Weighted vest

By , February 4, 2012 5:25 am

I have turned in to a truly lazy athlete. Not lazy in the sense that I don’t work out hard – I do. Just lazy in the sense that I don’t plan any of my workouts. I don’t have to think about them! I have Britt for my running, and Brian (Essential Fitness, LLC) for my strength training*. They get me by, week by week. Now, if only I had someone to help me stretch…

Seriously though, I was leaving Brian’s studio last night, and thought about how I would likely not do any of the strength moves he has me try unless I was working with him. Before we started working together, I would do The 30 Day Shred from time to time. Then I met him for the first time last January and he gave me (and the rest of the club people in attendance) a little book of exercises. I used that for awhile. But I was not doing this:

What is that? I don’t recall the name of the piece of equipment but I thought it was fun. And tough. And you guys remember I work for the CIA, right? I decided to wear my bullet proof vest to our session:

Just kidding! That is a 10-lb weighted vest that I wore for the last half of our session. Brian said something like, “I don’t ever want you to gain back the weight you have lost, but here is a reminder of what it used to feel like” (he said it more cool and eloquent than that of course). 

What is the point of all this babbling? Well, I was just thinking – I have been taking Brian’s strength class on and off since March 1, 2011, and working with him personally since May 26, 2011 (first session June 3, 2011)- and it has made a huge improvement on my overall fitness level and how I feel. And here is the strange thing:

I really, really, really like doing strength training now. 

I never did it before because I thought it was boring and I didn’t get a high from it, like I do from running. But I leave a strength session now feeling energetic and strong. I LOVE IT!

What do you do for strength training?

Are you motivated enough to do it on your own, or do you have to take a class/use a trainer like I do?

Have you guys seen “Shit Women Say to Personal Trainers”? Kind of funny. I don’t think I have said any of that stuff though. Have you?

*Alright, I do get myself to kickboxing and on the bike trainer from time to time. On my own.

16 Responses to “Weighted vest”

  1. Marcia says:

    I was into strength training hardcore long before I got into running. When we were dating hubby and I had a bench press contest. To win he’d have to lift twice what I could. Silly me took him up on that, got myself a trainer and worked hard. Long story short, i put up an impressive (so I thought) 115 lbs, he easily lifted well over 300, so i married him.
    Especially over the past year I’ve tried to run higher mileage and cycle more and strength has fallen by the wayside. And my running has never sucked more. This year I’m hitting the weights hard and I can already feel the strength in my legs coming back.

  2. abbi says:

    I don’t belong to a gym or anything and usually stick with stuff at home, love workout DVDs. P90X has been making me sore in new ways this week. Bet the weighted vest feels funny (and harder!).

  3. Maybe ask Data to lend a paw with the stretching? He’s got to earn his keep right?

    Glad that you enjoy working with Brian, strength training is so important for women and has wonderful longterm benefits.

  4. Emily says:

    You look really hard core in those pictures!!! Don’t mess with you!!! =D

    I used to be much better about strength training than I am. I prioritize my workouts in this order: running, yoga, cross training (bike or elliptical), strength training. Bad, I know – more balance is definitely in order.

  5. I’ve been seeing my personal trainer since summer as well, and have noticed some major gains as well!

    I think the video is HILARIOUS!

  6. carol says:

    I have a weight machine in my fitness room downstairs and cannot bring myself to use it. Instead I just use 2 little hand weights that I leave in the living room. Bad, huh?

  7. bobbi says:

    You know how I feel aout Brian’s class 🙂

    I totally want to try that thingy – it looks fun! Are you doing pull up kind of things? or is it more of a resistance band kind of thing?

    • kilax says:

      I think it simulated a fly, but you pull yourself up, so it works your biceps and chest. The key is to keep your body straight the entire time! It was fun!

  8. Erin says:

    That’s so awesome that you’ve found the love for strength training! Also awesome that you have someone to motivate you.

    I’d be more motivated to do it if I had a trainer because he/she would mix up the workouts. I’m thankful that I have to put together these sessions for work, though, because that helps me do it. Now that I can’t lift as heavy as I want and do all the moves I want I’ve gotten a little lazy about it. But I do love how it makes me feel!

    • kilax says:

      I think you are doing an awesome job of being your own strength coach. The more research you do for class the more you will figure out what works for you!

  9. Kelly says:

    That’s looking pretty hardcore to me!

  10. Gingerfoxxx says:

    My brother does a lot of strength training, and i once tried on his vest, ankle weights, wrist weights, etc, all at once. I couldn’t even stand up! Strength training is my downfall. I really have to be forced into it….

  11. J says:

    So I watch the biggest loser and at the end they always make the contestants put all the weight back on. I think that is the greatest idea because it helps you not forget what it was like to weight that much. Seems like your strength training is paying off. I really need to get back to doing that and continue to do it each week.

  12. Etta says:

    I currently carry around 11-12 pounds of infant cuteness with me everywhere I go. Sometimes I also carry the carseat and a huge diaper bag. I look at the elliptical and think about using it, but the second I try and put the baby down, he cries. 🙁

  13. Pete B says:

    I like the idea of a weighted vest. In the winter, I train with lots of layers of clothing and a water/utility belt. In fact, I once weighed myself with everything after a run, and I weighed an extra 9 lbs. In the spring I am a lot fitter and faster.

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