Friday Question #165 (one day late, oops)

By , September 17, 2011 9:08 pm

Is there any outfit/article of clothing you wear that almost always gets you comments (good or bad, ha!)? What are the comments?

For some reason the Corn Maze 5K shirts seem to invite a lot of questions/comments. Steven wore his out tonight and three different people talked to us about it – asking where is it, saying it’s fun to do at night* (two people said that), being surprised it exists…

You know, I think I would ask if I saw someone with that shirt on too!

My brother-in-law and I are actually going to do the race again this year. It’s on October 16th** if anyone else local is looking for a funky “5K” (the course was half a mile short last year).

*That’s what she said.
**There is this site and a link to a MN corn maze – both called “The World’s Largest Corn Maze Run” – how can they both be the world’s largest?! World’s Largest Corn Maze Run in that state? Ha ha.

9 Responses to “Friday Question #165 (one day late, oops)”

  1. Etta says:

    These days everything I wear earns me comments. Not so much about the specific clothing item, but rather, how small it’s getting. 😛

    October 16th is our estimated due date!

  2. ChezJulie says:

    I love your “That’s what she said” footnote. Also, cute pic of you and your dimple!

    Yes, I do have a shirt that gets comments. M. Hubby gave me a black Edgar Allen Poe T-shirt with his portrait on it a few years ago. I tend to get comments on it from earnest young men in bookstores who are passionate about Poe. It is fun to have young men excited about something I am wearing!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!

      I think that is really neat that people comment on that shirt! I bet you’ve had a lot of interesting conversations because of it!

  3. Bethany says:

    Yep- usually I receive comments about my Waterville Valley, NH sweatshirt 🙂 I’m so sad though- it has some weird stains on it (oil or something??) that won’t come out! 🙁

    The corn maze tshirt is very cool though!!

  4. Kandi says:

    I used to wear a long sleeved t-shirt that said “I’m like a superhero with no powers or motivation” and down the sleeve it said “slacker”. I used to get comments on that shirt. I wore it as a layer while working at the ski resort once (back in college) and it got warm enough for me to only be wearing that shirt and a few customers at the resort called me slacker. hehe. I was pretty amused by that.

  5. Erin says:

    I don’t wear a lot of shirts that say things when I’m out of the house, so I guess the one thing I get a lot of comments on is one particular green blouse and cardigan combo that my boss LOVES. She always says how good I look when I wear it.

    • kilax says:

      I was hoping there would be some answers like this too. I think I know which outfit you are talking about! Do you think your boss loves green?!

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