Binge free February

By , February 1, 2012 4:33 am

I almost didn’t post this here, but what the heck! I can be honest on my blog.

Also, this post is about binge eating – if you find that triggering, please skip this post!

I ate so much snacky food Saturday afternoon that I could not finish my dinner – my stomach hurt that bad (and it was vegan masala that I really wanted to finish – from a restaurant in Kansas City that also serves meat, hmm, imagine that).

I was really upset by this – not that I couldn’t finish dinner – but that I was so full I physically hurt. I felt dizzy and light-headed and my stomach ached. That had not happened to me in a long time. I had been doing so well with my eating. Sure, I had little mini binges on food now and then, but nothing that made me feel this way.

It’s not carrots I am binging on!

I need to figure this out NOW before it gets out of control or I am going to forever be in a cycle of lose weight/gain weight, up and down.

I am going to try to go the entire 29 days of February without binge eating, and see what happens from there. And binge eating is not to be confused with overeating or indulging – I am okay with those things. Binge eating is described as (from wikipedia):

Binge eating is a pattern of disordered eating which consists of episodes of uncontrollable eating. It is sometimes as a symptom of binge eating disorder or compulsive overeating disorder. During such binges, a person rapidly consumes an excessive amount of food. Most people who have eating binges try to hide this behavior from others, and often feel ashamed about being overweight or depressed about their overeating.

When I binge eat, I feel out of control, like I cannot stop putting food in my mouth. It usually starts with a craving for something sweet, then salty, then sweet, then salty, until I eat enough that my stomach hurts and I feel confused and dazed that it all just happened. 

Generally, I don’t like making monthly goals. But I am putting this out there for accountability. So feel free to ask me how it’s going. Or not!

(I do think I will put a little widget on the side to track my binge free days Updated to add – I took this down because it was not helping me)

Hey! Let’s celebrate something cool! I ran 142 miles in January! In January of 2011, I ran less – 86.8. The running year is off to an awesome start! Maybe I won’t have any months under 100 miles this year. That would be cool. But I want to be smart. So I won’t make that a goal. 

47 Responses to “Binge free February”

  1. abbi says:

    Great mileage for January! I’m sure if you’ll plan things out you will be able to get through February with no binges. I used to have problems with this several years ago but something seemed to click and it rarely happens…of course, I do over-indulge sometimes!

    • kilax says:

      Planning does not seem to work for me! I have to wait for it to “click” too, and sometimes it does, but then it stops and then I can’t stop not binging for months!!! Do you know what helped it click for you?

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    Wow that is a lot of miles! Keep up the good work!

    Do you think that picture you saw set off the Saturday binge? I know you were upset by it, and I am just wondering if that made things hard? (I thought you looked fantastic)

    • kilax says:

      Thanks about the picture. The Saturday binge was not related to the photo, but an emotional response to something else.

  3. Kandi says:

    Good luck with your Feb goal.
    That is the biggest bag of carrots I’ve ever seen.
    Your January mileage was awesome! I ran 58 miles and it was my highest January mileage ever. I think I’m usually a hardcore slacker in January but with the lovely weather and my upcoming wedding/honeymoon I was more motivated.

  4. I think you will find that your readers appreciate your honestly. It makes some of realize that we aren’t alone. I know I have binged many times too.

    Nice work with the miles in January! In the month of January I celebrate that I still worked out a few times a week despite the fact that I am pregnant and sometimes not in the mood.

  5. Michel says:

    Is that bag of carrots from trader joes?? that thing is huge. Can i ask how much it was? I’m interested because I have a juicer and buying little bags of carrots all the time gets old.

    ANd your mileage awesome!!

  6. Kelly says:

    Awesome mileage–a great strong way to start out the year! That bag of carrots is the biggest bag I’ve ever seen! Was it at Costco?? I always seem to eat too much at parties where there is nothing but dips and appetizers. It doesn’t feel like a full meal so “Sure, I’ll have my 37th tortilla chip overflowing with spinach and artichoke dip.” This weekend is the Super Bowl and we are hosting. I’m going to try to have some healthy snacks so I don’t mind “binging” on carrot sticks with hummus instead. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Thanks. The carrots were at Woodman’s in Kenosha.

      I don’t really think of overeating at parties to be binging, although it usually does make me feel upset if I go overboard.

