No more multitasking or overbooking

By , April 11, 2011 5:52 am

Here’s what my internet browser window typically looks like:

Six tabs open – that is not uncommon. That is me trying to multitask and do a bunch of things at once. And it’s even worse on my home computer – I have two screens and usually have multiple programs and multiple browsers (with multiple tabs) open.

I feel like I have been trying to live my life this way lately – my brain has multiple “tabs” open, but none of them are loading fully, or getting the attention they deserve, because there is just too much going on.

It’s really time to stop multitasking and start focusing on things one at a time. And I can remember to start with my internet browser – there is no reason to have email and Facebook open at the same time. I can check one, and then the other. I can try to control my thoughts so I am not constantly doing one thing but thinking about another.

I mentioned yesterday that I felt really tired and “meh” all week. I didn’t feel like doing anything. The more I thought about it, it reminded me of the time two summers ago when I hurt my wrist. After I got hurt, it was difficult for me to do things like get dressed, make my lunch, clean up the kitchen, and so on. Instead of asking for help, I kind of gave up. I dressed sloppily (even more than normal), bought my lunch instead of packing it, and didn’t help around the house. That lasted a month or so and made me feel awful.

Well, that is what I’ve felt like lately, but I don’t have any physical barrier. I just didn’t want to do anything. No cleaning, no food prep, no socializing… and I think the actual barrier is me. I have just been overbooking myself, trying to do too much, and not really giving the things I am doing my all. I am setting myself up to fail.

We had a relaxing low-key weekend, and I felt like that was exactly what I needed to get back on track. I raced Saturday then spent the day chilling – catching up on blogs, walking Data,

going out to dinner and watching a movie on Netflix. On Sunday Steven and I exercised together, had a picnic outside for lunch, and got groceries. Then he made dinner while I cleaned and cut up all of the produce we bought – broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peppers, strawberries and grapes. I hadn’t done that in awhile because I had been feeling so lazy. I felt good when I got it done, and later in the evening, I even packed my lunch for today. It felt like the perfect way to start the week.

Obviously, you can all relate to this. Everyone is busy and multitasking and overbooking themselves. But my brain just isn’t set up for that. I don’t know if I am weak-minded, or what it is, but I just cannot think about two things at once. I can’t listen to music and read at the same time. I can’t talk on the phone and do anything else (or I will end up not paying attention to the person on the phone). Really, I can barely even start a story and get to the end and remember what the hell my point was. Honestly. I just don’t have a very clear train of thought. And I feel like I am really holding myself back.

So, I will try to quit multitasking so much. And quit overbooking myself (especially with things I don’t really want to do) and wearing myself out. I will try.

When you are feeling “meh” and lazy and don’t want to do anything at all… what helps you get back on track?

18 Responses to “No more multitasking or overbooking”

  1. Kandi says:

    I’ve been feeling anything but lazy the past few weeks but I feel like I haven’t stopped! Between painting and moving and unpacking I’m wiped! Not to mention that poor Delilah got so stressed on Saturday. it’s her first full day alone in the new house. I hope she is ok! She seemed to have calmed down a lot yesterday and this morning but we’ll see.
    My fiance (hehe) claims that he gets extra lazy if he doesn’t exercise. He mentioned to me that he wants to run a few times after work this week so he’ll gain the momentum to help put things away, clean, and organize (he’s my organizational hero!). But I know you run all the time so I have no idea. It sounds like you’ve got a good idea so far!

  2. J says:

    I totally know that feeling. I have been double booking myself left and right with all this wedding stuff and its tiring! i feel like I need a day off of work just to catch up with all my “to dos”!

  3. OMG- I always have like 5-10 tabs up too!!!! I am queen multi-tasker; the doorbell goes off, the phone rings, people come in the office and through all that I read blogs, write blogs, check e-mail, figure out lunch and update my fb status. haha!

    When I need a lazy day, I take it but I really try to assess between need and want.

  4. I was majorly going through this recently and agree with you. First I had to stop creating a to do list that was 6 miles long, then I had to decide to focus on doing what was most important and what would make me feel good!

