A certain type of friend…

By , November 12, 2012 8:54 am

… that I cannot seem to explain. 

My last post was about friendship and it looks like this one will be too. Oops. Redundant much?

There’s a problem though -the thought I am trying to share about friendship is stuck in my head as a feeling and isn’t translating well in to the computer. Damn you, Monday* brain!

Sigh. Let’s give this a try anyway. 

On Friday night, my blogger friend Kim (Girl Evolving) kindly opened her (beautiful) home to me and Bobbi as house guests. She made us a fantastic meal (and her husband made dessert!), let me chase her son around the house, and put up with my silly stories late in to the night. Bobbi and I had such a wonderful time chatting with Kim and her husband. Even though we had plenty of time to visit, it didn’t feel like enough time!

Kim and I had met once before, briefly. She’s been one of my favorite bloggers for a long time. She’s on my “DAMMIT! Why don’t they live closer?!?!” list. Who’s on your “Why don’t they live closer?!?!” list? (let’s assume you don’t swear, like me)

I had never met Kim’s husband, their son or their cat before though! I felt so content and happy spending time with them. It was such a special treat. And this is the feeling I just can’t explain right… and I have only had it a few times before. 

It’s that feeling of being around truly kind, caring people, and feeling extremely welcome. It’s a vibe you get when you first meet them. They make you feel at ease, they make you feel important. They inquire about things you are interested in. They are giving. They are attentive. 

See? The way I described it makes it sound like most people are not kind, caring, or welcoming. That is not the case. Darn it. Let me try this again…

Ahh. Here we go. Maybe. 

It’s the people who are so warm and inviting that they make you think of only the good things. They make you feel like sharing all of your good feelings and stories. Their passion makes you feel excited. Their kindness makes you want to be that kind. They make you want to be a better person. They make you feel like you can be a better person. 

Sigh. I should just give up, right? I think this may only make sense to me. Let me know. Ha ha. 

*Let’s get real. It’s not Monday’s fault. My brain always works this way. I am really bad at communicating my ideas. 

32 Responses to “A certain type of friend…”

  1. bobbi says:

    No! You should not give up – I know exactly what you mean 🙂

    As soon as we walked into the door, even tho I’d never met them before, I felt instantly at home. Welcome. Comfortable. It was easy to be there.

    They are good people for sure, and we are lucky to know them!

    There are way too many on my “Why don’t they live closer” list. But – I WILL say, I am GLAD you live close!

    • kilax says:

      Yay! I am happy I at least made sense to you 🙂 And I am so happy they were included as part of our overall adventure.

      And of course, that we live “close”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kim says:

    Oh my word. What sweet sweet post, Kim! Thank you! We wish we lived closer to you, too. We’d have so much fun cooking and running together, hanging out, talking about cats! 🙂

  3. So sweet.
    I totally understand what you mean..and know that those type of relationships/friendships are SO rare. It’s so special!

    I wish I could meet up with bloggers!

  4. Christina says:

    I understand what you mean about finding friendships. Its so hard to find them. I have yet to find a really close friend that I can trust and who can deal with my awkwardness.

  5. Michelle says:

    So blessed are you. I have very few friends like this but the ones I do are amazing. Xoxo

  6. Gina says:

    I’m glad you had such a nice visit! I’m also glad you can spot and appreciate those wonderful moments when everything feels comfy and peaceful. They don’t happen often so when it does, it’s really a blessing!

  7. Melissa says:

    This very much makes sense to me! I’m afraid if I say much more right now it will make me sound it will truly not make much sense (since you don’t know me in person) BUT let me just say it’s SO SO special and rare for someone to take sincere interest and to CARE without hidden agenda and it’s awesome that you have found that in your friendships 🙂

  8. Kandi says:

    I understand completely. I’ve met families like this and it makes me always want to be around them.

  9. Pam says:

    It’s all about the chemistry! 🙂 Some people got it, some people don’t.

  10. Xaarlin says:

    I know exactly what you mean!

    You got me thinking about friends lately with these last 2 posts… It’s so freaking hard to make friends when you’re “old.” like out of college and such. I have a draft of a post saved about this- not sure I’ll hit publish. But it’s really fantastic to meet Cool like minded people.. Just hard to become BFF’s when older… Ah. Maybe I should just sign up for the trail race so I can hang with you! Lol

  11. No worries- it seems we all have an idea of what you’re trying to say. 🙂

    I have a lot of friendships. But there are some where there is a stronger connection, like what you are explaining. This does not mean my other friendships are not unimportant, but different. That’s all. 🙂

  12. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I know exactly what you mean! My goal in life is to be one of these people – It takes a special finesse to make your home welcoming!

  13. Molly says:

    WOW. I think you shared your thoughts really well.
    And what a delight for Kim to read this!!

  14. sizzle says:

    I know what you mean. I’ve been lucky to meet people from the internet and have that feeling. I certainly felt at home hanging out with you, Kapgar, Nilsa, and Tori and wish sometimes I lived closer! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thank you! I totally feel the same way! It was so fun when I got to meet you… was that back in 09? When were you here for BlogHer?

  15. Erin says:

    You’re very lucky to find those people in your life! Those are the friendships you should hang on to and cut out the ones that don’t make you feel like that!

    Easier said than done, I know.

  16. I know exactly what feeling you are trying to describe. It’s almost as if there are certain individuals that just envelope you in a cloud of happiness and goodness and they seem to radiate love and authenticity. Not that everyone else is bad or anything…but you know what I mean 🙂 Hold on to those friendships…they’re rare and precious!

  17. The Linz says:

    I hear ya! I have a feeling that we’d be those type of friends in real life, damn it why can’t we live closer! See now you got me cursing! LOL! It’s crazy how you can meet someone from the internet though, and have that kind of friendship/connection and maybe not even that with some real friends in your life. So special!

    • kilax says:

      I think we would be that way too. We’d be trying all sorts of crazy classes together! And going on hikes! And having a drink or two (after Pumpkin of course ;)).

  18. Losing Lindy says:

    I have quite a few people who are on my list of wishing they lived closer. I am happy to have met you!

  19. Emily says:

    It is truly amazing and such a privilege to meet such warm, comforting, welcoming, down-to-earth folks like that. And you are most certainly one of them!!! =)

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