Cleaning schedule

By , October 10, 2012 4:59 am

Guess what? I was a little bit woozy from Scrubbing Bubbles fumes when writing this. Please excuse any incoherent-ness.

Time to help me out… by sharing your weekly/monthly cleaning schedule. Our house is mostly tidy (except my closet until yesterday and my side of the bed) and mostly clean (but no where NEAR Grandma level clean), but I feel like I could do a lot better on keeping up with things. So tell me – what is your cleaning routine like?  J – I expect you to have some good tips for me.

I am wearing a new Ultra Runner RokBAND from Gina! It’s for running, not cleaning, but the first one sent from the company had a little mistake on it, so I got another one. So… mistake-one for cleaning, new one for running!

My biggest annoyance is that we cook so much that we ALWAYS have pots and pans out drying on the counter (on towels). So the kitchen counters always seem a bit cluttered. Do you guys hand dry all your pots and pans? Meh.

I have been thinking about stamping my photos for this site with my blog url. I did it on Monday… then promptly forgot with Tuesday’s post. Ha ha. What do you guys think about stamping blog photos? Do you do it? Why or why not?

41 Responses to “Cleaning schedule”

  1. Pam says:

    My cleaning routine: Ignore it for as long as possible until one day you look around and say, “DAMN this place is nasty!” Hahaha… no, really, I do a pretty good job of keeping things “surface clean” and then really kind of rotate the “deep cleaning”. Like one weekend I’ll deep clean one bathroom, the next weekend move the living room furniture and clean under and behind it, etc.

    I wouldn’t ever go to the trouble of stamping any of my blog photos because frankly they’re pretty useless and I can’t imagine WHY anyone would want to steal one.

    • kilax says:

      I tend to be like that too! I think I could be better though. Maybe what I really need to work on is my sloppiness. I am not that bad, but sometimes I ignore the (small?) piles. 😉

  2. Michelle says:

    I try to do a little each day. Helps! How do you stamp your pics like that? Super cool!

  3. Kiersten says:

    I try to do a room everyday, and then only vacuum and mop every couple weeks (I live along so it doesn’t get that dirty). Last week I decided to embark on a deep clean- it is amazing how dusty and nasty things like light fixtures and door frames get!

  4. Honestly I clean because my dog sheds like crazy and my husband is a neat freak. I keep things clean but deep down I am a SLOB, lol.

    I never stamp my blog photos. If someone wants to steal a picture of me drooling on myself during a race….knock yourself out 🙂 Your pictures are more professional and steal worthy so it might be worth it for you.

  5. I put my blog url on my photos on the off chance it leads to fame and riches.

  6. I haven’t been able to get myself on a consistent cleaning schedule since we moved and I started a new job. I’m having a hard time getting into a routine and keep things consistently clean these days. All the animal hair doesn’t help either!

    I’ve put my URL on pics before, but then it turned into too much work. I did it because people pin photos on Pinterest and I don’t want others to take credits for my pics. But the internet is tricky these days and you can crop or edit anything out of a pic, so Rhys why I don’t always do it.

    • kilax says:

      Ahh! I didn’t even think about pinterest! But you are right that you can crop it out! And I don’t want to be obnox and have it in the middle of the photo.

  7. abbi says:

    I try to do a little each day to keep things straightened up and vacuum at least 2x per week due to the level of dog hair. On the weekends I usually tackle the bathrooms and kitchen scrub downs. Then, when I feel like things are getting bad in general it’s time whole big entire house mega-clean! I’ve tried a regular schedule but just doesn’t seem to ever work out.

  8. gina says:

    I’ll clean when you come, so you should come more often. : ) I try to keep things as tidy as possible with Luca running around.

    I’m pro photo stamping.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah… I usually clean for guests. Ha ha ha. But I cleaned out our shower yesterday JUST FOR YOU. In case you guys stay in our bedroom.

  9. No cleaning schedule here. It usually gets to a point where I’m like “NO MORE” and we spend a couple hours doing it all. I’m fully aware most normal people just keep up with the housework, but we’re busy/lazy.

  10. Perfect question for me to answer as our cleaning service takes care of our mess. Our house? A disaster. We choose not to take time to clean and pay others to do so. Hey, I know my strengths and cleaning isn’t one of them.

    But, yes we do hand clean/dry all our pots/pans as well as our good knives. Something my mom did and so do we – no rhyme or reason to it.

    What did you wind up using to watermark your photos? You know where I stand on this one… =)

    • kilax says:

      I so so so want a cleaning service. How often do they come?

      I want to watermark my photos because they found their way to other spots on the web w/o a link back or my permission.

  11. Michel says:

    ugh. A little bit every day and then a BIG clean up every once awhile. All kids toys get cleaned up every day or it would be a hot mess.

    I thought about doing the blog name on photos and I have for a few things but I almost always have pics in photos and I’m to lazy to do it along with doing the framing I do on them when I can.

