Training Week 173

By , February 10, 2013 4:51 pm

Highlight of the Week: Feeling awesome during my weekend workouts! I kind of had a stacked weekend*… and I felt fabulous!


Monday | February 4, 2013: cross + strength
Loc: home, bike trainer, Time: 50:00, intervals, Difficulty: medium, Felt: sweat dripping off me
Strength: Shred-It with Weights, Difficulty: medium, Felt: spent
Tuesday | February 5, 2013: 5 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 8°/10°, Time: 46:16, Pace: 9:15 avg, Difficulty: easy.medium, Felt: like I was flying

Wednesday | February 6, 2013: strength class + 6 m run (w/Bobbi)
Strength: kettlebells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 32°/33°, Time: 1:04:06, Pace: 10:41 avg, Difficulty: easy (snowy and slow), Felt: great
Thursday | February 7, 2013: 6 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 32°/31°, Time: 1:07:56, Pace: 11:19 avg, Difficulty: easy (but super slick!), Felt: good
Friday | February 8, 2013: rest
Saturday | February 9, 2013: cycling class + GRC A Half with Heart 
Loc: Essential Fitness LLC Multisport Club, Time: 50 mins, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: good
Loc: Libertyville, Temp: 30°/30°, Time: 2:11:27, Pace: 10:02 avg, Difficulty: medium (hills), Felt: great

Sunday | February 10, 2013: cross + 14.2 m run (w/Erin)
Loc: Millennium trail, snowshoeing, Temp: 30°/31°, Time: 49:13 (2 miles), Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: Around Round Lake, Temp: 33°/34°, Time: 2:14:25, Pace: 9:28 avg, Difficulty: medium (more hills, RAIN!!!), Felt: great


  • Ha ha, my biggest struggle this week was getting a cold Tuesday night – and trying not to act too whiny about it at home, so Steven would not say anything about me continuing to work out. What can I say?! I love to workout! And I still do when I am sick, until it’s in my head. Do you ever try to “hide” how sick you are feeling from someone?
  • Jube Jel Candy Hearts make good (and YUMMY) long run fuel! Do you use any unconventional fuel for your long runs?
  • My running club put on a half for club members yesterday. It was the third in the “DIY Half” series, but my first to attend! We met at someone’s house, ran the 13.1, then had a fun party after with LOTS of food! We each paid $5 and had bibs and that cute medal in the “Saturday run” pic above. I can’t wait for the next one!
  • One week until our relay in NYC! And two weeks to my first 5K of the year!

*Despite having snow since Thursday I couldn’t fit in snowshoeing until the weekend! Still gotta take that rest day…

22 Responses to “Training Week 173”

  1. Great week of working out and I’m glad you felt strong all through all of it! I hope you feel better soon :).

  2. Meghan says:

    Girl, you are always such an inspiration! Solid week!

  3. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    You seriously ran a half on Saturday then 14+ on Sunday? Overachiever!! Totally joking!! (well kinda…lol)

    You make me feel lazy! But you’re so inspirational, I’ve kicked my training up a notch missy, so you watch out!

    I have the same bike trainer! (I think) Mine is green like that too, the hubby bought it, he knows way more than I do about biking!

    And I WISH I could go snow shoeing!!!

    • kilax says:

      LOL!!! Don’t feel lazy. I… have an exercise addiction. Hopefully it is still on the harmless side, since I try to work out when my husband is busy… or sleeping. I try to still be social! I swear!

      Do you have the Kinetic?! I love it! We should talk interval training ideas. I was sweating a ton Monday and Saturday, using it, and LOVED it!!!

      • Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

        Yes, that’s the name of it! We should talk interval training ideas!! I usually just get on there, but I need to be more aggressive! I’m usually on it at 5:45 am, so usually I’m just watching the news…bad, I know! I should just blare the music and ride!

        What do you do? Do you go at certain mph for x minutes, then slow down for x minutes? Or do you watch your cadence? I tend to watch my cadence more.

        And I ALWAYS sweat a ton on the bike!! Whoever says cycling is easy is crazy! I sweat as much as I do when I’m running!

        • kilax says:

          Just getting on there is great!

          My bike computer is not quite set up… lol. So I have been keeping it in the highest gear (I have a mountain bike, so 3) and have been going off of RPE (rating of perceived exertion). I definitely start with a warmup @1-2. Then kick it up to 3-4. And always end with that in reverse. In between, I do a lot of things. On Monday, I played music vids on my phone. During the chorus I was about a 5, then would kick it for the refrain – between 8-10. I also like to do drills like that where I kick it for the refrain, but stay in that gear – just increase cadence. Lots of fun playing around! Sometimes I time it too! Oh, and stand up and pedal for fun.

          Yeah! Cycling can be a great workout!!!! It is what you make of it. You are kicking it too 😉

  4. robyn says:

    Sounds like you deserve that rest day!!! Glad you had an awesome week, that run with your groups sounds like fun:) I also pretend not to be sick , especially if it is just a cold and go running anyway.

  5. Did you just set up your bike trainer? Are adding more cycling for a specific reason?

    • kilax says:

      I’ve used it on and off this year 😉 I put it away when I am done using it… er, after a few days. I am trying to get more cross training in, so that my ratio of running to cross training is not 5/0 per week… maybe 5/2? Or 5/3 this week, lol!

  6. Queenie says:

    I got a cold Tuesday, too, but didn’t do nearly as much running as you because of it. Are you running March Madness?!?!

    • kilax says:

      I hope you feel better soon! 🙁

      I’m not! Are you? I have never done that half 😉

      • Queenie says:

        I am. Tons of people from my club do it every year so I decided to sign up this year. It is in Cary…is that kinda near you? It always sells out super fast – I think this year was 10 minutes or something.

        • kilax says:

          Cool! This will be your first time? I think Cary is very near me… near Crystal Lake? And I think that is so crazy how it sells out… and on New Year’s Day, right?! 🙂

  7. Erin says:

    It was so great to run with you yesterday!!! Thank you for braving the rain and running long with me even though you ran long on Saturday. You are such a strong runner. I bet all that cross-training is really helping, too.

    • kilax says:

      It was such a blast! I hope we can fit more runs in together. Maybe we can hook up for your 20/22 whenever that is 🙂 I miss our long run time, lol.

      Aww, thanks! 😀 😀 😀

  8. Kandi says:

    You do so much! Very impressive.
    As for non-traditional long run fuel, I ran with Swedish Fish once. They were really good.

  9. Kristina says:

    So glad that you’ve been snowshoeing – looks like it was a great outing! How is the bike trainer working out? I keep wanting to buy one, but at the moment, it’s not too high on my list of “gear I want/need”.

    • kilax says:

      The bike trainer is fantastic! I have had this one since summer of 2011. I get such a great workout from it, especially now with that slick on the bike! And I love that it’s fluid. And that I can adjust how firm it is against the tire. Have you ever tried one? 🙂

      • Kristina says:

        I haven’t ever tried a trainer (more evidence of the fact that I’m not a “real” cyclist!). I do think that I’ll invest in one eventually. At the moment, I do spin classes and ride outside, but I think that I’ll phase out the spin classes over time and switch to the trainer.

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