’s kind of neurotic!

    I’m curious if you started walking him on a leash as a kitten or adult cat? I have a two-year old cat that would LOVE to be outside, and we’ve talked about walking him on a lease. What’s your recommendation?

    • kilax says:

      We started when he was older than a kitten – maybe 4? I recommend getting the harness and leash and taking your cat out there! At first, he may act like the harness is restricting his movement (Data did this for the first year) but after awhile, he will get used to it. Data will even run with his harness on now! Good luck!

  16. martymankins says:

    How old is Data? We’ve had several older cats (over 15 years old) that have a cleaning fetish. If he’s not that old, then maybe it’s just a nervous thing he’s going through.

    As Katie mentioned above, we had a cat that cleaned herself a lot when we went to Hawaii last year. We even had a house sitter that came over to take care of the cats while we were gone. Found hair everywhere. She was 17.

    • kilax says:

      I think Data is around 8. He is still kind of young. I wonder if it will get worse when he is older! πŸ™

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