  12. Anne says:

    I really need a cleaning schedule, but I’d probably be the only one actually following it (the dogs don’t tend to clean up after themselves, though they should since they make the biggest mess). I try to do a few chores each day I work from home – laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning the bathroom and cleaning the kitchen. Then we kind of share stuff like unloading the dishwasher and taking out trash/recycles, mostly based on who’s around when it needs to be done, and how bored my fiance might be.

    It does help that a shiny new Dyson was included in the bridal shower haul! So I might have spent too much time yesterday sweeping and dusting EVERYTHING because it’s fun… for now.

  13. I clean on the weekends-laundry goes in while I clean our kitchen and bathrooms and then I vacuum. It only takes me about an hour and a half. I do this while Rich does the grocery shopping. We also mop about once a month. I do tidy up every night-put away the dishes, clean the counters and go through mail. It helps a lot doing it daily!

  14. Emily says:

    There is no rhyme or reason to when I clean or how. Just depends on when I am up for it and/or when I have time. Cleanliness definitely suffers when I’m busy (aka while I was marathon training 😉 )

    Your death by scrubbing bubbles photo is hilarious!!!

  15. Marcia says:

    Cleaning? Life’s too short for that. i just throw myself over the mess and jam stuff in the oven if the doorbell rings. Pots definitely air dry. It’s all good. I was told I needed to stamp photos so I did for a few days but I keep forgetting. PIA IMO.

  16. J says:

    I try to clean every week because that way its less work. I also try to put away my clothes as soon as I take them off after work but that doesn’t happen often. I need to declutter though – we have too much junk.

  17. Erin says:


    You know, I grew up with a mom who cleaned on a schedule and then hired a cleaning service (but still washes towels and sheets on a schedule). She always seemed stressed out about it so I decided I’d just do that stuff when I felt like it. Which is basically when A. I remember or B. people are coming over. Do I feel guilty for doing it that way? A bit. But then I remember that I’d rather spend my time doing things I enjoy and not stress out about dust or crumbs.

    Dirty dishes on the counter, though? That I will stress out about.

    RE: Stamping photos with my blog URL. Admittedly, I don’t really care. Maybe I should but I’m not too concerned.

  18. No special cleaning schedule apart from keep the sink & dishes processed, although I do have a cleaning person come every 6-8 weeks. She takes care of everything else.

    I have no clue how to stamp photos so I haven’t done it. It always helps if I actually post photos to my blog…

  19. Oh, my cleaning schedule is so unacceptable. I vacuum on weekends only, which considering the amount Lexie sheds is not ok, and I clean the bathroom when I notice that my tub is dirty. Everything else gets done randomly when I notice it, or when I’m avoiding homework. 🙂

  20. Amy says:

    Having a regular cleaning schedule has been a huge challenge for me for as long as I can remember…I need a lot of motivation to keep something like that up, and then I usually fall by the wayside. I did Flylady back in the day but got sick of all those emails. Right now though I am totally pumped up by this:
    I warn you in advance for rude language but I have to say it totally motivates me!!!

  21. Kim says:

    I hand dry pots and pans but we always have stuff out drying – containers, coffee to-go cups, etc. I bought a quick-dry cloth from Walmart that we sit stuff on. If it can’t fit on that, I dry it up.

    I do have a cleaning schedule but I’ve fallen off the wagon with it, so I try to just clean what I can when I can. That means my house is actually gross, just so you know.

    • kilax says:

      We usually have things drying on three cloths! We cook too much!

      Whatever! I know your kitchen floor is super clean, since you posted about it! That is my worst offense – the kitchen floor 🙂

  22. Christina says:

    Scrubbing bubbles gives me the worst headaches. It cleans so good though! I love cleaning. I find it theraputic. I also find laundry theraputic. I am a very rare breed. Haha. I hand dry my pots and pans.

  23. Kacy says:

    I’m anally tidy, but less so anally clean. I prefer things to look neat and orderly and keep that under control at all times. I wipe the counters down regularly and use a hand vac to sweep up dirt and hairs on the floors. But the truth about my “cleaning routine”? I buy almost every group deal for cleaning services I can find and try to have someone come and deep clean every six weeks or so. I’m really ashamed to admit it, but… there it is.

  24. gingerfoxxx says:

    Ugh. I have to do a deep clean this weekend. There is husky fur on everything and Matt is basically dying from it.

  25. Mica says:

    We just started a consistent cleaning routine because it would get REALLY bad (like months), and I would FREAK OUT. Now, we’re trying to vacuum and dust the living room and kitchen (and clean countertops,sink, and stove) weekly and vacuum/dust the upstairs (bedroom and office) at least every other week. I usually just wipe down surfaces and run the vacuum, anything else just isn’t happening.

  26. I really hate cleaning! So. Much. I just don’t understand why people care if things are messy. Cleaning is like torture to me. It makes me so sad!!!

  27. Molly says:

    2 things:
    We have pots/pans drying so often we bought a wooden drying rack that sits permanently on our counter. It’s WAY easier for us and looks a bit better in our space.
    I don’t stamp my pictures because I’m lazy and I’m not all that possessive about my stuff. (my audience isn’t nearly as big as yours though…)

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