Scarf karma

By , September 24, 2013 1:01 pm

Remember chain letters? Like, legit, tangible, send something to x amount of people/receive x amount of things in return? Did you ever participate in chain letters?

I felt like I was participating in something like that this week! Or maybe it was just karma. But! I sent a friend a scarf last week, and I received a hand written thank you (so nice!) from her yesterday. I also received a scarf in the mail yesterday! From someone else!

And it’s way cute:


It’s good I received another scarf, because I am woefully low on them. 


Buah ha ha. Nah, you can’t have too many scarves, can you?!

Now… what are your favorite ways to wear a square, silk scarf?

Do people still do chain letters? I saw the recipe type one floating around maybe… five years ago? I just ignored it. Recipes aren’t my thang. Send chocolates and receive chocolates? Sure, I could do that one…

8 Responses to “Scarf karma”

  1. Runninglaur says:

    Remember the blogger holiday exchange? It’s how we met years ago! I think of that like a chain letter 😉 it’s the only time I did anything quite like that, and totally worth it to ‘meet’ you!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! I think of that that way too! So cool we met that way! And those food exchange ones now, although, I don’t think I would ever do the food one 😉

  2. Kim says:

    You’re the BEST.

    Also, love the new profile pic of you. So good!

    PS – come visit.

  3. Michael says:

    I remember getting that recipe one a few years ago..I didn’t participate in that either. I might participate if there was some kind of running gear or something….now that might be fun. I can’t say that I own a square silk scarf. I have several scarves, but not the more traditional kind.

  4. I used to participate in chain letters a long time ago. I don’t think I’d participate now unless it was something good like a chocolate exchange like you said.

  5. Erin says:

    Wish I could help with square silk scar ideas! I don’t actually own any so I have no idea how to wear them. I’m sure youtube has a million videos on it, though 🙂

    As for chain letters, I don’t recall ever doing them unless I was REALLY young. I always feel kind of weird sending something to someone I don’t know very well. I guess because I consider gift giving to be reserved for people I love.

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