Afraid of Alarm

By , March 7, 2012 5:35 am

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, catch a glimpse of yourself, and scream?

Just kidding! That is not what this post is about, but I thought my hair was funny last night. I actually wanted to ask:

Do you ever wake up before your alarm, and feel afraid to even look at it, and see how much sleep you have left?

I slept all through Sunday night (amazing!) but then woke up at 4:28. Two minutes before my alarm. Annoying.

Monday night I woke up at 2:30 am, and last night it was 1:30 am.

I am annoyed that I am waking up at all during the night, but I suppose if I am, I would rather have it be with ample time before my alarm sounds!

It’s funny though – I always do feel a bit afraid to look at the alarm when I wake up before it goes off. Does anyone not look at it?

And don’t worry, I fixed my hair up for work. The best I can, anyway.

Me so tired.

34 Responses to “Afraid of Alarm”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    I love the color of your bathroom!
    I have been so tired lately too. I actually didn’t even get up to get on the dreadmill. I might try tonight.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! Our house is all earth tones, with dark greens in the master bath and bedroom!

      Defintely get on the mill tonight! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That is hilarious because last night I woke up about 100 times and towards the end I was afraid to look at the clock because I knew it was almost time to get up. The funniest thing was that towards the middle of the times I woke up I looked at the clock and actually wished it was later because then I could stop waking up and disrupting my sleep. Crazy!

    • kilax says:

      I can relate! What I didn’t mention is that it took me awhile to get that pic of my clock and all the stimulation kept me up for about 30 minutes. LOL.

  3. Your hair looks so cute when it’s not pulled back! I usually have mad woman hair, especially in the middle of the night. It’s a security system to scare away possible intruders.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks Britt! I wore a hat and it totally crimped it all up! So now I have it half up half down ๐Ÿ™

      Did you ever post about how to do braids on each side?

      Ha! I like your secrutiy system!!!

  4. shelley says:

    Yes, I do that too..I won’t look at the time, because maybe it says I only have a few more minutes to sleep..ughh

  5. ChezJulie says:

    Yes, I can relate to being afraid to look at the alarm. Your hair looks really pretty in the second picture!

  6. Kelsey says:

    I literally laughed out loud at that picture! Best part of being a bloggers is posting embarrassing pictures of yourself on the Internet for the world to see, no?

    I am the exact same way! I am always terrified to look at the clock cause then I realize ‘ oh crap i only have like 3 hours of sleep left” It seems that no matter what time I wake up in the middle of the night there’s never enough time left to sleep!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! I have no shame when it comes to these pics. I also took a pic of me in just tights and a shirt to show to my coworker as an inside joke… I would have no issue posting it here if it actually made sense to anyone.

  7. gina says:

    I woke up last night for the five hundredth time and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I was like “Jeesh! Thank God no one sees me like this”. Your alarm clock would cause me anxiety.

    • kilax says:

      Because it is red? I actually don’t even use it. I sit up and look at Steven’s. You have to press Darth Vader’s head to get mine to light up. I just took a picture of mine so that I would not disturb Steven at 1:30 am ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Michel says:

    Nice shirt!
    I think my children have killed any sleep habits I had. I now wake up at before my alarm goes off. Today I woke up at 4:55 and knew my alarm was going off in 5 mins. ugh. nice.

  9. abbi says:

    I wake up multiple times each night. I couldn’t tell you the last night I slept through an entire night. The worst is definitely looking at the clock and seeing it’s only 2 minutes until the alarm.

  10. Emily says:

    You are too funny! =) I definitely have issue with the alarm clock, especially on days when I need to wake up at some ungodly hour to catch a ridiculously early flight. I’ll wake up every hour or so out of fear that I’ll oversleep. On those days, I’ve now started using two alarm clocks – it helps give me some peace of mind that I’ll be up on time!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, whenever I have to get up early for something important (not work) I wake up a lot more often. Hate that!

  11. Kelly says:

    I fell asleep at 8:30 last night, so I think my opinions are invalid.

  12. Melissa says:

    I go through bouts of insomnia where I will wake up several times and it can be really stressful! There was a period of time where I would actually turn the clock so it faced away from me so I wouldn’t be able to see how much time was left to sleep! Anxiety!
    Now we have a new clock and it’s more difficult to turn but I try not to look at it when I wake up. It’s nice though the times that I will wake up and I’ve felt like I’ve been asleep forever and I really have TONS of time left to sleep…it makes me happy ๐Ÿ™‚ But really, I just wish I could sleep straight through the night!

  13. Haha, I love your “middle of the night” photo!

    That’s so funny! I heard my dog rustling around this morning. She knows our morning routine like clockwork. When I heard her moving around in anticipation, I know my alarm was going to go off any minute (more like any second). Dang those animals for being smart!

  14. sizzle says:

    I usually wake up at least once a night generally between 2am and 5am to go the bathroom. I don’t turn the light on or look in the mirror. I try to tell myself I am still asleep (it never works and I have a terrible time falling back to sleep once woken up).

  15. Yesterday, my alarm was set for 5am, and I got up to go to the bathroom at 4:45. I was so annoyed. It bothered me all day long. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Stephany says:

    Oh, I hate, hate, hate waking up just before my alarm. The best is when you think you’ve been sleeping FOREVER and wake up and it’s been, like, an hour of two. BEST! EVER! It feels soooo good. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love that crazy hair photo of you! I should definitely take one of me when I just wake up, especially if I’ve pulled my hair up. Crazy town!

    • kilax says:

      OOo! I know EXACTLY the feeling you are talking about. I love that. Then you know you get a few more hours. Ahh…

      I want to see your Crazy Town pic for sure!

  17. martymankins says:

    I have, but have never thought to snap of pic of myself. I might have to do that, blurry eyed and all.

    I don’t set an alarm anymore. It’s been a good 6 years since that last time I’ve needed a daily alarm. The only time I use the alarm now is if I need to be up really early for that particular day.

  18. Erin says:

    I always feel lost if I’m sleeping somewhere that doesn’t have a clock on the nightstand. How am I supposed to know what time it is when I wake up in the middle of the night??? I love knowing how much more time I have before my alarm goes off.

  19. Melie says:

    Nope, usually I sleep like a log and wake up to the alarm clock and get up because I have to retrieve my phone from where I dropped it trying to avoid the alarm sound. I’m so jealous of your hair in the after photo! Mine looks like your before photo permanently. I just can’t manage to persuade it to stay straight, or curly, but it can’t make up its mind…

  20. Anne says:

    That’s how my hair always ends up at night! Can’t say I’ve ever thought to take a picture though ๐Ÿ™‚

    I try my hardest to not look at the clock when I get up in the middle of the night, knowing how little sleep I have left before the alarm just stresses me out!

  21. Christina says:

    Your hurr is beautiful!

  22. kapgar says:

    I’m going slightly off topic here to say that I LOVE your shirt.

  23. Susan says:

    Ah, time…it drives me crazy! Especially with night shift since I’m tired alllll the time. I wake up randomly during the day (because I never sleep through the entire day), and I’m always scared to look at the clock to see what time it is.

  24. Etta says:

    If I wake a few minutes before my alarm, I feel as though I’ve been cheated out of sleep. Of course, my sleep is always interrupted. Someone is teething.

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