Demotivational Monday #2

By , August 27, 2013 6:26 am

Share your Demotivational Monday pic on Rachel’s blog linkup! And yes, I realize it’s Tuesday. 


When I was researching race information for my post yesterday, I found these pics from my 5K PR race


[;vg5bin March.

Wow. Thanks for walking across my keyboard, Data. 



Don’t bother with those typos, Dad.

Moving on. 

I was really surprised to see myself gasping for air after the finish line. I remember thinking that 5K was strangely painless. I must have tried to finish with a kick or something.

Have you ever found photos of you at a race, a long time after the race? Or are you stalking the photographer website to see the race pics as soon as they are released?

I used to be gung ho about looking for race photos as soon as they were released, but now that Steven sometimes comes to races and takes photos, I don’t bother. I usually like Steven’s photos a lot better than the “official” ones. 

All that being said, I had told Steven not  to come to this race, and was kind of bummed I didn’t have photos since I unexpectedly set a PR. So I was excited to find these yesterday! Now, I need to make a donation to the photographer/charity associated with the race… 

17 Responses to “Demotivational Monday #2”

  1. Rachel says:

    haha that looks like a post 5k face to me! Thanks for playing again 🙂

    I did find some almost a year later from a local race on their facebook page. They were actually pretty good.

  2. Oh look, Data’s first guest post!!!

    The second picture is actually super cute, but I prefer the REAL one! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Ha! They are both really me, I swear!

      I have learned from Steven’s candid shots I make A LOT of stupid faces. I find this very humorous and had a post drafted about it, but canned it. I see too many body slamming posts from other people and didn’t want to encourage that, even though I was making fun me… in good fun. If that makes sense. TMI? Yes.

  3. Yeah I would totally order some of those race photos– not only to remember the PR but because YET AGAIN you have amazing running tights! Daaaang!

    I am one of those stalkers that look for the race photos since Tyler only comes with me to a handful of races and even so, we don’t have a fancy camera yet so the photographer’s stuff is usually pretty good. (It’s even better when they offer 1 free download too!)

    • kilax says:

      I downloaded them (they had the full res on line FO FREE) and made a donation 😉

      So… does this mean you have some F2B pics already?

      Who the heck offers a 1 free download? The only company I can think of that gives free pics is Muddy Monk. Okay, and this race. LOL.

  4. Gina says:

    Did you have a little cramp at the end? I love that saying, makes me laugh! Looks like Data was trying to type out DERP!!!!!

  5. Erin says:

    Since I try to scrapbook my races I do stalk the websites and Facebook pages for photos if Jason doesn’t come to the race. Of course, right now I’m SO FAR BEHIND on scrapbooking that it will be a miracle if I can ever find all the photos I need.

  6. Michele says:

    I love it!! I look like this even when I’m just out for a training run!

    LOVE those pants yo!!

  7. Kelly E says:

    Your photos remind me of my ‘all out effort face’ photo from the Kenosha Half Marathon 🙂 It takes practice to remember to smile and look up when approaching photographers and the finish line 😉

  8. Declan says:

    I’ve had one race to get experience from, but the better photos all came well after the race as done and I had a cold towel around me! I didn’t even get a good floating running picture! I tried to make funny faces for the photographers too during the race. blah!

  9. Jen says:

    I definitely don’t seek out my pictures because they always look awful. I’ll check them out once they are posted, but I definitely don’t order them.

    Perhaps all those photographers will motivate me to better my form and facial expressions so I can finally take good race day pictures! Here’s to hoping!

  10. I stalk the race photographers site after a race which is odd since I rarely even like any of the pictures. I also am not going to buy them because I am a cheapo.

  11. Xaarlin says:

    Haha. My Daad also points out the typos in my posts. Does your dad get exited and happy when you mention him on your blog too?

    Cb totally gets what Dates was trying to write in the post. He wouldn’t tell me the meaning.

    Those photos are great and I love your tights! I tend to buy photos infrequently but usually save all the one I can find on my PC just to look at later 🙂 Ive also gone back to really old races I remembered running to try to see the photos. Smh 2002 NYC marathon where I didnt buy any photos 🙁

    • kilax says:

      Hmm, he hasn’t said. I bet he thinks it’s cool. I will have to ask him.

      Damn! I wish the boys would tell us what they are saying in their secret language!!!!

      I am sort of surprised they do not keep those race photos for years if you still want to buy them! I suppose they take up a lot of server space.

  12. Emily says:

    YAY for cool race photos, especially at PR races! Love love LOVE the outfit you are wearing, too. And the photo of you catching your breath is proof that you pushed yourself to the max!

    I usually don’t spend too much time looking for my race photos because they are always too expensive to buy – but I think t is nice just to see how they turned out!

  13. Linda says:

    cute capri’s

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