Why are you running so much, Kim?

By , March 12, 2013 11:37 am

Someone asked me why I’m running so much, so I thought I would answer! Maybe you’ve been wondering too? Probably not. Why would anyone care? Hmm. Anyway…

So I told this person a short and simple answer of “because I love it and I feel good.” But since they asked, and the way they asked implied that they thought it was odd, I have been thinking about it some more. So here are the honest reasons why I am running so much, right now. I have two “good” reasons for you, one “bad” one, and some bonus reasons. 

The Good Reasons

Reason #1 – I love to run / it makes me feel fantastic / it clears my mind. Running is not only cheaper than therapy, it’s like my little dose of anti-anxiety medication each morning I run. It clears my mind, makes me calmer all day long, yet, energizes me. It’s one of the only times of day I can really focus, and straighten things out in my head. It just makes me feel damn good. And it’s not wrong to crave that feeling. 

Reason #2 – I need to lose weight and running is an efficient way to burn calories. I’m overweight. I need to lose weight. Running helps. That one’s pretty simple. 

The Bad Reason

Reason #3 – I am compulsive and obsessed with runningI am not going to pretend I am not. I get a kick out of adding up my mileage, and seeing how far I can go. This could be worrisome… if I didn’t feel good, or like running. But I have no aches or pains, and love what I am doing. And it’s not like I am a speed demon, running too fast and asking for injury. I have run through injury, stupidly, and won’t be doing that again. 

The Bonus Reasons

Reason #4 – I thrive on winter running. I prefer to run in the winter, in the dark and cold. So this is the time of year for me. 

Reason #5 – I tend to run more when I am making up my own plan. I am not following a specific training plan, and just do whatever I want. More freedom and a feeling of less obligation to stick to a plan makes me run more. 

Reason #6 – I DO WHAT I WANT. Ha. Had to get Data’s M.O. in there! If I want to run a lot (for me, this is all relative, of course), I will.

So, there you go. 

Do you feel a bit defensive when people inquire why you are doing so much of something? Or so little? Or why something at all?

Psst. I made all that up. Here’s the REAL reason:


42 Responses to “Why are you running so much, Kim?”

  1. Heather says:

    This reminds me of the “Run because” quote on a shirt that seems to be reposted in my feed a lot, but I love the way you put it. Running is fun. Would someone ask you why you’re reading so much lately? Seeing so many movies? Doing so many paintings, visiting so many museums?

    Running because you love it = ace.

    And candy is yummy 🙂 …damn, I want candy. *grumbles and roots around in her kitchen for something* Ooh, M&Ms!

    • kilax says:

      Exactly! No one would ask those things. (or would they? people are weird)

      YAY! M&Ms… I wish they made a vegan version!

      • Heather says:

        Ooof. See, that worries me. Life without milk chocolate! D:

        But…oreos. Oreos can salve any wound. And…damn, why did I not buy any last night.

        Wow, I’ve now cussed twice on your blog. Would it surprise you to know I don’t usually swear?

  2. Kandi says:

    Those are definitely all valid reasons. 🙂 Do you think you’ll run a marathon this year?

  3. Can you share some of those Twizzlers please? If only you didn’t live so far away… Maybe they’ll come up with candy you can fax!? A girl can dream, right?

    • kilax says:

      Aww yeah! I haven’t even tried them yet! I think they are watermelon flavored! Do you think they will be any good? 🙂

  4. Alice says:

    Haha, it always amuses me when people ask me why I do (or why I frequently do) something that seems obvious to me. I used to get “why do you blog??” from people who aren’t online (uh, you know, back when i actually did blog), the more suspicious “why do you do pole?” (uh, when i was doing pole) (note on that one: people who didn’t get why i would do it in the first place still didn’t get it after i explained it was fun. those tended to be the types of people who also didn’t believe it wasn’t the same as stripping.)

    • kilax says:

      Oh yes! People think blogging can only be super narcissistic (as opposed to mildly) and don’t get the community aspect… or even the joy of getting your thoughts out there!

      You are all done with pole? I always loved reading about it 🙂

  5. Pete B says:

    I have given up on being defensive when non-runners question my running obsession. They just won’t understand unless they start running themselves. BTW, I too run because I can eat those extra cookies/candy for dessert and call it carbo-loading!

  6. Great post! I was wondering if you were training for another marathon or ultra with increasing your mileage but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with running more miles because you want to run more miles! Especially if you feel good :). From one running junkie to another, I totally understand.

    Also, I had no idea you dealt with 3 stress fractures at the same time- ouch!

    • kilax says:

      I knew YOU would get it 🙂 I might do the North Face Endurance Challenge 50K again in Sept! Or I might cut back to short runs when it gets hot out!

      LOL. Yeah. Three at a time was a pita! (well, pit… legs)

    • kilax says:

      I knew YOU would get it 🙂 I might do the North Face Endurance Challenge 50K again in Sept! Or I might cut back to short runs when it gets hot out!