  7. Amy says:

    Aw, Kim, I’m sorry, but if it helps at all, I can totally relate to this. Bingeing is something I suffer from to, and have been battling for a long time. If you’d like a buddy, I would be happy to join you in your February challenge.

    Something I have been doing the past few months which has helped a lot with these issues is listening to a podcast that deals with why we do this stuff to ourselves, if you are interested you can find it here:

    I love the picture of you with the ginormous bag of carrots, by the way! And good job on your mileage.

    • kilax says:

      Yes! Please join me 🙂

      Thanks for the link. I am going to check the podcasts out. I will have to see if I like them. Too much weight/food talk is triggering for me (ironic, right?).


  8. Good luck!!! I just saw you went to Woodman’s! I love that place! We sometimes go there when we really want to stretch our budget. I don’t know why we don’t go there more often since it’s not that far!

    I have a big issue with binging as well. It’s very correlated to my stress level so I am trying to control my stress in hopes that my eating levels out. We will see!!!

    Have a great Wednesday!

    • kilax says:

      We have a lot of fun shopping at Woodman’s since it is not our typical place! They have such a huge variety of items!

      Stress really affects me too. I need to get a handle on it!!!

  9. Please tell me you bought those carrots! I love everything about that picture :-).

    I feel you on the binge eating, I haven’t in a while, but that’s not to say it couldn’t happen at any moment. My trick is to never get too hungry.

    • kilax says:

      I didn’t! I bought a bag that was only 1/4 the size. Or maybe 1/3 😉

      The thing is, I don’t binge because I am hungry or restricting food! Yesterday it happened right after lunch, before I had to go to a meeting I did not want to attend. I think I am trying to mentally calm myself. Or something. Who knows. I am happy you have been binge-free for some time!

  10. Kristina says:

    Congrats on the wicked January mileage! That’s an impressive number!
    I’ve worked a lot on dealing with emotions, and that has helped with disordered eating, but someone else mentioned not getting hungry and that really helped me stabilize my eating pattern.
    Thanks for honesty here.

  11. Erin says:

    That is amazing January mileage! Do you think having Britt as a coach has helped you keep your mileage up?

    I don’t have any advice on the binge eating but know that I’m here for you. If you find yourself tempted to keep eating step away from the food and call me instead! How about that?

    • kilax says:

      I like to think that I would keep the mileage up on my own, but it’s hard to say! Ha! I think the fact that Britt makes me take a rest day once a week keeps me running.

      I will call you. Thanks!

  12. carol says:

    Wow – 142 miles! I am impressed. (I wish I could log as many miles but once I hit 30 miles/week I seem to get an injury.) Binging is such a complex issue, isn’t it? I face the same thing myself. That is one of the things wearing the BMF (BodyMedia Fit)has helped me with. When I want to start shoveling the food in my mouth I just look at the calorie deficit I have for the day and it serves to encourage me to not even get started. Because once I’m started, there is no end until the pain kicks in and ultimately I am lying in bed hating myself. BTW, very cute hat!

  13. Kelly says:

    I’m totally with you! I gained weight in January in a big way and need to get it to go away. The snacking and binging are a big part of where that weight came from.

  14. Emily says:

    Congratulations on your terrific mileage in January! What a fantastic way to get the year going! For me the best way to stay motivated is to see the progress and improvement that occurs over time – and you have knocked it out of the park!

    Your honesty is very inspiring. I find the best blogs are the ones that are REAL – and it takes a lot of courage to be completely honest. You are going to do great this month with your running and your eating!!! Can’t wait to hear how things progress!

    I love the Woodman’s in Kenosha, by the way. I don’t get up there very often, but whenever I do I LOAD up. Their cheese aisle is fantastic. =)

    • kilax says:

      Emily, thanks for stopping by! And for your nice comments 🙂 I feel like I can finally do this… I hope. 🙂

      We went crazy at Woodman’s! We stopped in for 2 things on the way home from the Milwaukee airport, and left with 20 things!

  15. Alice says:

    good luck!! imagine me jumping up and down and cheering in the background for motivation 🙂 🙂

  16. Kelsey says:

    You totally got this, you will learn so much about yourself with this Feb goal! you’re gonna rock it!

    AWESOME job on your running in jan!!

  17. Pete B says:

    Just found your site as well! Congrats on the mileage for January. By the way, I ran the NYC Marathon 2011 as well. I read your race review and I too, thought the energy and excitement was unbeatable!

