Fridge accomplishments

By , July 4, 2012 2:07 pm

How old is too old to be putting your accomplishments up on your refrigerator door (or kitchen door, if you’re like me)?

Yeah. Twenty-seven is probably too old. But someone from my running club (also named Kim!) told me last week that our names were in the local paper as being the fastest Round Lake runners in the Chicago 13.1 Marathon. Even though it was not a PR for me, it was still a good race, and it’s fun to have your name in the paper! Another running club friend sent me the article. And up it went.

Anyone else still shamelessly pinning up their accomplishments?!

Happy Fourth of July everyone! I tried to sleep in this morning (Data made it hard) then went out for a late morning trail run, wearing my new Mizunos. It was so hot out during my run, I had to take my tank off and wear it as a cape.

Unfortunately, this did not make me run faster, but it felt so good not to have a shirt on! I think I am going to spend the rest of the day with my shirt off. Okay, maybe not, but I will be wearing as little clothes as possible. And drinking lots of cold drinks.

You guys didn’t think I meant alcoholic drinks, did you?!?!?!

Let me know what you’re doing for the fourth, or if you read this tomorrow, what you did for the fourth!

24 Responses to “Fridge accomplishments”

  1. Gingerfoxxx says:

    Guess who also ended up with a shirt cape today? If you guessed this girl, you are absolutely right! Congrats on having your name in the paper- i would frame it, haha

  2. Pam says:

    It’s sooooo hot out there today. A heat advisory was just lifted for this area on Sunday night, but we’re already back under another one. I meant to get up earlier than I did to run, too, but it was close to 9:00 and 90 degrees before I did. It was the slowest, sweatiest, suckiest 5 miles ever. Then I came home, cleaned up, tried to take a nap (plan foiled by the four-legged residents of this household), did some kitchen prep stuff, and now about to head to the in-laws ‘ for a cookout! It’ll be fun, but man it’s gonna be miserably hot. We’ll need plenty of ice for the beer fo sho!

    • kilax says:

      Good for you for getting a run in! We are under a heat advisory too. This weather is bizarro!

      I hope the cookout was fun!

  3. abbi says:

    Cold icy drinks are definitely needed on a day like today!!

  4. You are NEVER too old to put something up on the fridge. NEVER! ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats for making the paper – that’s awesome! Your shirt-cape is equally awesome. I may have to try that out sometime! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t put my A papers on my fridge. You’re never too old for that. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Kayla says:

    I always hang stuff up that I’m proud of! That is awesome that your name was in the paper! Definitely need cold drinks today! Unfortunately I don’t have any plans at all, so my day will be pretty low key but thats okay too.

  7. J says:

    I ran this morning, ran to the 4th of July race, watched my friends run then went to brunch with them all! IT was great but I was really tired so i came home and took a nap while Brian painted our living room. Some wife I am!! lol We are going to Fireworks a little later on!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. I think I am the same kind of wife. I am always hoping Steven will do the hard work… so I can nap. How were your fireworks?

  8. Kelly says:

    So awesome, congratulations on being famous!

  9. Losing Lindy says:

    That is awesome! And I like your cape.

  10. bobbi says:

    You and Sara make the shirt cape look AWESOME!

    It was a busy 4th for me! I ran a 10k, I cooled off in the pool with my family, we grilled out with friends and then watched the fireworks in Kenosha. And I need a vacation from my vacation day ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Maggie says:

    I almost made a shirt-cape yesterday. Darn. I should have. We would have been twinsies.

    Also I had to go back and look at the results from 13.1 … I was the second-fastest finisher from my town. So. Yay? Not hard, I rarely see anyone else running in this town. In fact, the local running club (of which I am not a member) does most of their group runs in other towns.

  12. Erin says:

    That’s neat that the paper did that! One of the reasons I keep a scrapbook is to have a place to put things like that. Of course, not as many people see it as they would if I put it out in the open like you do! So, I think your way is superior.

  13. martymankins says:

    For the 4th we went to a fireworks show that had The Beach Boys perform. It was a lot of fun (with a lot of people).

    I’ve had the Cherry Berry Chiller and it’s not bad. I prefer the Mango smoothies at Burger King.

  14. Emily says:

    You are NEVER too old to put your accomplishments up on the fridge. NEVER. Your accomplishments are meant to be celebrated, and they only way for them to be celebrated is for them to be publicized!!! CONGRATULATIONS on getting your name in the paper, can I get your autograph now before you start getting stalked by the paparazzi? =D

  15. ChezJulie says:

    That is very cool! I am all for the Fridge of Accomplishments.

  16. The Linz says:

    I don’t think you are ever too old to be proud of yourself! Way to go!

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