The pain moves up

By , February 14, 2012 10:23 pm

Meet my new friend!

Even though we just met today, I have a feeling we are going to be close. 

Okay, that’s a lie. I met this guy the summer I did my homemade waterslide stunt and tore the ligaments in my wrist. He helped me out until I had a permanent wrist brace. Anyway…

The bruise I mentioned here has moved from the side of my foot up my ankle. Here is a really dramatic angled photo that makes my foot look really puffy (I blurred out my ugly toes):

Here is a less dramatic photo with the ouchy area circled in red. 

So this started hurting Sunday afternoon. I rested all day Monday (*cough, except speedwork, cough*). Then today I wore my cute boots at work and my feet killed me all day. I can’t turn my ankle without feeling like the muscles are tearing a bit. 

So… rest and ice until this bad boy feels better! I won’t be able to see the doctor until next week, if I decide to at all (hopefully it will heal itself and I won’t have to). 

I spent the day feeling sorry for myself, then snapped out of it. I realized:

  1. If this is all that hurts, that is not much. 
  2. I think I am freaking out since I have not had an “injury” in so long. I am a worrywart. 
  3. This is obviously from rolling my ankle a week ago – it will heal soon.
  4. I am only training for a 5K. It’s on 2/26, but I have a back-up 5K on 3/31 (and the back-up is FLAT!).
  5. I can still strength train and cross train. 
  6. I can still run…

Okay, the only problem would be if I have to take more than one day off of running. See, my eating habits depend on me burning muchos calories from running. I think I eat over 2000 calories a day, and still usually lose weight. So… this could be an issue. We’ll see…

Which would you rather do to lose weight – eat less or workout more?

Workout more for sure!!!

Data was running around in the bathroom while I was taking photos. Hi, Data.

He was also “assisting” with packing. Sigh. Look at that grumpy face!

Alright, thanks for reading my whiny post. Hopefully I will have something better for you tomorrow.

36 Responses to “The pain moves up”

  1. Erin says:

    Yeah, you definitely rolled that puppy but good! It will heal quickly, though. Keep icing it and, if possible, keep it elevated when you’re at your desk.

    Charlotte at The Great Fitness Experiment did a good post today about the eat-workout-eat cycle. You should check it out.

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, that was a good post. I am going to go read the comments now. A few times I have felt like I need to exercise more because I ate more. But I have only acted on it a few times. But I do freak out the moment I cannot exercise!

      I like her random blog name generator idea. I have heard that before and it makes me laugh 🙂

      (And I might take the next 5 days off from weighing myself. Why not? How much damage can I do in 5 days… uh… don’t answer that 😉 )

      • Jen says:

        I just read that post from TGFE too! It was a good one…

        I totally struggled with this concept of exercising to eat but after training for the Ironman and NOT losing weight, I really realized the fallacy of that thinking. If I workout more, I eat more. And I eat out of control. Going into my pregnancy, I was really scared about my relationship with eating and exercising. I can honestly say that I finally have a decent balance now. I still have to remind myself that I don’t have to workout more but it’s nice that my cravings have decreased. I no longer find myself in the kitchen at midnight, scarfing down bowls of cereal. Reading Mark’s Daily Apple helped me too. I”m not totally perfect with my thinking but I’m ALOT better now. And I feel like I’m in more control with my eating which is nice…

  2. ChezJulie says:

    It looks like a sprained ankle to me. Is that the same as a rolled ankle. I recommend following the RIP protocol: Rest, Ice, and Patience! (I just made that up, too).

    Sorry you’ve gotten thrown off track and hopefully it won’t be for too long.

    • kilax says:

      I think at this point, that is what happened form rolling my ankle. Le wah. I like your RIP acronym! Especially the patience part 🙂

  3. martymankins says:

    Workout more… that’s a no brainer even for this often slacker (who’s actually trying to break that spell with 3 gym visits a week for the last 4 weeks).

    Data looks very slinky in that photo.