  18. Stephany says:

    I love your honesty with this post. I know it couldn’t have been easy to push send! I would recommend Tina’s blog if you’re not reading it yet. She overcame a binge eating disorder and talks very frankly about her battle (

    We’re all cheering you on!

  19. Gingerfoxxx says:

    Wow, thats a lot of miles! And if anything, blogging about the binge eating might help you keep yourself accountable, plus you’ll have a whole network of people on your team supporting you!

  20. Laura says:

    Sorry to hear about your binge eating episode. I think it’s good that you posted about it. That shows that you’re not trying to hide it. Already an indication that you’re making healthy choices. And I always appreciate honesty in blogs. I stop reading the ones that seem too sugar coated. Good luck with the February challenge! I know you’ll be successful!

  21. bobbi says:

    That’s a huge mileage month for someone who’s training for a 5k – you seriously impress me, my friend!

    I hope you figure out the binge eating thing…I tend not to binge so mcuh anymore, but more to eat like crap and overindulge for a whole month before I even see it. Ugh.

    (Saw your comment on Britt’s blog today. Sad face. But proud of you at the same time 🙂 )

  22. Courtney says:

    You look fantastic in your picture!!! I love all your hats, scarves, and stuff!!! It is all so cute!!! I bet you could have lifted that big ‘ol bag of carrots with one finger!! The bunny on the bag is cute too!
    I get upset with myself for overeating like that… I don’t have any words of wisdom for the binge eating but I am here for you if I can ever do anything!!!

  23. Pam says:

    I struggled with binge eating a few years ago when I was working long hours on the night shift. I was sooooo exhausted all the time, and it didn’t matter how sleepy I was when I got off work, I could NOT come home and go to sleep. My internal clock just never adjusted. After a lot of reading, I learned that what my body was really craving was sleep, and since I wasn’t giving it that, it was manifesting itself as food cravings. Once I understood it, it was easier to deal with. Good luck!

  24. Laura says:

    Hi Kim- You are so awesome and inspring in your posts with the honesty that you write them. I hope that February is a better month for you. You can beat this. You are so strong and can do anything you put your mind too. Please remember how many good things you do in a day too. They totally outweigh the binge eating (by more than that huge bag of carrots!!) I know you want to learn how to control this and I hope that you find out some answers to help you along the journey. I wish I could tell you something to help but if you ever need to talk, Im here anytime you need me. Hang in there and congratulations on your incredible January miles. You rock!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for the reminder Laura (that I am more than what I eat)! 🙂 And thanks for being one of my fave cheerleaders.

  25. Diane says:

    Yay, Kim! I am proud of you for posting this, and for your running mileage! 🙂
    I have never been a binger but definitely need to practice more “mindful munching”. I self-soothe with carbs at night, and catch myself mindlessly stuffing food in my mouth if I’m doing something tedious at work. Oddly, I tend to snack less when I cook. I’m usually calmed by the process and too busy cleaning up to overindulge.

  26. ChezJulie says:

    Sorry, sweetie! I’m sure it’s related to all the stress at work. We all have our coping mechanisms.

  27. Marcia says:

    This is my knee-jerk response: binge seems like such a strong word. My image of bingers is zombie-like people gorging right out of the fridge. I wouldn’t consider myself a binger but I definitely have bouts of endless grazing that end in the same feeling you described. Maybe it’s me who is in denial. nevertheless good on you for addressing this. Knowledge is power right?

    • kilax says:

      I hope you don’t have binging problems! I don’t think of endless grazing as binging. We all do that from time to time, right?

      On Tuesday I ate 1500 calories worth of cookies in 10 minutes. Along with an entire 600 calorie chocolate bar, a pack of peanut butter, crackers, two servings of cereal, a few fruit rollups, a whole can of soup and a few other things I cannot remember.

      • ChezJulie says:

        Poor thing! I bet it blots out all stress and feelings while you are doing that. Just thinking about what people “gain” from a binge. (I know that it feels really bad afterwards).

  28. J says:

    I don’t know exactly if I binge eat but I do know I often eat too much and can’t stop. Some nights I have to force myself not to get up and get more cookies from the cookie jear. Its like I eat out of boredom of something. Anyway – good luck with this, I want to try and do that too. Just eating enough food and not over eating. But with the super bowl sunday, its going to be hard.

  29. The Linz says:

    Holy bag of carrots!! Ha ha! Congrats on your rocking January mileage. That is so exciting. I wish you the best of luck on hitting over 100 for the rest of the year!

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