The many uses of the shaker bottle

By , December 21, 2011 5:42 am

Not related to this post, but I am curious and have to ask this question. Yesterday I wrote about having uncertain news. When you have uncertain news, with whom do you share it? Or do you keep it to yourself? I am an oversharer but feel jaded from my experience with the canceled work detail. So when I had uncertain work news, I shared it with Steven, my best friends, and my sister. That was it. I still had to tell someone! But not everyone!

I can’t wait to tell my trainer – I found another use for my shaker bottle. Not only can it be used to make protein shakes, but… mixed drinks as well!!! Boo yah!

Ignore the mess behind me

We decided to practice making Grasshoppers this weekend. Grasshoppers were Steven’s mom’s favorite holiday drink, and we want to make them when Steven’s dad and brother are visiting for the holiday.

We rarely drink, and you can tell. We had to buy all of the booze. We don’t have a shaker, and these are our only alcohol glasses:

We don’t even have a shot glass! It was kind of funny, realizing all of this on Sunday… but the truth is, I never get home and think “a glass of wine would go nice with dinner!” I don’t really care for alcohol too much.

Do you have a favorite holiday drink (including alcohol or not!)?

Do you have a decent collection of glasses and alcohol?

18 Responses to “The many uses of the shaker bottle”

  1. Marcia says:

    Um, I have red wine in the house from the mulled cider that went over like a lead ballon at Thanksgiving, no other booze. Not much of a drinker. At. All. Maybe some goblets gathering dust, no shot glasses for sure.
    All time favorite drink = water. Ha!
    Sorry to hear the new work detail isn’t happening. Was just thinking of you and that yesterday.

    • kilax says:

      Water is my all time fave too. It boggles my mind that a lot of people don’t drink enough water. But they probably wonder why I don’t drink that much alcohol!

      Thanks for thinking of me and my failed detail! Ha 😉

  2. Kandi says:

    When I was up for promotion the first time I told a decent amount of people… when I was up for it the second time I didn’t tell many people – Joey, my parents, maybe one other person. I didn’t get it either time (very super competitive) so I know what you mean about feeling jaded.
    My mom and I sometimes get egg nog and spike it with some whiskey or rum but I don’t know if that’s my favorite holiday drink…I also just picked up some mint baileys so I will have to make sometime with it.
    I have a handful of wine glasses (some of which were a housewarming gift) and some short glasses for mixed drinks. Joey and I just went and stocked up on some liquor and bought a lot of different types, but we don’t always have that much in the house. We are hosting NYE so I thought it would be good to have a good mix to offer to guests. I also like beer. 🙂

  3. Kandi says:

    Oh, and I have been collecting shot glasses whenever we travel so I have a bunch of them. My brother got me a martini set complete with a shacker and other bar gear a few years ago.

  4. gina says:

    I tend to keep certain news to myself or to a select number of people because there is nothing worse than having to untell your goods news if something doesn’t pan out.

    I have a decent amount of barware. I have a shaker somewhere or I thought I had one. Hmm…

  5. Christina says:

    I just stick to wine, we have a bar full of booze but I can’t drink mixed drinks except for a few. My husband has all the tricks and tools so I let him be the mixologist.

  6. Etta says:

    We have stemless wine glasses but I drink juice out of them. 🙂

  7. I used to share with everyone but like you,I have stopped sharing as much in case it doesn’t turn out how I think.

    I almost never drink alcohol but that looks yummy!

  8. Erin says:

    I’m not a big oversharer. I keep a lot of things to myself until I know for sure what the outcome will be. It just really sucks when you think you are 100% sure of the outcome and it changes at the last minute.

    As for alcohol and accessories, we have a lot of wine glasses and a few of the other “essentials” (shaker, shot glasses) but not a lot in terms of other glassware. I think we have two martini glasses but not much else. I mostly stick to wine because it’s easiest.

  9. Stephany says:

    When I have uncertain news, I’ll usually only tell my mom. SOMETIMES, I’ll announce things on Twitter. (I am a chronic overtweeter, ha!) But that’s about it. My mom knows everything about me, though.

    I am the same as you! Whenever people say, “Oh! I need a driiiink!” or “Oh, I can’t wait to have some wine with my dinner.” I just don’t get it. It’s never something I crave or need so I rarely drink.

  10. Here is where we differ, my friend. I get home and I think “What can I eat that will go well with my red wine?” 🙂 I love a good glass of wine. I’ve never really been a cocktail or hard alcohol fan, but I love wine. I hope we are still friends. 😉

  11. Laura says:

    You’re making me curious about this secret news!

  12. J says:

    I have trouble not telling people too! I always just blurt it out to everyone!

    I hardly ever have wine with dinner. Last night was the first time in a long time and I almost felt drunk after dinner! Thats what I get for drinking before eating!

  13. Amy says:

    I hope your news turns out the way you want it – I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
    As for alcohol, we never drink hard liquor or mixed drinks, and very rarely have beer (yes, I know, in Belgium), BUT we are big wine drinkers…

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