Sensible? Crazy? Somewhere in between?

By , March 13, 2013 5:03 am

As in… what kind of friend are you? The sensible one who is the voice of logic when someone else suggests a crazy idea? Or, the crazy one who came up with the idea (or at least supports it!)?

I suppose it depends on the friend, and the situation, right?

I think I am the crazy one. Last week, when I was having lunch with Erin, I suggested she come run a 5K with me, then just pick up 17 miles after to make it part of her 20 miler. Nbd, right?

We both laughed when I suggested it. Because it was so ridiculous (we’ll run 20 sans the 5K together), but I pointed out to her that it probably would not be the most ridiculous thing I’ve convinced her to do. I told her I was going to start making a list and rank the items. 

Draft list of crazy harebrained ideas I have somehow convinced Erin to do:

  1. Back to back weekends of half marathons. It’s always the first one that comes to mind. I paced Erin for her first sub 2:00 at the Illinois half in 2011, then we both ran the Wisconsin half the weekend after. We were miserable at the second race.
  2. PRing at a 5K then running 6+ miles home after. Hey! That just happened!
  3. Riding 65 miles on mountain bikes with a lunch that included alcoholic beverages. I think Erin survived that one better than I did.
  4. Waking up at 4:45 am to watch the Women’s Olympic Marathon. What a letdown.  
  5. Running 2 miles to the start of a 5K. Wait. That doesn’t seem crazy
  6. That 22-miler at Waterfall GlenI ran 12 then got on my bike. “I’ll pace you! It will be fun!” I said…
  7. Ragnar 2011. Actually, Erin asked ME to be on her team!
  8. Not bringing a coat to NYC in March of 2012. But it was so nice out at first!

Ha ha. I am going to stop there*. BUT! I bet I could make a list like this for most of my friends.

Hey, Bobbi, let’s run Veterans Marathon together! We can get ready in a few weeks!

Gina! I have a layover at the airport on your birthday! Come see me?!

Oh, Anne, you want to take my class? Let’s run before!

I never learn. And you have all been forewarned. Watch out for proposed schemes from me! Listen to your sensible friends!

What are you scheming up with your friends these days?

Ha ha. So the entire reason I thought to write this post is because here I am, making Erin try to do all this crazy stuff, and she is just trying to watch my back. I mentioned that I ate candy as fuel during last Saturday’s 18 miler and had a bathroom emergency. Erin told me the candy probably wasn’t the best idea for fuel, and that the toilets weren’t open on the lakefront, so I better be careful on this upcoming 20-miler on Saturday. To which I responded with a picture of this:


No response. Hmm. 

Then I was browsing the April issue of Runner’s World last night and saw this gem!!!


Hello! Runner’s World is inviting me to eat candy on my run!!!

I finally got a response from Erin. 


Alright Erin. You win this round. You are the sensible friend. I won’t eat any candy… until the last few miles. HAHAHAHAHA. And I will bring a piece of paper. 

 *Isn’t it funny that all of this is documented on my blog? I could probably dig up a lot more. 

45 Responses to “Sensible? Crazy? Somewhere in between?”

  1. abbi says:

    For myself, I come up with plenty of crazy ideas. In involving others, I am usually the willing participant in the craziness but not the one who came up with the idea. I say there’s nothing wrong with candy, I’ve had some success there, just like with gels or other products, it’s finding the right one! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      YAY! PRO CANDY! Lol. It does work for me. I think for a really long run I should have some real food too. Maybe a granola bar. 🙂

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    OMG..too funny

    Actually, the gelatin component in gummy candies give me really horrible gas, so she might be right. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      None of the candy I eat has gelatin in it (since gelatin is not vegetarian) 😉 You could try that! Wait, why am I trying to convince people to eat more candy?! What is wrong with me?!

  3. Valerie says:

    That text is absolutely hilarious!

  4. Kandi says:

    I love Erin’s response!
    I’ve been a good mix of crazy and sensible over the years. When it comes to workouts, my friends/coworkers tend to think of me as the crazy one for sure!
    I’ve eaten swedish fish on a few long runs in the past without any problems.

  5. bobbi says:

    I’m pretty sure that Veterans was equally my idea. 🙂

    I am an enabler. I am the YOU CAN TOTALLY DO THAT to all crazy schemes 🙂

  6. Kiersten says:

    When it comes to any athletic endeavor, I am totally the one who comes up with the crazy ideas.

    I think I get it from my Mom. When she came to visit in Italy we were sitting in our hotel room in Room and saw that the Pope was dying. At almost midnight, my Mom was like, let’s go to St. Peters and join the vigil. We aren’t even Catholic. I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I did, and it was so cool. We stayed all night and were there when the light went out signifying the pope had died.

    • kilax says:

      Wow! That is so neat that your mom is adventerous and crazy like that. Hmm. Maybe my mom is too. I can get her to do a lot of things. Except snowshoe, anymore. LOL>

  7. J says:

    My best friend/running friend eats swedish fish on her long runs when we were training for the marathon. One day she forgot them so I had to pick some up on the way to meet her! I think any kind of sugar works as long as it doesn’t cause GI distress! I most stick to the chomps. I usually talk my running buddy into doing crazy things too (Less crazy things now that she is preggo though). I did run 10 miles before going to total body class one morning but that was solo. SO pretty much i can talk myself into doing crazy things!

    • kilax says:

      We sound very similar. One time I ran 10 miles before my strength class (that went better than the time I did strength then tried for 20 miles). Who are you scheming with now that your friend is pregnant?!

  8. Hahaha I love this post. I don’t tend to come up with too many crazy ideas but I definitely encourage people that do (and maybe invite myself along… :P)! What can I say? I love when people challenge themselves!

