Four years ago

By , November 7, 2012 6:26 am

Approximately, anyway.

As I walked to our polling site last evening all of a sudden I had a flashback to the 2008 election. I was really anxious that year too. But not about the race. 

November 4, 2008 was the day I accepted the offer for my current job*. 

I didn’t pursue the position. I nonchalantly had my interview. I was just doing it to stay fresh. 

Then I got the offer and fretted over it big time. So many people told me it didn’t make sense. I wouldn’t advance. It was a bad decision. Blah blah blah. 

But some people really supported me, and told me to do what I thought was best. And I still think about that to this day. 

Have you had some friends or family show true support when you were making a huge decision?

I was so stressed about it the decision, I didn’t talk about it on my blog. In fact, my post from that day is a funny story about Data! In honor of Data, here he is, helping Steven out at work. 

*I actually found the email confirming it was election day that I accepted! I even remember how we celebrated that evening. 

25 Responses to “Four years ago”

  1. Maggie says:

    Awww, cute pic of data! Sort of related, I got the offer for my current job on my 24th birthday.

  2. I really think big decisions like this show who’s really on your side!

  3. Kandi says:

    So I assume you made the right choice and you like your job?!
    In similar news, Joey found out yesterday that he got a promotion he applied for!! I’m so proud of him and excited. We are going out to celebrate tonight.

  4. Congrats on 4 years!! This last job I accepted was a weird feeling of excitement and scary. It was my first “move” from one position to another and I had no clue what I was getting into. It was a great move… but it didn’t come without serious stress…

  5. All of my friends and family (or at least the ones who really count) have always supported me in making big decisions. Sometimes, though, that means allowing them to express concerns or ask some tough questions to which I can’t always provide answers. I don’t think their intent is to swing my decision one way or another, rather to make sure I’m looking at the decision from all sides, so that I can be best equipped to make the right decision for me (and my family, when applicable).

    • kilax says:

      I hope that I would recognize and appreciate that. I had people telling me specifically not to take this job because it would ruin my architectural career. The problem is that they had an idea of what my career should be, based on the title of my degree. But why do I have to follow what everyone thinks an “architect” should do?

  6. Michel says:

    Your husbands computers look my husbands computers. Have you ever gotten a notice from ComEd saying your power use was more than your neighbors? We do and we have a server set up in our house and my husband says unless they think we have a pot farm in our house we are ok. snort.

    Yes big decisions show us who is behind us truly.

  7. Amy says:

    Congratulations on having your fourth anniversary!

  8. Erin says:

    Changing jobs is always stressful. There will always be people who don’t like to see anyone change anything about their life because of their own internal issues. But, in the end, it’s YOUR decision and you have to own whatever comes out of that.

  9. sizzle says:

    Yes! Friends and family have been a great support for me in times of big decisions. We’re lucky to have them in our corner.

  10. aw a big decision is always so intense and nerve racking, but look where you are now!

    My parents are always with me when I make a decision, since I’m Queen Worrier!

  11. gina says:

    Happy Four Years! Work related decisions are always tough to make. Glad that you were able to take the leap and make the change, despite the nay-sayers.

    Funny, yesterday my mind was in 2008, too.

  12. Michal says:

    Its always interesting to see who you can really count on when it comes time to make big decisions. I’m lucky to have such a consistent group of people who are always eager to express their love and support 🙂

  13. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    I’ve always had huge support, thank goodness! I hope you’re still happy with your job! Usually the ones we fret over the most are life changing, but it’s all for the better, well usually.

  14. CourtneyInControl says:

    WOW!!! I can’t believe it has been 4 years already!!! Where does the time go?? You know that I will always support you and your decisions!! 🙂

  15. Michelle says:

    Funny how things always find a way of working out. Great post.

  16. I know many people mean the best, but it does drive me a bit nuts when they think they know what’s best for you!
    On another note, I’m extremely jealous of your husband’s three monitors. I only have one at work, but two would make life so much easier when I’m writing reports and looking at tables. Maybe a kitty cat would help me work too 🙂

    • kilax says:

      It’s so weird – he got me a second monitor for Christmas last year as a surprise, and now it’s like I cannot work without it! So I started using my primary monitor as a second monitor at work (and started using my laptop screen – I used to have it closed).

      And he actually has 4! There is one in the top middle!

      Do you think there is a chance work would get you a second one?

      • At work, probably not. I just got my computer updated from Windows XP to Windows 7 so we are a little behind on the latest technology.
        I have considered getting a docking station and extra monitor for my laptop at home though.

  17. martymankins says:

    For me, it was a job over 5 years ago. I left the company I’m at now for another position. Had lots of support from both family and friends. It was a very empowering decision to make and one that really helped me get to a place in my life that I needed to be in.

    While I only stayed at this job for barely 3 months (coming back to my job I am at now), there was some positives to the decision, as I mentioned above.

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