Strong > Skinny

By , March 6, 2012 8:53 pm

I had a surprise realization in kickboxing class tonight that I want to document, but don’t know how to without sounding obvious and judgmental.

Basically, I was doing all the kickboxing moves, feeling strong, when the thought flashed in to my head – “I would rather be strong and be able to do these moves, than be at too low of a body weight for me, not have any energy, and not be able to do strong punches and kicks.”

Now, my goal has never been to be stick thin. That… would just not look good on me. And I am happy with the way I look (except for some issues with a certain body part which is so unusual for me and really upsetting me that it is even bothering me). But the way I felt in class just reminded me that I want to be healthy, to feel healthy and strong. Not be healthy to get skinny

It was a good realization. Or rather, reminder. 

That’s all. 

Maybe not. It feels wrong to post without my standard picture(s) and question! So here are some pictures of acrobat cat, or, as I like to call him, Acrocat. 

It’s funny. Now that I have a smart phone I seem to be taking even more random photos, and using them later in blog posts… when I never planned to share them. 

Do you take photos with sharing them in mind? Or do you take them then later think, “I should post this!” (or “show to so and so”)?

23 Responses to “Strong > Skinny”

  1. Christina says:


    • Christina says:

      I take pictures with the intention of uploading them to Facebook, but usually my uploader no worky. So they just sit in my phone. 🙁 pooey

    • kilax says:

      I think that is the first time anyone has ever written “first” on my blog 😛

      I have been downloading my pics on to my computer. I have not tried to send them to FB, except a profile pic a few weeks ago.

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    Yep…I do it all the time. My phone camera has gotten super crappy. I am due for an upgrade and I am not sure when it will happen.

  3. Awesome realization 🙂

    Damn, your cat has some skills!

  4. Melie says:

    Thanks for the reminder! I really need to remember this more often. It’s not that I was ever skinny, it’s that I am larger than I used to be that gets to me lately… well, that cat always cheers me up! The poster of le chat noir is my favorite too. I have the same one, and a mug with it and a bag. Obsessed much?

    • kilax says:

      As you know, I am in the same situation right now too. But damn! I could still work it in class! And I know you are kicking butt with your circuit workouts!

      I used to have a Chat Noir umbrella! But it broke in Paris. And I have a little travel bag with it on it too 🙂 Do you like his other paintings?

      • Melie says:

        I admit that I am not particularly fond of most of his paintings, but I do llove his sketches. There is a particular one of a curled cat that I’ve been meaning to print as a poster for my room forever.

  5. I totally agree – strong trumps skinny any day of the week. I’m always taking photos these days! The food photos I usually always intend to share…The 1,000 photos of Roosevelt? Well, I share some of those and the rest are for my personal amusement.

    P.S. – I love Data! That cat has skills! 😉

    • kilax says:

      You know what is sad? I eat at Native Foods so much now that when I go there with someone who hasn’t been there yet (which was TWICE yesterday) I can show them menu items on my phone. Sigh.

      Thanks about Data! I have so many pics of him! I sent some to my friend in Queens but otherwise I try not to overdo it. I wish my Grandma has a smart phone so I could send them to her! LOL!

  6. Amy says:

    I agree with your realization and I love Acrocat!

  7. Kelly says:

    I really wish I could get to that point. I’m not entirely sure my goal weight is attainable, and I’d like to be OK with that.

    Your cat is so cute!

  8. gina says:

    Want to bench press me you come over next? I bet you could. Annnyways, I’m glad you were reminded that being healthy is far better than being stick thin. Said the fat girl that ran 3.6 last night(HOLLA)!

  9. Michel says:

    oh ugh oh yeah I take tons of pics with my smart phone. I have a bunch that have yet to make it on the blog but some end up on my facebook.

  10. Maggie says:

    Do you follow Watch MeGo Run? You should! She posts a lot about “strong is the new skinny” and being healthy vs. being skinny.

  11. martymankins says:

    Since I’ve joined Instagram, I’ve now been looking for photo ops that can be shared.

  12. Erin says:

    That is an excellent reminder that fitness is not about being thin. It’s about being able to do the things you want to do and feel strong doing them!

  13. Gingerfoxxx says:

    Have you ever seen the Acrocats/Rockats? It’s a travelling cat circus. I have seen them twice – you would get a kick out of it! 😀

    • kilax says:

      I haven’t! But I have heard of them and watched their youtube vids! I need to go!!!!!!!!

  14. The Linz says:

    I have to agree with you on the whole strong > skinny thing! I was thinking that the other day as I was looking at all those buff ladies who do crossfit. They are fit but look healthy. And based on my body shape that is probably easily more attainable then stick skinny anyways. ANd how freaking cool to be able to bust out some super strong move (whether it be in kickboxing or in my case lifting some crazy amount of weight on a barbell). So keep that vision as your motivation because I think it’s a great one!!!

  15. Etta says:

    I take pictures and use them when I don’t have other photos to share. I think, “No one wants to read a post without photos! I’ll use this photo of my son being cute even though the post is entirely unrelated!”

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