Don’t cry because it’s over…

By , July 16, 2012 5:50 pm

… smile because it happened!

It was perfect timing when I saw this on Facebook on Saturday:

(It’s disupted whether or not this is from Dr. Seuss or annoymous)

I was in NYC with my friends (Gina, Steve and their son, Luca) last Friday through this morning. I always have an amazing time when I see them, then I come home all depressed. Gina and I were even talking about how looking forward to our visits can be more happy than the visits themselves because the visit feel like a sad countdown – “only one more day here,” etc.

How pathetic are we?! But it’s the truth. 

I saw this and thought “No more! I’ll be a big girl now and be grateful for the time we DO have together!” Okay, and it helped that they booked tickets while I was there to come out here in August. So this morning was “See you in three weeks!” Rather than “Sniff sniff…bawl…”

Do you tend to feel bummed out when events are over?

I remember feeling that way after my first marathon! And a few other races. And our wedding. And coming back to work after being at the river. 

And in case you are interested, here are a few pictures from my weekend in NYC! I still have a 5K recap to write too! Check out Gina’s right now!


15 Responses to “Don’t cry because it’s over…”

  1. Diane says:

    I am going through this right now! I visited a friend and her new baby in Madison this weekend. I love the city and her little family so much. Plus I didn’t feel well today. I moped a lot.

  2. I get the blues a little on the last day of the trip. Usually because I’ve spent weeks in anticipation of it and it’s almost gone!!!

    Glad to hear it was a fun trip. I’ll have to hear more details on THURSDAY! 🙂

  3. Melie says:

    I like this. I think I might steal it to write a post about the same topic. It’s so damn hard to come up with things to write every day. Good thing I am not too ashamed to resort to stealing.

  4. kandi says:

    I sometimes get sad if I don’t have something else to look forward to. I was not so sad after my wedding though. Mostly relieved that I didn’t have to think about it anymore (and there weren’t many details to think about in the first place).

  5. I always feel sad when things end! I flew back to WA on Saturday, and on Sunday when my dog gave me a bloody nose, I started crying. I was just so sad already, and to add injury onto my pain was just too much.

  6. Amy says:

    Love your collages! My son’s been doing that on FB with our trip pictures too. And Luca is getting so big – he is adorable – I love that age (but teenagers are pretty amazing too)!

  7. Looks like you had a great time. Did Steven go with you? And your bday is coming up…how exciting!!!

  8. Katie @ Legally Fit says:

    Looks like fun! I feel the same way- before my parents come to visit I always whine that it seems like they’ve come and gone since it goes so fast!

  9. […] her post yesterday, Kim discussed how this quote resonated with her and how she is taking steps to enjoy the […]

  10. Kristina says:

    Great photos!
    I definitely start to feel a bit sad when a trip is almost over, especially when I’ve been visiting good friends. For us, so many of our REALLY good friends live elsewhere, so the goodbye can be bittersweet. But I do like the quote that you shared – thanks!

  11. Erin says:

    You guys always pack so much in when you’re in NYC visiting Gina & Steve! How could you possibly have time to feel sad? 🙂

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