      LOL. Yeah. Three at a time was a pita! (well, pit… legs)

  7. Erin says:

    Hey, run as much as you want as long as it is positively impacting your life. I think it’s when the things we want to do start to negatively impact our quality of life or our relationships that we need to reassess.

    • kilax says:

      Do you think it is? You can tell me the truth 🙂

      Right now, I get up and am done running before Steven gets out of bed. AND! I am able to stay up until 10:00 🙂

  8. Michele says:

    I see your Oreos!!!!! I bought some “Mega Stuffed” the other day…I have to say I like the “Double Stuffed” better…

    I do get asked why I run a lot or workout, but it’s usually from people who don’t workout at all. It clears my mind too, I feel like I can focus more during the day if I have an early workout session. And I’ve found I actually do better on tests if I run that morning…

    And I don’t see your #3 is a bad thing, as long as you continue to do #1!! Ha! As long as you don’t have aches or pains, and you enjoy it, then run damn it!!!!

    • kilax says:

      I like the double stuf better too. Sigh. Yet another thing we have in common. When do we get to meet up again?!!!?!

      Good tip with the test taking! (Ok, total tangent, but I am reading that “Salt Sugar Fat” book and I just read the chapter about how Kellogg claimed that Frosted Mini Wheats made kids have a better memory or concentrate more. Geesh, guess I better eat some since I can’t remember what I read!). Anyway, yeah, I totally have a better day when it starts with a run! 🙂

  9. I run for the noms, for sure. And I also like the accomplishment I find in racking up the miles.

  10. Anne says:

    Eating is definitely a big reason why I run! It makes me feel better about the several dinners I have afterward 😉

    Is it weird that I’ve known you/read your blog this long and never once thought to ask why you run so much? I guess I didn’t think anything of it! I really like Reason #1 – gosh, but should I pay people to run with me since I complain all the time??

    No one really asks me why I work out so much, because I think it’s really obvious to most people who knew me even a couple years ago that I needed to lose weight (harsh, but probably true), and that was my primary reason for starting. And I guess if anyone did, I’d tell them that I’m still doing it because I really like it and I like being healthy (and they’d know that if they read my blog, GEEZ!).

    • kilax says:

      All signs point to – peeps need to read Anne’s blog. Come on 😉 I love that you starting to LOVE working out. We have Katy to blame, right?

      You don’t complain ENOUGH.

      • Anne says:

        Katy definitely started me down this dark path 🙂 I don’t always love it, but I usually feel so good afterward, it’s hard not to keep it up. And honestly, since I’m at such a stand-still career-wise, it’s also been really cool to have goals again. That looks sad when I see it written out.

  11. I run so much cuz it drives my hubby crazy! LOL! Not really but I’m betting that’s what he would say. 🙂

  12. I thought it was training for your next ultra

  13. J says:

    I also run so I can eat candy and cake! Plus exercising (mostly running) every day makes me feel good!

  14. Xaarlin says:

    YES to all of the above.

    If I had the time and the ability to not be injured, I’d love to run 2 hours a day. It would make me feel better in so many ways.

  15. Valerie says:

    Way to go girl! If it makes you feel good, then keep on truckin! Yeah…I run because I really really really like dessert 😉 Have you seen those shirts/water bottles that says that? Pretty much my life motto!

  16. kelsey says:


    That’s my motto!

  17. Melie says:

    well, truth to be told, if I had thought to ask about it, it would be more “how CAN you run so much, Kim?” and not why. I wish I could run a little more, but currently I am in the worst running condition I can remember. Fortunately, I am a Summer runner and I hope things get better. Oops! sorry, Was this post about you? I don’t know how I managed to make it about me. Again 🙂

  18. Mica says:

    I’ve never had anyone ask me that (or at least, not recently), but I get defensive about everything, so I’m sure I’d take it personally!

  19. Meghan says:

    EAT ALL THE CANDY! YES! That may be one of my reasons, too:)

    But seriously, I think you are pretty amazing, and it sounds like you run for all of the right reasons. As long as you’re happy, well, that’s all that matters!

    • kilax says:

      CANDY!!! So funny, after writing a post about produce. Oops. I should admit – I hoard the candy, usually. It should last a long time, in theory.

      Aww, thanks.

      And yes! Back to that Friday Question about schedule – to each their own! Do what makes you happy!

  20. Keep these posts up-I love it!!!

  21. Losing Lindy says:

    I really don’t think you are overweight. You look amazing!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 😉 I technically am overweight, maybe less overfat, but I would like to drop some more weight and see how my body feels there 🙂

  22. I love all your reasons, and totally agree with them except I HATE the cold! I really admire you for getting out there in the cold and dark and enjoying it!!
    Love the last pic too! BTW, you do not look overweight AT ALL! But people say the same thing to me, and I know I am too.

    • kilax says:

      I think I must be the only one who loves the cold! 🙂

      Thanks 🙂 I don’t think I look overweight either. But I’ve always been okay with how I look, even when I was 40 pounds heavier 😉

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