Surprise scarf

By , October 5, 2011 5:02 am

Wow! Another new scarf. I am not sure how to wear this one though. Any ideas?

Thanks Data, for always making my mornings interesting. 

I think Data is a bit worried. Last week a huge package of diapers, formula and bottles showed up. Then last night, Steven and I came home with a pack and play*, exersaucer* and a bouncer.

Data literally ran out the door when Steven carried the exersaucer (that big green thing) in. I had to run out in the the driveway, then catch Data before he made his escape in to the wild. 

Don’t worry Data! These are not permanent items in our house! We are just getting ready for Gina, Steve and Luca to come visit this weekend!

(And I have already caught Data checking out the baby stuff so he must not be too worried) 

*I had no idea what these things were a few months/weeks ago. Now look at me with my fancy baby talk!

25 Responses to “Surprise scarf”

  1. J says:

    Hilarious! Data is so cute. My cat would never have done that, she was such a little brat!

    Oh and I wore my scarf last weekend – its worked great but my husband made fun of me! lol He said it looked weird! What does he know!

  2. Kandi says:

    Cute Data scarf. I’ve had a Delilah scarf before but as you can imagine, it only happens when I’m on the couch and I can’t easily stand up while wearing it.

  3. I love the new scarf. Best one ever! If you need any other baby stuff let me know because although I gave most of mine away I do have a few things left.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! I will let you know if anything comes up this weekend! Right now, my house is on baby overload! Hee hee 🙂

  4. gina says:

    Luca is going to feel right at home, thanks to you guys and your kind friends! Data, please don’t run off into the wild! Mommy would miss her scarf terribly!

  5. gina says:

    …and since you have the lingo down, might as well start having kids! KIDDING! : P

  6. Steve says:

    Luca (and his parents) thank you so much to gathering all these things. He is going to have such a good time visiting Chi Town

  7. bobbi says:

    Data scarf!! Love it 🙂

    Have a great time with your friends this weekend!

  8. Erin says:

    Data is too funny!

  9. Love it! Data is awesome.

  10. Alice says:

    Haha, Data is awesome. does he have claws? my cats occasionally climb on me, but then inevitably something startles them / i move wrong and they freak out & jump off… leaving deep, jagged claw marks in my back/shoulders/neck/etc 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Data has his back claws (his front claws were gone when we found him). We get accidentally scratched A LOT. But we put up with it because he’s our baby 🙂

  11. Etta says:

    We’ve had baby stuff scattered about our house for the last month or two so the dogs could get used to it. The swing doesn’t bother them, even though it moves and makes sounds. They hate the stroller, though, and I can’t figure out whY!

  12. martymankins says:

    I think Data appears to think he’s some type of mink stole.

  13. ChezJulie says:

    I’ve found that it you thread the tail through the front paws, the effect is tres chic!

    Data is such a great cat.

  14. DeAnne says:

    OMG! I really have been in a bubble and completely out of the look, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    alright, maybe that is a tiny bit dramatic but then again I don’t really think so 😀 I am sending you a huge mental hug right now!


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