  5. I agree with you, over doing was bringing me way down awhile back. That’s when I started my daily feel good to do list, instead of a 6 mile list it was a list of my top priorties that would make me feel good at the end of the day

  6. gina says:

    I’m glad you listened to yourself and took it easy this weekend. You may need a few more weeekends just to yourself like that to re-energize yourself! It gets taxing traveling, socializing, multi-tasking, etc. Come on over, I’ll show you how to behave like a sloth!

    • kilax says:

      I think I do need a lesson. You need your sloth time now! Pretty soon you won’t be able to be a sloth. 😉

  7. Kierstan says:

    I am guilty of the same thing. First thing you have got to do…mark all of those posts in your google reader as read! 501?! That is insane!! If mine gets past 30, I will go in to all the “big” blogs that post 3 times and day and mark them as read and then really just read the ones I actually care about. That feels refreshing!

    I think a few low-key weekends/days will help energize you. Unplug the computer/tv for a few afternoons too and do random things around the house – maybe that will work. (Coming from someone who needs to do this herself!)

    • kilax says:

      I do have folders in my reader I can mark all as read (like the “big” ones who don’t really post about anything)… I just hadn’t done it yet!

      Oh yeah. Getting away from this silly computer really helps!

  8. sizzle says:

    I am an over-booker to the MAX. I’ve actually had to promise myself and Mr. D that I won’t over-plan like that because it results in me being stressed out, crabby and no fun. Yesterday I did nothing except vacuum the apartment building, read and laze about. I didn’t even leave the building! That’s pretty much unheard of for me but I actually really enjoyed it. I’m learning, slowly, that balance helps.

    • kilax says:

      I think we are very similar. Does your over-booking stress Mr D. out? It stresses Steven out!

  9. Caroline says:

    To do lists and tackling one thing at a time, crossing them off as I go helps me get back on track. I can definitely relate to how you’ve been feeling lately, so I think I’m going to try to take your advice.
    I have like 8 tabs open right now.. time to exit out of some..

  10. Kristina says:

    Wow, I think I can handle 3 tabs open, but once I get to 4 or 5, I close some of them.
    As for the weekend as a time to recharge – I definitely get that. We vary between really scheduled weekends and some that are much more flexible. I will say that one thing driving the structure of my weekend tends to be work obligations and training. For me, this usually have a somewhat discreet time frame, as my work schedule and training schedule fluxuate. I try to take advantage of the calm moments playing with the dogs, enjoying a movie or a nice meal… I find that often, feeling recharged coincides with feeling really connected (in real time) to people.

  11. kaylen says:

    I’m a monster about multi-tasking. Especially if I have a triple-shot mocha. I’ll have 8 windows open in two diff browsers, have 3 IM conversations going on, working throughout all of that, switching from one to another….it’s bad.
    I can’t stand to just sit on the phone and talk to someone. I have to be doing something else-laundry or playing solitaire on the computer…it’s bad!!
    But I’m very able to just do NOTHING and have down time. This weekend I had the most lax Sunday ever and had an hour where I just sat there and read a book. Then I spent an hour just listening to music and sorting photos. I spent an hour in the kitchen for dinner stuff. I don’t always feel like I MUST be doing a million things at once, but I don’t have a problem doing it either.

    I love data pics!

  12. Kayla says:

    I can relate. I am the queen of overbooking and taking on too much stuff. I ALWAYS have AT LEAST 3 tabs open on my computer. I am always trying to multi task and I lose interest very fast so I jump back and forth between things I’m working on.

  13. Erin says:

    I think your idea to focus on one specific thing at a time is a good one. Sometimes when I overbook myself I get burnt out and don’t want to do anything. I definitely need “down time” in order to balance all the other stuff I do.

  14. Adam says:

    Umm yeah, check your email. I have 10 tabs open right now…..

  15. Bethany says:

    Haha, you do not EVEN want to see how many tabs I have open! Um..35 or go, easily. Blogs I am trying to catch up on from the last few weeks…yep.

    As for feeling “meh”, an afternoon at the park just relaxing and reading a good book will usually help my funk. I am trying to train myself to relax when I have the chance, I’m really not good at it!

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