    Are you running along the lakefront on Sunday morning? Maybe I’ll see you guys! I keep looking out for Erin but I always seem to miss her!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! I think that is my thing too! I am all “Go for it! See what you can do!!!”

      We are running Saturday midday 😉 Will we miss you? 🙁

  9. kelsey says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. Erin always cracks me up, she’s got some great one-liners.

    I think I am more on the crazy friend side…

  10. Anne says:

    Hahahaha, yeah, Erin wins that argument 🙂

    Do you think crazy friends are like the smelly and/or crazy person on the CTA? Like, if you can’t find them, maybe it’s you? Because I guess I don’t really have a crazy friend or do anything really crazy these days. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older? I don’t find the pre-class run to be crazy now, but I probably would have last year. Like isn’t an hour of working out enough? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?! But I AM looking forward to our fitness date extravaganza on Monday! I just hope there’s an El Famous or Red Robin nearby, I’ll need some dinner to tide me over on the drive home. Before I have second dinner.

    • kilax says:

      LOL. Good point! Crazy is DEFINITELY relative. As I was making this list, none of it really seemed that crazy to me anymore.

      I am looking forward to Monday! I will find some place good for us to eat 🙂 There is a Red Robin in Gurnee… not quite on the drive home though…

      • Anne says:

        Well I don’t want it to be out of the way. 50 miles from home is okay, but 55 would be pushing it 😉

        But it’s totes not crazy – I run before most of my classes now anyway! So I guess your challenge is to propose something crazier!

        • kilax says:

          Ha! Challenge accepted.


          1. Run to the start of the Women’s Half Marathon from your house.
          2. Eat a football sized El Famous Burrito then do our 5 mile route.
          3. See if I can bring a bag of food to your house and not catch Jude and Meko’s interest.

          • Anne says:

            1. Probably not for my first half. Just sayin.
            2. Yes, but let’s skip the run part.
            3. Good luck! They thought your phone-in-a-bag was food!

  11. Rachel says:

    I would say I probably don’t come up with all the crazy ideas, but I’m usually along for the ride.

    Kim and I running 16 hours…
    Drinking a bottle of champange the night before a half…
    Peeing on my friend’s roof…(don’t ask!)
    the list could go on all day.

  12. Pete B says:

    I agree with Runners World. Candy is my friend during long runs!

      • Pete B says:

        Usually Skittles or gummi bears. During NYC 2011 at about mile 7 some random spectator gave me a giant lollipop which I sucked on for about 6 miles. It hit the spot and no problems! I haven’t had the “issues” I hear a lot of bloggers talk about with Gu and candy, so your results may vary!

        • kilax says:

          LOL! I know the results will vary with Skittles. Damn, I love them, but I tried some during my ultra last summer and felt it right away. No emergency, but my stomach was vocal 😉

  13. Christina says:

    I dont always come up with crazy ideas with my friends but I however when its midnight and I dont have a lot of homework my friends and I decided to go on random late night city adventures!

  14. sizzle says:

    One time on a very long walk, my friend shit in a field and had to use her underpants to wipe. THESE THINGS HAPPEN. 😉

  15. Amy says:

    You guys crack me up!
    I am definitely the more sensible type of friend…sometimes boring but always reliable!

  16. Kim says:

    Oh my.. it’s a good thing we live far apart, because your crazy scheming coupled with my over-enthusiasm and short-sightedness, I’m pretty sure we’d end up in a hospital somewhere in the middle of nowhere. ha.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! The way you write it, it makes me really sad we don’t live closer. But I get to see you at the WI Half! And two other Kim bloggers will be there too (girl evolving & healthy strides).

  17. Alyssa says:

    Erin’s response is hilarious. But I present a case study: I ate gummy bears for fuel the whole bike portion of my half Ironman and had no stomach issues. I did switch to orange slices and the sports drink for the run though.
    I’ve been both the crazy friend and the reasonable friend depending on the person and situation. I like to suggest crazy ideas to Matt and he usually just tells me no.

  18. Melie says:

    Nope, I am the sensible one. I take a ridiculous amount of pleasure at bringing back to earth my friends when they go all crazy and cloud walking. But I would totally do most of the things on your list. And I have ended up in Las Vegas on a fine Saturday morning at 6am, because they stop serving alcohol at 2am in LA and we wanted a drink. So, take the “sensible” statement for what’s it’s worth.

  19. Erin says:

    You left out running 18 miles instead of 16 and then going water skiing 🙂

    And I think running 22 miles at Waterfall Glen was my idea…

    • kilax says:

      Ahh yes! Water skiing! We always have fun at the river.

      Yeah, I bet WG was. I never suggest it – it’s an hour and a half from my house! 😉 I probably suggested upping the miles to 22 though 😉

  20. Michelle says:

    Ok. Literal lol on this one. Hope you don’t get scratches from that page. Bahahaha

  21. Michele says:

    I convinced a friend once to pop a squat before the Marine Corp Marathon in 2009. We was all standing in line to pee before the race started, and the men were peeing on trees. I told her it was ridiculous that WE couldn’t pee on trees and that we should totally pop a squat. Then two girls in front turned around and said, “hey we will block you, if you block us”. We all were popping squats and my friend was the last to go. Then the metro ran by, so she basically “mooned” the metro at Arlington while she was taking her pee!!! Hahahahaha!!!

  22. Gingerfoxxx says:

    hahahaha, point Erin! But seriously, I have puked skittles too many times. You suck, runner’s world.

  23. Maggie says:

    Dying at Erin’s text back to you.

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