  4. Losing Lindy says:

    wow Data is so skinny compared to Bogie

  5. Courtney says:

    Oh no!! I hate to hear that your ankle is giving you more problems, it is supposed to be getting better!! Come on ankle cooperate!!! I do hope your ankle gets better soon!!!
    Have I told you how much I love Data (as I say his name in my head so I pronounce it correctly- long A!)?!?! He does not look happy that you are packing to leave him though!!! Maybe you should try to sneak him with you!!

    • kilax says:

      I had a dream I brought Data with me. 🙂 I laugh about you pronouncing his name! LOL, you crack me up 🙂

      Hopefully it will be better in a few days! 🙂

      • Courtney says:

        I sure hope it gets better soon! And, I forgot to tell you, I like the color of your nails in the picture!! I can’t help it that everyone else says Data’s name wrong and I’m the only one who pronounces it right so I’m forced to change, lol, poor Data (long A)!

  6. Amy says:

    Workout more, most definitely!
    Hope the ankle improves soon – it’s not hot to the touch, is it?

  7. I LOVE that pic of Data on the shower – so cute!!!

    I’m really sorry about your ankle. No, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s still frustrating and disappointing I’m sure. 🙁

  8. Michel says:

    Anybody that’s ever been on the injury train has a free pass to freak out ville when shit like this happens!!

    Rest, Ice, Aleve, Ice. And wine. That’s always my game plan!

  9. Etta says:

    Ouch! I hope it feels better soon!

  10. Kandi says:

    I hope your foot heals quickly!
    I LOVE that photo of Data between the shower curtains. So cute. And is that a dress he’s laying on in the packing photo? It’s so cute!!

  11. abbi says:

    Sorry about the ankle – hopefully it goes away quickly with some rest and ice. The picture of Data on the tub is very cute!

  12. cindy says:

    I hope it gets better soon. My hand has improved and they think it was tendonitis but also going to check for rheumatoid arthritis.

  13. I hope that your foot feels better! I love that you blurred out your toes – so funny! I’d rather workout to lose weight. I am great about working out, but have a hard time with the eating! I love carbs and sweets.

  14. bobbi says:

    Ouchie! I hope it’s better quick!

    What’s your back up 5k? I may need to race one soon….

    • kilax says:

      The back up is the Fools 5K in Waterloo, IA. It is my PR from last year.

      I am considering the Step Up For Kids 10K in April (day before your bday, maybe?) and they have a 5K too 🙂

  15. gina says:

    Luca will kiss your ouchy for you. Seriously, if you have to back out of this Sunday’s relay, it’s ok. I don’t want the relay to screw up your training goals.

  16. Kelsey says:

    I literally cracked up when I saw you blacked out your toes. HA still laughing. Love that.

  17. carol says:

    I am laughing . . . “rested all day except for speed work” – LOL! The words of a true runner! You are probably over panicking a bit since we runners tend to totally ignore a pain or over panic about it. I hope it clears up right away. Are you taking anything for inflammation (ibuprofen)?

    • kilax says:

      I am totally over panicking 🙂 And I still have not taken any drugs. What is wrong with me?! UGH. The swelling went up on Wednesday but is starting to clear out now. YAY!

  18. sizzle says:

    I would rather eat less but I think working out more is actually easier sometimes. 😉

    I get so worried I will injure myself and not be able to work out. I’ve become that person!

    I hope your foot heals quickly.

  19. Maggie says:

    Your cat is so cute!!!!! Sorry about your foot though 🙁

  20. Emily says:

    Injuries are incredibly frustrating, so sorry to hear about it. I wish you a speedy recovery!!!!!

    Love the pictures of Data, especially the one of him balancing on the shower! By the way, is there a story behind the name “Data”?

    • kilax says:

      My husband loves Star Trek and said if we got a pet it had to be named after a Star Trek character, hence, Data from Star Trek Next Generation 🙂

  21. Ouch!! Poor ankle 🙁 Hope you have a quick recovery.
    and I love that you blurred out your toes! heh!!

  22. J says:

    Hopefully that heals up quick! I wouldn’t worry about your ankle too much but don’t forget to ICE!! I always forget but it really is important even when you are not feeling pain. Oh Data – so cute! I totally want a cat like that!

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